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Hi sushi

I've been thinking that I am sort of unable to validate people's feelings, and that includes myself, like my own feelings aren't that important to me. I wouldn't say I completely lack the ability, I would just say I am very desensitized or something.
Don't know what causes it exactly, in part I think it is my way of emotional management, i.e. I don't readily express my feelings unless they are calm and quiet. Also I think something like that this reality is pretty miserable and ultimately bad things happening are to be expected. One could do something about it, but it's no use crying over spilled milk.
I never even thought about it until I got a bit into psychology and also ran into a few bad experiences with people who would react negatively to my worldview and my diplomacy, naturally.
It is recommended to use generally meaningless phrases like "I am sorry it happened", "Sounds bad" for emotional validation but I kinda cannot do it regarding issues I don't feel particularly bad about myself, and I try to maintain a positive outlook on life by laughing serious issues off. I could be polite but I cannot help but feel fake when doing that. Also what about my feelings when you decide to share yours? If yours are valid, then my honest reaction to them is valid too, shouldn't it be like that?
Do I lack empathy? Sometimes I think I am sort of jaded but I definitely don't lack it completely. I just often cannot afford to care I guess.

Can I really have friends with a mindset like this? This wouldn't be easy to change since it's deeply internalized and conditioned by my surroundings.

Overall I dunno where this thread should be, I don't mean it to be overly serious, just some lighthearted words about what the heck is wrong with me lol, if anything. Much love, sushi.


You just sound autistic. Seems like a communication problem rather than lack of empathy.


How can you feel something for others you are unwilling to feel for yourself? While being able to move on from feelings can be good, it sounds like you go beyond that into toxic positivity as if you are afraid of feeling negative emotions.


Nah that's not it.
Thanks for your assistance though.


Then maybe you're not knowing what to focus on. Since you brush away problems you at least need to acknowledge what someone feels in the moment and sympathize with that then you can say something encouraging. Just dont do so without first being sympathetic to how they are feeling, otherwise being positive right off would be potentially basically invalidating their feelings.


I used to have the same issue sushi roll, and I didn't even realize how much I was neglecting my own feelings. Watching Dr K's videos helped me immensely with my problem. The video I linked is about Alexithymia, which is a condition with symptoms akin to what you're describing.


Dr K is a licenced psychiatrist in the US, who used to be addicted to video games, so now he helps gamers and adjacent people in his work life. He talks about feelings on his youtube channel and he interviews various guests (sushi rollymous followers of the channel, e-celebs, mental health experts, etc.).
He also used to study to be a hindu monk, so sometimes he veers into teritory more related to hindu religion and philosophy rather than science. Feel free to discard any advice you don't like, and only apply the advice that's helpful for you.

The video I linked you is just the tip of the iceberg, the real meat (? not sure if thats the correct expression but ykwim) is in the older guest interviews, where he talks to people about their feelings on stream, and goes into the nitty gritty on why and how the guests feel the way they feel. He's great at validating his guests' feelings, and watching Dr K validate other people's feelings made it easier for me to accept and validate my own feelings, especially if the guest had expierences similiar to mine.

He's great at validating his guests' feelings, so just try to copy his approach.

Watching multiple interviews over multiple months made me so much more in touch with my feelings, and made me understand other people's emotions so much better. Processing some of the feelings was painful at times, and involved crying, but that release helped me get the negative, pent up emotions out of my system. I feel so much lighter now, and so much more in touch with myself.

I prefer the older interviews and videos he put out, the ones from 2019-2022. Ever since his channel got more popular, his videos got more bland and generic.


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Psychology isn't really a science like physics, it's more same class as economics and has a kind of philosophy in it.


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Psychology student here, and I'd say what you said is mostly correct but there is a definitive science behind a lot of it too, more so than economics. Psychiatry is good proof of this, with heavy research into medications and stimulants that blurs the line between the psychological and the scientific. There's aspects of science that are like philosophy but a common misconception of psychology is that it's all speculation when in reality its much more than that and there's a hard science into a lot of psychological concepts. For instance, a lot of anomalies/undesired results from directed effective treatments are generally more so from a often times multilayered and complex reasoning than simply "it just didn't work". There are usually observable things that inhibit effectiveness and further approaches might be needed to target specific things like say, trauma, anxiety, depression, etc. Many medications are actually a lot more effective than people think, but specific cases often times need additional approaches such as cognitive behavioral therapy that helps restructure the brain alongside with the medication allowing for that rewiring of the brain.


Economics isn't even a science, is a doctrine which uses techniques from mathematics.


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I study it as well informally mostly focused on psychiatry among other related topics since I couldn't afford uni, so as result I am not bound by being told a certain thing and expected to believe it. Though of course I also can miss some things since I focus mainly on practical application to help people I come in contact with in more than support, which actually does the most but sometimes not enough. It's a social science which is a soft science is what it is called because you can't really run experiments that account for every variable and proper control group at least not ethically anyway. Certain aspects do fall under same as in medicine when it gets more into the neurological and genetic aspects but nothing solid yet as those are in infancy, but then there is so much in psychology particularly abnormal psychology is just made up by boards of psychologists behind the DSM which also often is what the IDC uses as a guide to influence their conditions and diagnostics though they have their own. They create groupings of certain behaviors call those behaviors bad and call it a day but wind up treating a large number of them the same way anyway. They aren't as bad as they used to be where it is getting to be more accepting of different kinds of people but it still is an external subjective judgment for the most part. Psychiatric medicine research is lead by private corporations with a profit motive to hide data or just suffer from bias to confirm the hypothesis and the studies often fail to properly gather enough people of different genetic backgrounds to test safety and efficacy. When diagnosing psychiatrists do not run brain scans or any kind of medical tests on people to diagnose them vast majority of the time, they do not care about the individual symptoms a patient is having only the label they can give them from what I've seen most do and the medicines they give them are questionable in how they are used. I could go into a lot more detail but I don't want to bring in some debate. I'd suggest you check out Daniel Mackler's videos on YouTube. He has a ton of videos on psychotherapy.

I wouldn't call economics a science either but it gets classified as a social science on a technicality,

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