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/hell/ - internet death cult


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File: 1733448328897.jpeg (75.5 KB, 735x413, DD27C970-5222-4515-A1D4-1….jpeg)


I respect the authority of the Fujiwara and Ainu and the Takeda


what is this
it look like britain
but north american vibe


it's the main menu screen of life is strange 1 lol


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you know what's weird, i own the game, ive beaten it, i thought the tree models looked exactly like the models ingame, but the stark white cliffs in the image matches more with the cliffs of england (dover) than it does the PNW (see pic) and i didnt remember the school tower being that huge. im looking at more images and the perspectives ingame aren't really making a lot of sense to me when comparing with this img
anyway sorry for hijacking your thread op. i agree with,, that too, or whatever.


File: 1733966321617.jpg (376.8 KB, 1638x2048, Geb9vyAbYAEvu2B.jpg)

I also respect the Fujiwara

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