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I have recently become unemployed and the jobs I have received calls back from during my new job search are asking me to take these cognitive ability tests.

As a kid, I achieved remarkable scores on some standard IQ tests, making me qualified for some "gifted" classes. Today, I can barely sustain the attention necessary to follow a set of instructions, let alone complete these intelligence tests.

I was wondering why people issue these tests, what merit they actually have, and how much preparation plays a factor in these types of tests.

I'm asking because if they are true, I guess I'm retarded.


The last thing I know about the workplace and hiring policies is whatever's on the mind of HR departments. I assume they do these kinds of tests to check if you're above a threshold of intelligence and to see how much responsibility they can give you.

>Today, I can barely sustain the attention necessary to follow a set of instructions, let alone complete these intelligence tests.

Yup, I think this is what they're trying to get out of you.


I don't like youtube videos about this kind of subject, but this video should I answer your question about how preparation affects the result.

Intelligence test can measure someone's problem solving capacities, but that's it. A lot of people seem to use those tests to evaluate their worth, eventhough it's possible to be a complete piece of shit with a high IQ or a truly selfless person with a below average intelligence.

That's my 2 cents.


Just my opinion but I think it's silly to worry about this kinda thing. Just be yourself and do your best, man.


You can improve scores with practice any kind of test.
I think a lot of places that make applicants take this stuff are just trying to see if they they're desperate enough to go through this bullshit for the application. It's easier to control and abuse employees who really need the job.


Yea, I think I ended up with a crappy attitude after seeing the IQ test. It was all downhill from there. I later received validation from other candidates that this kind of thing is bullshit.

Yea, credentialism is probably a gateway to narcissism. We should live by "we're only as good as our last performance," right?

My instincts were this, but spending time in unemployment purgatory can warp your frame of reference.

Yea, this is what other candidates were saying. The company shit tests its employees so that employees with low shit tolerances self-select away from the application process.


Personally I subscribe to the idea that there are several types of intelligence
But anyway if by intelligence you mean the ability to act efficiently towards a certain goal then "problem solving" != intelligence.
Intelligence requires knowledge, memory, control over emotions, mental clarity and more parameters which aren't tested in an IQ test. In fact an IQ test says little more than how good a guy is at solving an IQ test. It is great for masturbating your ego though
t. High IQ (tested irl, "gifted", 130+) life failure

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