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/hell/ - internet death cult


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Hey, I just bought a VR head set but there are hardly any good games for it. Are there any good gender morph media or body swaps I should check out? So far I only found one Japanese body swap video filmed in VR180 (of a lesbian.)

I regret making the purchase like a dumb bourgeoisie, but am coping while I scour the internet for use cases. Metaverse and VR chat kind of suck, and I haven't found any other great VR games, but at least I can still use it to watch porn videos from the female point of view. (Which are mostly crap since they just lay on their back in the same position every time, and the camera doesn't move while performers do sex acts around them.)


Play VRChat, it's literally 80% men in anime girl avatars.


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Eleven Table Tennis and The Thrill of the Fight are two games that make VR worth it for me. Still returned it, as it would make me a complete shut-in. I bought a bike instead, to have a reason to go out.


what kind of headset do you have

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