>>4668I don't think that there's too much to think about that itself, sushi! I'm honestly more curious about why you associate higher income with dominance than the fact that you want a breadwinner wife. In fact, higher income is the only thing that you associate with dominance in your post weirdly enough. Are you sure that you are actually looking for a woman who wears the pants in the relationship? You also seem to be apprehensive about going through with it for some reason, but you don't really explain why. Also, what will waiting longer or getting in better shape really do for you? It just sounds like an excuse to not really put yourself out there.
It sounds to me like you're a pretty normal person, sushi, so I wonder why you're so unconfident about this.
>>4670You have no proof of this. There are plenty of women who are looking for non-traditional relationships and most certainly will be respectful to their partners. In fact, more women probably find it admirable that a man wants something different out of life than just what tradition dictates. I think there are better places for people like you.