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/hell/ - internet death cult


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PEOPLE ARE GETTING WOKEN UP, AWAKENED, up and at 'em, started their day, KICKED the fuck OUTTA THE BED, bright and early, JOLTED AWAKE, WOKE AS AF by the alarm clocks, the hungry pets, THE WAKE UP CALLS, the sunrise, the arguing neighbors, the inconsiderate children, the flatulent significant others, the fans, the fans, and the fans. Morning routines and death


Does anime exist in the real world or only in the coma world?


Dream that I have to pee. Wake up from having to pee.

Your dreams can be real too.


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One of the strangest dreams was where I was having sex with a faceless woman. She had pale skin and was sorta like pic related in terms of body shape. But again, she had no face and when I was about to penetrate her, I woke up. It was pretty hot, even though I like dark skin more than pale skin, a hot, sexy dream with woman is still hot.


Did the faceless woman also have to pee?


No, I don't really get why I woke up though. I am a virgin so I don't have anything to relate to as far as sex but that makes no sense because all of the foreplay of me licking her and sliding my dick over her pussy.


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Whenever I'm about to have intercourse in a dream, I can't get a stable erection, even in lucid dreams, so stick with cuddling most of the time which is pretty enjoyable for someone, who has no physical contact to other human beings in waking life.


Here he is
The biggest douche in the universe
In all the galaxies

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