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merorin was here, you guys are california rolls


Do not litter with explosives, thank you.


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bronnen was here


cut your dick shinto


I didn't tell you about this place so you could troll it


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California seems like a place that would have nice sushi


It's ok I've heard. Hawaii has better sushi.


My experience in the bay area.
For high end sushi, it has some super fancy places like Sawa that are very well regarded.

For a little pricy but not high end, its about the same as anywhere, maybe a little better than $30 sushi meals I've had in the midwest, but its all frozen anyway, I don't think its inherently better.

There are cheaper sushi places that are super adorable. I love Happy Sushi in Sunnyvale for its Dos Spicy roll, which has spicy tuna, spicy crab salad, tempura jalapenos, and a hot sauce.


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that feel when no tempura jalapeños

feels hungry man

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