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/lounge/ - sushi social

don't forget to smile :]

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Remember to keep it cozy!

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File: 1701751042378.png (1.39 MB, 2316x3000, ChristmasTree.png)


Sushi Christmas tree is up! Looks like it could use some decorations though…


File: 1701788592277.png (585.34 KB, 2316x3000, 1701751042378.png)


File: 1701808376429.png (713.46 KB, 2316x3000, sushi_chrtistmas_tree.png)

have a decorative chuuni ornament


File: 1701833764608.png (1.24 MB, 2316x3000, Untitled.png)

Don't forget the lights!


File: 1701893358256.png (1.29 MB, 2316x3000, more_lights.png)

More lights!


File: 1701894255409.jpg (59.97 KB, 410x501, 1676335161821.jpg)

Guys you put the lights AFTER you add all the decoration……….


File: 1701896257206.jpg (85.49 KB, 600x899, tumblr_lytza35zRS1qjsmx4o1….jpg)

Not in my house…


File: 1701909534791.jpg (188.87 KB, 1920x1080, [UDF] The Melancholy of Ha….jpg)

That's a one-way ticket to see all the wire.
You add the lights first so you can add them deep in the tree and they glow through the branches, then you put the ornaments on the outside. Especially if you have any see-through ornaments, they shine wonderfully when backlit.

Next you're gonna tell me you start with the star.


File: 1701915089698.png (1.54 MB, 2316x3000, zzz.png)


File: 1701981468921.png (1.32 MB, 2316x3000, 1701915089698.png)


aaaaa, please don't forget to add more decorations, christmas is so soon!!


File: 1702585110151.png (1.38 MB, 2316x3000, tree_with_kyoko.png)


File: 1702596952839.png (1.68 MB, 2316x3000, sushitree.png)


File: 1702602994977.jpg (428.1 KB, 2316x3000, sushitree with noodle.jpg)



File: 1702613936812.png (2.27 MB, 2316x3000, purezento.png)

Someone left a shitty mspaint present under the tree. I wonder what's inside?


It's Padoru.


>export to jpg
There's always one of those in these kind of threads


File: 1702639594444.jpg (61.77 KB, 1249x720, 1701341166895923.jpg)

Gonna fix this when I am done with work.
It is a hug ticket!


File: 1702656374084.png (1.74 MB, 2316x3000, transparency____restored.png)

Did my best.


File: 1702674273622.png (1.78 MB, 2316x3000, 1702656374084.png)




File: 1702830267624.png (1.83 MB, 2316x3000, NowWithHestu.png)



File: 1702852661381.png (2.17 MB, 2316x3000, sushitree.png)

I put Kurihara-chan near the top cuz she's an angel :>


File: 1702917062169.png (1.92 MB, 2316x3000, 1702852661382.png)


File: 1702930549215.png (1.9 MB, 2316x3000, 702946062169.png)


File: 1703009687892.png (1.93 MB, 2316x3000, RetsuGhoooost.png)

Time to round up the ghosts of Christmas past, present, and future!


File: 1703022017200.png (1.93 MB, 2316x3000, 1703009687892.png)

No Maru-chan! It's too early to open the presents!


Rikka is trying to stop her! Ganbatte Rikka!


File: 1703082420042.png (1.94 MB, 2316x3000, 1703009687892.png)

Maru-chan was convinced to be a bit more patient and put her signed yoyo as an ornament


File: 1703119145584.png (1.96 MB, 2316x3000, christmas.png)

ohhh christmas time ohh christmas time
my eyes will spew out fire


File: 1703133125638.png (2.07 MB, 2316x3000, 1703119145584.png)

angel goes on top of the tree, right?


File: 1703180810672.png (2.06 MB, 2316x3000, my_christmas_tree_is_augme….png)


I love this, I want to do this in real life next year.


well done sushi, gj with the tree!! i love you and I'm so proud of you


That time of the year again…


Rockin' Around the Christmas Tree

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