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/lounge/ - sushi social

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How many hours of day are you computer?


12 hour for me


Every waking minute, to be perfectly honest.


Too much. I have to be pretty much perpetually online for school– but then the fact that my hobbies inseparably involve computers doesn't help either.


weekdays: 12+
weekends: 1-2


I think life might be better if I spent less time online, but offline things suck! Except food, and eating food.


Too many but I use if for work too. *sigh*


Not that much tbh.

7.5 hours a day monday-friday at work, and 6-8 hours at home. The rest of the time I spend walking or sleeping.


probably about 14 hours. All my friends are in there


friend here, please let me out I'm hungry



I turn into a computer for 12 hours a day


Far, far too much. I need better hobbies.


If you count work? Maybe 12 hours a day then.


Used to be around 15 hours a day on average. Was that way for a very long time. Sadly, I'm down to between 5 to 8 hours a day with probably about 6 hours a day being the average.


Depends on the season. It's the wet season here, so not much to do outside, and I end up spending 4-6 hours a day on the computer. During the dry season, I go outside a lot more to take walks and go fishing, so I spend about 2 hours a day then.


Too long … I need to cut down.


all of them
i would cut down but i don't have much else to do


i stay on the computer about 4 or 5 hours a day just looking at websites and watching youtube videos.


Do more work from within.


Eight hours at work, eight hours after.


I'm actually permanently stuck to my computer chair


Too many in my free time. But the days always seem like they go by in a blink. With everything being a car drive away, it's hard to get out of the house.


i have to answer this question everytime i go for an eye exam and i'm always embarrassed to say between 12 and 16…


All of them.


about 12-15


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I'm pretty sure I wrote >>12772. Nothing's changed since then, but don't worry. Any day now I'll get my computer addiction in check. Trust me.


no john, you are the computer


Used to be a solid 8+ hours a day, but I've switched to my phone as my depression got worse, so I spend maybe 0-4 a day, mostly 0


from the time i wake up until i fall asleep.


a lot


i'm pretty much never not on the computer. Even to fall asleep I leave some youtube video playing so i'm even on the computer when I'm sleeping.


Please stop doing this. Sleep properly.


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god I don't even know. like 12? 13 hours max? I think i'd average over 8 hours really. I would love to go to some place nice in my spare time but this town i'm in has nothing of interest. All the small cafes and shops are closing right as I started to have an interest checking them out. Though I would still look at a screen lounging in a cafe if i'm going there alone so I guess it wouldn't change my screentime.


Too many hours….
Optometist says my eyes are getting worse.


I am the computer


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Yeah, that would be hilarious. All relationships in the world are transactional, either you're getting something out of it, or you're not.
Life is just much easier with no-one telling you how what you're doing is wrong, or trying to coerce you for their own gain, or any other situation where you're on the bad end of the stick.
Just a few days ago I took my dog to the vet and there was this guy that kept going on about how dogs won't screw you over and, for example, not take 3000 dollars away from you. I didn't want to hear any of it since I know everyone carries their own baggage, but I couldn't help seeing him as nothing but naive.


i think this depends a little on circumstances but my optometrist said eyesight tends to stabilize around late 20s-early 30s. i spend 12+ hours a day on the computer and my eyesight hasn't changed for the last 4-5 years.


Friendship is a transaction of "I feel good around you and you feel good around me." It really is that simple.


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Parents don't allow me to go out, even getting scolded for being downstairs, so my entire day is just browsing the internet.
Pre-2020, I would barely go online and spent a lot of my time either hiking, skating, or doing sidejobs. Post-2020, my parents are at home all the time so I have to obey them or get my limbs twisted and that sucks.


h-how old are you


Late twenties.


Why would they do that? Seems awfully strict for no apparent reason.


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I don't know why my parents act the way they do. They've always been this way though. Addendum to the internet discussion, I was given my first computer at a very young age so I would stay in my bedroom but I'm not that into internet culture, especially less so now that a lot of my websites are getting shut down or being updated to a new, less user-based/more corporate model and I'm largely not invested in websites that spew algorithmic content at its user.
My closest guess with my parents is: father doesn't want me interacting with other people my age because he says our generation is ruining society; mother doesn't want me leaving because I'll be corrupted by Satan. Something like that.


Tough luck sushi, hope you are able to get through this. As for Internet communities shutting down, I'm not so sure what the solution is besides just start using other websites. There are of course smaller places such as this very website, but these will always be run out of the goodness of the owner's heart. Maybe Fediverse is the future?

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