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/hell/ - internet death cult


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How come people commit into relashionships and later find out maybe you're not so sure about all the promises you made? I feel hurt for how much the human heart is warped sometimes.


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Because you get drunk on love and while you do mean it, that state doesn't last forever. Sometimes the thing it morphs into is compatible with the things you said at first, sometimes not. Sometimes it ferments, sometimes it rots, sometimes all signs of activity stop. Some people learn to not lean into it too hard too fast, some people have low tolerance for love-chems. Some people think mistake losing the intensity of that initial falling head over heels for losing feelings altogether and chase the next new-crush opportunity that falls in their lap.
You've probably been hype to make plans with someone while drunk on booze/beer and not felt up for it at all when sober. Same thing, different modes of inebriation. It's not personal, it's just hard to preemptively think outside of curent frame of mind.


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boys are fucking trash t. boy

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