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/hell/ - internet death cult


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do you guys have friends outside the internet or anything like that? if so:

go hug yourselves normies


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Hey buddy, I think you've got the wrong board, hell is two blocks down

To answer your question, I don't really have irl friends unless you count family.


i only have one person i am able to speak and interact with irl
i need him to be there if anyone else is to interact with me, i can't handle it otherwise


In a simular situation, eh I only have a few ppl irl I interact with without bursting into anxity


Yeah, I saw girls posting here and thought it was some kind of rare breed of normie board. Doesn't really trigger me much but I thought it was amusing seeing them complain about shit.


I think its just because these lesser known boards are safer places to mention when one is a girl than a place like 4chan (which I would consider 10x more normie). also crystal.cafe


I kind of wish it was a rule to never mention your sex/gender.


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salty salty cat


It would be nice to have an irl friend


That's not reallt what a normie is


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It's somewhat amusing to see /r9k/ stereotypes still exist in 2019. Ironically, they still use the watered-down word replacement for normalfriend.
I don't think this is the website for you.


pretty sure /r9k/ didn't invent social problems


Elaborate? I don't think I implied anything of the sort.


What are you actually on about?


it's weird since when "normie" started to appear on /jp/ circa 2012, it was specifically meant to sound *less* bitter and cancerous than the alternative. like, we were over being resentful. it's not a big deal. they can do their thing while we do ours. then a few years later /r9k/ claimed it and managed to spread their stupid frog meme to the mainstream internet.
i guess i shouldn't be surprised, it's far easier to revel in self-pity and blame the world for your misery than it is to be constructive and take personal responsibility.

meanwhile i haven't heard "NORP" in ages


I think it should only be mentioned if it is necessary or contributes to the post, while mentioning it for attention shouldnt.
Didn't the "TITS OR GTFO" meme originally mean that your sex doesn't matter on the internet?


It was like, half that and half horny /b/tards just hoping that someone would actually fucking do it.

I always admired how chantrash could dovetail very noble purposes with very foul ones. It was always a delicate balance to maintain but we were so smart about being stupid.

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