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/hell/ - internet death cult


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File: 1612979504111.png (18.41 KB, 864x657, specificposition.png)


This is a position I would often see when I used to consume porn. The woman is on her back with her legs back such that her thighs are next to her abdomen and her calves are in the air and the man assumes a specific position where his feet are planted on the ground, the very same ground that the woman's back is on and he then penetrates her whilst assuming a position similar to something like a squat. Whilst in this pseudo-squat position, he is also leaning forward for support.
This isn't merely the missionary position with the legs being propped up as a variation because the man's feet are planted on the ground. The pseudo-squat I think is a unique enough characteristic for this position to have its own name.
I myself am tempted to call it "frogging" because of the similarity of the man's position and the posture a man would assume when he wishes to jump whilst imitating a frog. In a sentence, one might say that a man likes to "frog" his woman.

I hope nobody is enticed by this image I've created. :)

Does anyone know the name of this position?


It's a variant on the mating press. The term itself doesn't really detail on whether the knees are on the ground or if the guy has his feet planted straight.


Alright, thanks.

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