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/lounge/ - sushi social

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File: 1731361475015.jpg (844.79 KB, 1113x1600, e35b72894297861aa19b0ab9b4….jpg)


what makes bassists so often the best girls?


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Well basses only have like 3 or 4 strings so they're much easier to play. This gives the bassist free time to develop a personality.


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I think it is easier to pick up bass, but it can get as complex as any other instrument. Hope I managed to calm down all the sexy bassists in our area.


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Look at this bass, guys. It is so beautiful!!


File: 1731873897567.jpg (1.22 MB, 2000x1286, FicbopdVEAAafDd.jpg)

WHOA! Four strings! This must be for bassists who are almost good enough to be guitarists!


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You got the whole squad laughing.


Okay, FINE, maybe I'm being a little too harsh on bassists but there's no reason to cry over it…


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I am messing with you! Just wanted to post these cuties, is all!!


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It's fine I get it, I'm sorry… I'm leaving this thread and I'm never posting again……………………………………..


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Oh.. come here, you!

*muah* .. *muah*


File: 1731954673889.png (1.9 MB, 2039x1378, ClipboardImage.png)

GROSS I expected you to grovel and beg, not simulated SEXUAL ASSAULT


hi there, girl bassist here. i don't know why we're the best i think it must be some kind of a divine intervention or something to that effect. if anyone wants to give me money or something to buy new bass strings i'd appreciate it


hi there, astronaut girl here
you're still inferior to us

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