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don't forget to smile :]

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Remember to keep it cozy!

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It's 2024…

This'll be my year. This one for sure…


It will. Don't give up, sushi roll


it will, that's a FACT!


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Let's make it happen sushi!


Did this video just reprogram my brain?




Happy New Year. I'm glad the sushis are still keeping it cozy.


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You know, this might be the year. But FUCK THE HEDONIC TREADMILL FOR MAKING ME FEEL IT ISN'T


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Time to fight like a dragon.


Getting really tired of you shitting up every imageboard you can find.


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Have S.M.A.R.T. goals~

S. = Specific
M. = Measurable
A. = Attainable
R. = Realistic
T. = Time Bound

I wish you the best for the rest of 2024.


I said this same thing at the start of the year, and the same the one before too probably, but didn't actually do shit and got beaten up by life over and over.
It has gotten better recently and I'm doing things (trying to do what I can which mostly isn't much), maybe I can still save this year and keep that momentum going for the next.


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Completing school, new job, new career path, finally making enough to break even… yeah I got this. No way I could screw this up.


I almost forgot this was my post.
I'm doing better now but still worry about fucking up.


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realize the path you are on! maybe its not the easiest but so far so good right?


Yea well, I'm definitely doing something that's too hard for someone with my background but I feel like the alternative is to go back to doing nothing at all.
I could be doing much worse that's for sure.


So far I feel like I've wasted this year entirely. I'm a total human fuck up. I didn't even read all the books or get through the manga/anime I wanted this year. Its not like I had a long list either. I'll be running out of NEET bux soon. I feel fucked.


The past can't be changed but you can avoid repeating your mistakes, sushi.
Start reading today and ask yourself what you want to do and start fresh, a better time than that won't come.


also get a job my nigga


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2024 will be everyone's year


what's a good job for an extreme introvert who's been a hikineet 4 years running?


I'd like to know as well


Monitoring the security cameras at a data center while simultaneously watching anime at night


my old bf had a job as internal delivery driver, like for moving stock between stores in the city for the same business. he spent most of the day by himself in the company pickup truck and only had to deal with internal customers. he never really had to deal with outside customers/general public or anything like that.


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Awake overnight or asleep overnight Direct Service Professional.

Pays like shit, but the patients generally are in bed an hour or two into your shift and you're getting paid to stay awake. This depends heavily on the patient. A few standouts. Playing vidya with some autistic teenage boys. Working with a few psychotic (as in they experienced psychosis, they were really sweet) old ladies. Playing cribbage with someone with a traumatic brain injury that injured his brain in a way where he could understand speech fine, but couldn't talk due to neurological issues. Did this on and off when I was 18-21, both on the overnight and day shifts. It's a pretty good gig if you're not worried about making a ton of money.

Asleep overnights get paid to literally sleep. I've never had one of those gigs but one of mycoworkers did. He slept through like, 98% of shifts. Occasionally he'd need to wake up for something. I did awake overnights and taught myself to code and read a lot of books. Was p nice.

Just look for patients with lower needs. You don't want to be changing shitty diapers. The autistic teenagers were chill with me but were oppositional. Got swung on a few times and they were stinky teenage boys. Confiscating degenerate pokemon r34 from the 14 year old was pretty hilarious too, mans had no shame. Got paid a lot more to deal with that though. They'll generally give you the gist of what to expect in the interview as they don't want you to quit a week into the work.

Most of the time you just watch anime and stay awake until you're relieved in the morning.


> Confiscating degenerate pokemon r34 from the 14 year old was pretty hilarious too, mans had no shame.
What a tyranny.


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2024 ~ the year of when the game changed


>Awake overnight or asleep overnight Direct Service Professional
wow I finally have a name for the job I did in the army


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Despite good intentions I absolutely fucked up this year and now I'm stuck in a shitty situtation that I practically put myself into. I've noticed the following flaws that are the cause of this.

1. Inability to make decisions, probably stemming from deep anxiety, fear of loss, fear of failure, and low self-esteem.
2. Avoidant behavior i.e. avoiding or delaying things like talking to people or paperwork because its psychologically stressful and depressing.
3. Chip on the shoulder. Resenting other people and myself for past greviences, or perceived greviences.
4. Poor time management, bad spatial awarenss, and shitty attention span meaning I get taken advantage of or mess basic things up because I didn't read things properly. I've tried reading stuff over multiple times but this still doesn't fix severe attentiond defecit.

How do I fix this garbage? I've got notebooks so I can write info down and map out my day. I'm thinking of grabbing a digital watch so I can keep track of time without getting sucked into the smartphone. I still have the attention span of a baby chimp on cocaine but hopefully with discipline things will get better. But I have no idea what to do for 1. and 2. I struggle to email people or even talk on the phone. I clam up and sutter easily. And if I have to send messages or do paper work or go outside I put it off for as long as possible. This has led me to massively fuck up my life and down the path of wasted opportunities and letting myself rot all year.


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>I struggle to email people or even talk on the phone.
Practice! I had this problem too, so I used to rehearse every call I had to make. After some time I didn't even feel anxiety when unknown numbers called me up. I used to reply with messages to avoid talking, silly.

If you struggle with e-mails, use AI assistance. You can ask it how they would interpret your message and it will also tell what you can do better. I use it a lot when discussing things on the webz - maybe even for this reply? Heheh.

>digital watch

Hell yeah, it can really help. If you can, turn off your smartphone too. I do that, and also put it in a place where I am too lazy to pick it up from. That goes for everything that distracts me. Regarding sounds I put rain on speakers, it masks irregular noises that make me lose focus. Unfortunately I do not have a strong will, so I have all kinds of dumb tricks to force me to be productive.

Basically I limit access to everything that is more interesting than my work - LeechBlock is a great extension for that, if you struggle with web surfing.

I think that is all I can offer help with, sorry!

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