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Do you have kids, sushi? Do you want them? Shaping the life of another human being sounds incredibly difficult, yet most people seem to just go with the flow. I think it would be irresponsible without thorough preparation, but even then, it won't make it less terrifying.
There are so many questions… What if the kid is born sick? What if I don't love it? What if my partner and I have a fallout? Isn't it selfish to have kids? Will I still get to enjoy life? Will my kids love me? How can I be a good parent if I'm not necessarily a good person?


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>Do you have kids, sushi?
>Do you want them?
Kind of, but at first I have to get my life in check and find someone to have kids with, so it actually might never happen. I'm in my 30s now, which is a good age to start a family. With zero dating experience however it will be an uphill battle.
>What if the kid is born sick?
hard mode unlocked
>What if I don't love it?
That's unlikely and an indicator for a serious mental condition.
>What if my partner and I have a fallout?
This happens all the time and it always sucks for everyone. Life goes on.
>Isn't it selfish to have kids?
I think it's rather selfish to not have kids, because it puts the burden of raising the next generation on other people while you eventually will depend on their work.
>Will I still get to enjoy life?
There are a lot of things to enjoy in life, but there is nothing quite like having offspring of your own. It seems to be a very significant event. In case you fear your life becoming less enjoyable with children, there certainly is a trade to make paid in free time, spare money, flexibility and opportunities. Think about the things you do in your past time and try to cut it down to 2-3 hours a day. There wont be much more left, if you don't want to neglect your kids or have them raised by TV and iPad.
>Will my kids love me?
Depends mostly on your skills in raising them and your partner not badmouthing you after a split-up for example.
>How can I be a good parent if I'm not necessarily a good person?
Some people completely change in character once they have kids. The fact that you are taking all these things in consideration is already a good indicator for your capabilities to become a responsible parent.


you are a very smart sushi


>and an indicator for a serious mental condition
At which point it's already too late because the kid is here now and you've just discovered you're mentally ill. Of course it gets worse, because at first you just think "maybe I'm just tired from all the hard work and smelly diapers, and things'll change".
Probably a good idea to get your brain checked before having kids.


I swear watching anime has given me this weird impulse to be a father and have a cute daughter I can dote on. Funnily enough a wife or partner (her mother) never features in these fantasies. I'm a hikineet with no job prospects so I doubt it will ever happen. I don't think I'd ever be a good father. I'm too cold and stoic and irresponsible.


What kind of professional would you even go to for a brain check like that?
Be a cool uncle then!


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Used to, but now I'll just fend to my own devices and call it a day.

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