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/hell/ - internet death cult

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hey i don't really know this site but how do i log in and set up my profile can anyone help?
thanks in advance

13 wins in fortnite and counting

i need a girl whose name doesn't end in .jpg

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 No.4152[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

I thought of making this thread here so that I don't derail the place with things most people wouldn't like to indulge.
Sadness is something that can be a bit of a vicious cycle, indulge too much in it and you'll see it as your only refuge.
But, we do need to let it out sometimes. Come let out whatever is doing you wrong sushi
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I hate myself and my malfunctioning brain
I'm just a freak


I have to give in all the time and I guess it's okay I shouldn't complain but sometimes it's tiring and I have nobody to talk to. Even if I did, though, it would be no use, I probably wouldn't want to say it out loud anyway because it's all dumb shit and I just need to suck it up.
I wish I was normal.


I don't really like venting because it tends to become a habit in me but right now I kind of have to because I can't take this off my head.
In the mornings all I want is to drink tea and READ and STUDY but now I can't and it's fucking eating me. Worst part is, I have the tea, I have the morning, but I can't fucking do what I would really like to do, I have nothing to do! I guess I should go and do something else, do some gardening, that should be good. But honestly the ONE thing that I really like has been taken away from me and I don't know how I'll be able to endure this.
I need to find something, idk, a job? fuck this shit.
Worst part is I don't want to end up blaming the people I love or becoming an angry, bitter person because of this. I have no idea what to do! I guess I'm just going through a bit of an abstinence phase, we are creatures of habit and the force of habit is gnawing at me, I need some time to forget about this. I keep remembering the books that I was reading just a few days ago and I feel bothered that I couldn't get to continue with that. But it is futile, and it was futile even then, as I could hardly get a moment to read lol.
I am also aware that given how obsessive I am it was causing me to not pay attention because that is all that I wanted to do all the time. I guess as the day goes by I will have other stuff to do and then I'll be able to forget this but the mornings are the worst moment for me right now.
I was considering trying to find a quiet moment when I can do this without any distractions but the morning has always been my favorite time to do this. On the other hand if I were to, say, devote the nightly hours to reading, well, I wouldn't get enough sleep for one thing, and I would again be distracted all day thinking about the time for reading, which would probably keep me from paying attention the way it always does.
I need to change my image of myself and who I am, what I need is a complete overturn of myself.


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My grandma died in December, she had breast cancer. Probably one of my favorite people, yet I didn't feel anything when I heard the news. I wish I had any compassion in me, but I am completely self-absorbed.


I'm addicted to sadness. It's so comforting to let go and drop into the depths of despair. However every time I do, I find myself in a worse position than before. Living in limbo until old age takes away the last option, blinded by the golden light of memories, what a pathetic existence!

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Do you have kids, sushi? Do you want them? Shaping the life of another human being sounds incredibly difficult, yet most people seem to just go with the flow. I think it would be irresponsible without thorough preparation, but even then, it won't make it less terrifying.
There are so many questions… What if the kid is born sick? What if I don't love it? What if my partner and I have a fallout? Isn't it selfish to have kids? Will I still get to enjoy life? Will my kids love me? How can I be a good parent if I'm not necessarily a good person?
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you are a very smart sushi


>and an indicator for a serious mental condition
At which point it's already too late because the kid is here now and you've just discovered you're mentally ill. Of course it gets worse, because at first you just think "maybe I'm just tired from all the hard work and smelly diapers, and things'll change".
Probably a good idea to get your brain checked before having kids.


I swear watching anime has given me this weird impulse to be a father and have a cute daughter I can dote on. Funnily enough a wife or partner (her mother) never features in these fantasies. I'm a hikineet with no job prospects so I doubt it will ever happen. I don't think I'd ever be a good father. I'm too cold and stoic and irresponsible.


What kind of professional would you even go to for a brain check like that?
Be a cool uncle then!


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Used to, but now I'll just fend to my own devices and call it a day.

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i ate too much~!


i wanna poke that belly.

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y-you too




Uwa! >w<

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I heard this board is very comfypilled.


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Strange, I'm not sure where you got that idea from…


Hey check this out,


I'm pretty sure it would work better if it was made out of Tungsten but shows what I know.

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Another useless thread, sorry.
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Is anyone stopping you besides yourself?


The painful memories of all the times it happened.


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I'm not the best person to ask because I'm pretty much the best at everything(poetic irony) but any such memories I just develop a righteous indignation at everything that happened outside my actions and then harbor a deep hope in humanity and circumstance that it won't happen again, then I trust the science that a lightning never hits the same place twice (except in those rare times it does).

Did that help? If not please accept this pic of sexy detective lady.


Habit. You're not used to acting the way you want. If you want to act a certain way, you have to consciously remind yourself before you act, so you can reinforce that behavior.


That's a good advice, thanks. I guess as with anything first notice the pattern, then work on changing it.

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