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toki! sina sona e toki pona anu seme?

Toki pona is a constructed language, like Esperanto or Klingon.
But, unlike those it's absolutely tiny! If you're keen you can be fluent enough to chat in just a few days.

It's a wonderfully comfy way to communicate, and it can be great fun too.
There's a very active community, so it's easy to get practice, and there's new music, podcasts and stories coming out all the time.

The whole essence is simplicity, reducing things down to the bare necessities and getting away from all the confusion of modern life.
Kinda like this place.

Do we have any other speakers here?
Does anyone else want to learn more?

I'll be hanging around here to find out!


ni li musi

I didn't think I was interested in conlangs but after taking a brief look at this one I might just decide to learn it


a, ni pona mute tawa mi.


feel free to correct me, I just started learning

mi wile kepeken e toki pona
sina pilin seme? tenpo suno li seme?


forced dust


ko lawa


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>I didn't think I was interested in conlangs but after taking a brief look at this one I might just decide to learn it
Same here - I think I had heard of this language in passing, but never really looked into it until a couple hours ago. It kinda reminds me of Randall Munroe's Up-Goer Five, but as an entire language. Seems cool.
My only concern is that I'm not sure that I'd be able to use it enough to really get good at it. As far as I can tell, the biggest toki pona-speaking community seems to be on discord, which I don't use, and it doesn't seem like there's all that much media in the language to practice my understanding. Then again, who knows - maybe toki pona anime fandubs will become a thing soon or something.


>toki pona anime fandubs
This is a genius idea, genuinely. Some classic comedy anime would be incredible in toki pona. Would be down to work on this kind of project.


yuubla bla bla
gun ga gwa gwa


Typing gibberish to mean-spiritedly mock another language isn't something I'd say is in the spirit of this board. If you don't like this thread then you can just ignore it, you don't have to be an asshole.


No chill


It's a conlang sushi, it's not someone's native tongue.
It's a fun nerdy hobby for people, "another language" here is like someone goofing on klingon offending klingons ha.


There's quite a bit out there, but it's not the easiest to find on English google.
Here are the first few that come to mind:

utala.pona.la - regular short story contest

lipukule.org - blogs and random articles

kalama sin - podcast with guest speakers and random topics

reddit.com/r/mi_lon - memes and funposting

wikipesija.org - you can probably work this one out

linku.la - very complete dictionary of standard and 'slang' usage

Artists & groups releasing toki pona music:
jan usawi
pata powe
jan misali
lots more I've forgotten, all on either YouTube, Spotify or bandcamp.

There's also a whole toki pona taso video streaming site I've forgotten the name of


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I'd throw in also that the language lends itself much better to conversation than prose.
Explaining anything complex in text gets either very wordy, or easy to misunderstand.
In conversation you can bounce back and forth checking each others understanding and get there much quicker.



Looks good, let's see if I've got it.
mi wile kepeken e toki pona
I want to use toki pona

sina pilin e seme?
How are you feeling?

tenpo suno li seme?
Reads like "What's happening today?" to me.

And in response
pona a! sina kama sona pi toka pona tan seme?
mi pilin pona. taso, mi lape lili.
tenpo suno ni la, mi pali lon tomo pali. tenpo pimeja la, mi en jan pona mi li moku e pan Pizza


It may not be anyone's native tongue, but it is still a hobby for people, and there's no reason to be mean about it.
Honestly, I tend to get more pissed off than I probably should when people get all mocking and condescending about anything, even when it's something I don't personally care about. I realize I probably shouldn't let it get to me as much as I do, but it gets to me anyway. It also probably doesn't help that I was half-asleep and already in a grumpy mood when I made that comment.
Anyway, sorry for derailing this thread even further.


Just uh wondering, but was the thread inspo because of >>16384 or is
it just synchronicity kicking in?
I think somebody made a fan translation of the first chapter of Girls Last Tour, so the fan translation inclination is there already, just nobody (or enough cooperation) with enough motivation for an anime yet
I'd be down to be part of one once I'm more fluent!
With you on that one, didnt feel like any positive intent
But I do grok the one you're responding to too that it's not so serious
But I think that the chill vibe we have here is at least somehwat related to that we do take our chill vibe serious and react to somebody not getting the local way
Up to the person to take it as a reminder/guidance and not as a rebuke/conflict



translated yours first, let me know if I interpreted anything wrong

pona a! sina kama sona pi toka pona tan seme?
Very good! Why are you learning toki pona?

mi pilin pona. taso, mi lape lili.
I'm feeling well, but I slept little.

tenpo suno ni la, mi pali lon tomo pali. tenpo pimeja la, mi en jan pona mi li moku e pan Pizza
Today, I worked at the office. Tonight, me and a friend ate pizza.

probably mistakes in my response but hopefully you get the point

pona. mi kama sona pi toki pona tan musi tan lili.
tenpo pini ni la mi kama sona e toki Nijon. ni li pali suli. nimi en sitelen li lon mute.
toki ni la mi ken kama sona pi tenpo lili.

mi pilin ike ala. mi lape mute.
tenpo suno ni la mi pali e musi mi. ona la insa li alasa li pali e tomo sewi.

sina kama sona pi toki pona tan seme?


Nope! Totally unrelated.
I've actually been away for ages, but a random toki pona comment reminded me of this place, so I thought I'd drop by and share.

Looks good!
I was going for how not why and plural friends in future tense, but that's me not being specific, your translation is fine.

mi wile kama sona pi toki pona tan ona li musi li lili pona.
mi kama sona tan sitelen tawa pi Jan misali. mi pini lukin e ona la, mi pu. sina wile kama sona la, lipu pu li pona tawa mi.

mi sona lili e toki Nijon. sitelen Kanji li mute suli ike. taso, ona li musi.

musi sina li musi seme?
musi pi ilo nanpa anu seme?



pakala, how not why huh? mi lukin sin.

mi wile kama sona pi toki pona tan ona li musi li lili pona.
I want to learn toki pona because it is fun and simple(?)

mi kama sona tan sitelen tawa pi Jan misali.
I learned from jan Misali's videos.

mi pini lukin e ona la, mi pu.
After I finished them, I read the official book.

sina wile kama sona la, lipu pu li pona tawa mi.
If you want to learn, the official book was good for me.

mi sona lili e toki Nijon. sitelen Kanji li mute suli ike.
I know a little Japanese. Kanji characters are very numerous and complex(?? would appreciate some clarification on how to interpret li mute suli ike).

taso, ona li musi.
But it is fun.

musi sina li musi seme?
Your game is what kind?

musi pi ilo nanpa anu seme?
Computer game?

mi kama sona pi toki pona tan lipu pi jan Kekan San. tenpo suno ni la, mi kama jo e pu. mi open lukin e pu.

lon, musi mi li musi pi ilo nanpa. tenpo sama la, jan mute li ken musi e ni.

sina open pi kama sona pi toki pona lon tenpo seme?


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mute suli ike to me means "too many", a big many that is bad .
Everything else is exactly what I meant.

I didn't get game from musi at first, I guess I never really see it used as a 'noun'. Instead it's usually kalama musi, sitelen musi, pali musi etc. Makes sense that just pure musi is a game though, I like that.
I really love finding out how different folks express things, especially when it shows a totally different way of thinking about something.

mi kama sona lon tenpo sike pini tu. taso, mi kepeken e ona lon tenpo mute ala.
tenpo pi sona mi la, toki mi li pona ala.

>tenpo sama la, jan mute li ken musi e ni

sina ken toki tawa jan ante lon musi ni? jan mute li utala anu seme?


This is the first time I see a toki pona thread kick off



mi kama sona lon tenpo sike pini tu. taso, mi kepeken e ona lon tenpo mute ala.
I learned two years ago. But, I used it for not very long.
tenpo pi sona mi la, toki mi li pona ala.
When I (first) learned, I didn't speak well.

sina ken toki tawa jan ante lon musi ni?
Can you talk to other people in this game?
ma sama la, sina ken.

jan mute li utala anu seme?
Do many people fight?
ona li utala ala, li pali kulupu e tomo pi sewi mute. tu, ona li lukin e moli ala pi moku ala.
musi ni la, ijo lon li moli e sina, taso sina ken ala moli e ijo.


correcting myself
tu, ona li lukin e moli ala pi moku ala.
replace tu with kin la

i though tu meant too/also as well as two for some reason


Teach me senseis?! Pony is a comfy lang for a comfy chan. Maybe we’ll all speak it one day?


For all you furries and weirdos

There is a great community of tokipona on VR chat

Where you can learn with others and also practise speaking or associated objects and things etc

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