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sushichan sushichan sushichan sushichan sushichan sushichan sushichan sushichan

spent two racks on a new game
mai waifu luh do cocaine


I checked his verse on Gucci Gang and what the fuck, amazing something so low effort is selling so well. Marxists won.


Yea… the Marxists are the reason that Gucci Gang makes bank and not the people who like their music.

Here's a quotable, for every single record exec,
Get yo fuckin' hands outta muh waifu, nigga, like Malcolm X!


Music doesn't have to be complicated or have deep lyrics. The human brain enjoys rhythm. Basic rhythms are the most accessible for large audiences. It's not a book, it's a song. A song doesn't need to be meaningful. Instrumental music is proof of that.

I don't really like Lil Pump, but let's not pretend that every song has to be extremely intellectual.

Only liking "smart" music just comes off as boring and pretentious. I'd rather listen to fun and silly music. Not everything has to be super serious all the time.

Immortal Technique rubs me the wrong way. It sounds like he's trying way too hard to sound smart and well-versed in political issues when really it's just mediocrity dressed up with a thesaurus. Reminds me of Rage Against The Machine or Banksy. Political issues summed up in overly-simplified sound bites that sound good to dilettantes.


>It sounds like he's trying way too hard to sound smart and well-versed in political issues when really it's just mediocrity dressed up with a thesaurus.

That was the reason I posted a song of his, to mock the idea of "smart music". I used to love his raps until I realized he just talks big and isn't that clever. I'd rather hear "stupid" music than "smart" music any day.


I was half-serious, half-joking. I completely understand the concept of something being catchy.

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