Notes From The Wired (Redlight Manifesto)
everything in the universe has a frequency, a resonance.
everyone in the universe has a private trap, that only they can see
I will wish you luck but first I will say 3 things:
1. I hate phrases and people who spout phrases. But mostly people who spout phrases.
2. I hate small talk and people who constantly small talk. But mostly people who constantly small talk.
3. I love justice, truth, and true comradeship, and all of humanity on an equal footing.
I know, greater than those who would consider themselves cultivated and decent, what is sublime and beautiful!
I live, or love to fall into the common routine, that which is life.
I despise, or hate with terror any form of eccentricity in myself.
I am more highly developed because I love to be the most cowardly and slave-like.
Not only do I fancy this, but I am in fact the most coward and slave-like.
Am I not more cultivated than the most decent man?
For the most respectable person of all can be only a coward and a slave, and no force could change this belief.
but I choose to confide in you that I do not believe any of which I have written.
Now then, you may ask, why have you told us this then?
Well, I will answer, that I have no, in fact written it to you.
I have been underground for forty years! I have been buried in the underground for forty years! And only through a crack in the floor have I heard you!
Of course that would mean that I am responding through the crack in the floor, which of course, is not real, because this too I have made up and invented for myself.
But alas, gentlemen, why do I call you gentlemen - have I seen a gentleman through the crack under the floor? Are all people good people?
I will tell you, by and by, in full and thorough explanation. For I have had forty years in the underworld to do so!
Just as your so called morals, opinions of justice, truth, and beauty are mere logical exercises, so too are my reminiscences, or thoughts in my mind.
you see, every normal human, or at least, cultivated man, tells such thoughts or reminiscences to his acquaintances, friends, or close family members. There are certain things which one only tells to perhaps only his closest friends or family, or even only to himself.
Are there things which one does even tell to himself? If so, in my logical exercise, literary work, or cultivated exercise, I shall try to tell everything, even that which I do not admit myself.