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/hell/ - internet death cult


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File: 1611393515491.jpg (54.92 KB, 1288x1066, eddcb26ac77525a18e1cb824b6….jpg)


Haibane renmei has some of the best art at least personally.
I like how bleak it feels.


File: 1611428683285.jpg (822.32 KB, 845x1200, 1477472163925.jpg)

I agree
But it's interesting you say it's bleak, because to me that show has always had an aura of hopefulness and serenity. But I suppose there's some melancholy in there as well.


I've never even seen this show, but I always save the art.


File: 1611475433557.jpg (118.17 KB, 1024x1449, 1477435739599.jpg)

>I've never even seen this show
Well why not? It's really good.

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