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/hell/ - internet death cult


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live in an area with a pretty bad homeless/drug problem
lots of drunk guys hanging around the local third-rate pubs they love so much

walking home one day
see two of them outside one of those places
one guy standing there with a beer and a cig
the other dude, younger guy, is face down on the tarmac
arm twisted under his stomach, not moving
looks like he's either blackout drunk at best or straight-up overdosing

slowly walk toward them to see what's up
standing guy immediately starts waving me off like >nah nah, we're good
ask him
>You guys alright? Need me to call someone?
guy just says
>We're fine, don’t need anything

walk away thinking
>Yeah, this isn't gonna end well
standing guy was giving off some serious asshole vibes
like bro, your friend is dying on the ground and you're just standing there smoking, waving away anyone who might actually help
I have been always told to look after my drinking buddies…what's wrong with those people?


i think you are dramatizing. blacking out unbothered is blissful for a drunk


How do you know it wasn't a homicide? You interrupted the guy while he was moving the body. You could have at least given him a hand.


give him one more hand? he's trying to get rid of two already!


Maybe they want to die.


Maybe it was you who is dead and they are alive? So you just seem like a ghost and the guy got scared and told you to go away.

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