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Holy shit, finishing this show felt like losing my best friend. Watching the whole thing in a single day was the biggest mistake of my life, why do I keep forming emotional connections to fictional characters?


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I thought this series was a movie back when i first watched it, i probably watched the first few episodes that were translated at the time and thought they were one thing. Seeing your post made me finish the entire thing and it was a good ride but Hatchin stole the show, if her character was not so good, everything would be underwhelming or just wack. Well, the last episode finished everything with a golden touch too; everyone had an ending that fit them perfectly.
The thing that bothered me most was how inconsistent everybody's 'power-level' was between action scenes, specially Michiko, sometimes she was super-woman, sometimes she was feeble; there were also many ilogical situations and decisions that seemed to be only done because the animation budget wouldn't allow the logical path.

One funny thing is how they could get away with OST having probably the most "heavy" lyrics of all regular anime because they were in portuguese.


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>Hatchin stole the show, if her character was not so good, everything would be underwhelming or just wack.
I liked both her and Michiko, I even liked most of the side characters.

>everyone had an ending that fit them perfectly.

But Satoshi got fucking destroyed like a rabid dog. Shit was 2brutal, he didn't deserve that. Also I don't think Atsuko even got a proper conclusion.


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>But Satoshi got fucking destroyed like a rabid dog. Shit was 2brutal, he didn't deserve that.
That is what happens when swagger around as if you are invincible. He had no reason to be away from his gang for so long neither to take so many risky actions.

>Also I don't think Atsuko even got a proper conclusion.

To me her motiviations where never elaborated enough. It felt like more background information was necessary on why she was so adamant on pursuing Michiko and why she decided to help her in the end.


I wanted to watch this. This worked as a reminder, thank you OP.


>That is what happens when swagger around as if you are invincible. He had no reason to be away from his gang for so long neither to take so many risky actions.
Yeah but he was cool.

>To me her motiviations where never elaborated enough. It felt like more background information was necessary on why she was so adamant on pursuing Michiko and why she decided to help her in the end.

I think them never giving a direct explanation as to why she hates Michiko was intentional, as for helping her she obviously did it because she still has a soft spot for her.


>I think them never giving a direct explanation as to why she hates Michiko was intentional, as for helping her she obviously did it because she still has a soft spot for her.
I agree with everything but i still don't like the way they executed it. I think she should've been more cool -as cool as her appearence and manerism-, instead of someone who always loses


>I think she should've been more cool -as cool as her appearence and manerism-, instead of someone who always loses

I like it just the way it is. It'd be lame is he was one of those chacters that always wins vecause they look cool, it's just trying too hard then.


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Cos you're an emotional human?


The best art makes you feel things.


Something like this happened to me when I watched all of Code Geass over the course of two days during high school. I don't think I'll ever experience that feeling over a piece of media ever again.


This is a comfy video sushi, thanks for sharing.


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Comfy is righteous!

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