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Thread for posting what you had for lunch. I had a breakfast burrito with tots and iced coffee.


I just noticed I always skip lunch and compensate by eating inordinate amounts whenever I have the time to sit eat, hopefully that doesn't kill me later down the road.


I think you're good. I didn't eat until 2pm but I still counted it as lunch. What did you have today?


Ah in that case I suppose I'll count my meal as lunch then. As for me some rice, chicken and fruit. It's rather simple but has enough energy and protein content to get me going throughout the day until I get some dinner.


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Mmm chicken and rice sounds delish rn.


I had a late breakfast in a cafe, a bunch of fried food–eggs and beans and sausages on bread with tea. Had some ready-made lasagna that I reheated for a late lunch later in the afternoon.


Yes..YES! My mouth is watering

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