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/lounge/ - sushi social

don't forget to smile :]

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Yesterday was my birthday and girl I wanted to ask to prom texted me that she will show up at my school.
Fortunate event. Got haircut and shaved myself, think I am good looking when I am fresh - you guys
even complimented me on face thread. I met her, few words exchanged and I asked her on spot. She said
no, because she had exams on her university, but I felt like she was going to say yes at first. Mind you, this was
the prettiest girl I know and I felt really confident talking so casually to her, knowing that everyone
was prolly looking at us. Later I heard that few guys had same problem, their girls just had to study for colloquiums.

Regardless, I felt really confident after that talk. I just wish I could have been always like that.


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Freindly reminder to as girls out, rolls.


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Please point to the woman who touched you.


I don't know any


>Later I heard that few guys had same problem, their girls just had to study for colloquiums
Oof that's a mood killer


holy fuck this is my thread from 5 years ago
still virgin, but kinda by choice


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You have to believe


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