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/hell/ - internet death cult


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Tfw a friend induces bad feels

>getting drinks with friend

>starts talking about this grill I used to be friends with and had a huge crush on
>they're still friends
>been 2 years and I'm over it but avoid her like the plague
>"yeah she got back with her ex. I know you two will end up married though once you're both done being idiots."

My question is, is this the kind of opinion that normal people feel comfortable voicing? It seems completely over the line to me and really headfucked me.

Also pls delete thread if annoying social bullshit isn't allowed


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Him being comfortable voicing such thoughts might have something to do with you two being friends.
Maybe he feels closer towards you than you feel towards him.

>getting drinks
>with friend
>talking about grill
Normie reee



>Also pls delete thread if annoying social bullshit isn't allowed

This is not wizardchan as far as I remember. also we're in /hell/, so…

Anyway, OP, your friend seem like a cool guy. Some people are just straight up honest like that, but I think its intents were good.


Oh I should clarify, friend is a girl too. But yeh I guess you're right


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Similar story happened to me recently
>really bad at meeting new friends. All my friends are internet friends
>decide to go to board games meetup
>get invited to someone's house to play more boardgames the next day
>alcohol and conversation occurs during boardgames
>casually mention that taxes are literally theft
>"well yeah sushi roll but muh roads"
>"have you EVER been to a public school?"
>these things would still exist if they weren't funded by the government. If they're necessary for society, then society will fund them
>well I guess I can't argue with that
They also kept saying mean things about large groups of people like big bullies.


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>I know you two will end up married though once you're both done being idiots.
Does your friend read/write cliché love stories when she has the time?


politics is classified as an un comfy topic for a reason sushi


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The most annoying thing about stating an unpopular opinion is that most people will get frustrated over it and then attempt to end the dialogue with a one liner in an annoyed tone instead of thinking about the subject and organizing their thoughts into a reply. They realize they don't have any arguments, but instead of trying to give a good response or saying "Huh, let me think this over later.", they decide to snap at whoever dared to make them reflect. Even hinting that things they took for granted are wrong is too much to bear for them.


It's because not being able to come up with a retort on the spot can make you feel stupid. Nobody wants to feel stupid.


I have a female friend that talks in a very similar manner. I know that there isn't total truth or meaningfulness to the statements but there is always an air of truth to them. Don't worry about it so much. I think, at least in my case maybe think about this angle, she thinks she is being nice by saying things like that. I was going to list examples but it seems too self centered the things she says.


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>post 666
>in /hell/
this deserves some form of recognition at least


Even sp00kier it's my first ever post to the new sushichan. and I didn't plan it. I think I need my priest.


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>My question is, is this the kind of opinion that normal people feel comfortable voicing? It seems completely over the line to me and really headfucked me.


this thread is fucking dank.


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who knows amiright which is worse,

1)people who turn everything into a huge pseudo-political rant / repressed-and-unrecognized-frustration-vent

2)people like you mention which i don't really know how to characterize

3)people that post sage off-topic stuff because the anti-christ told you not to use toothpaste.

4)people overly concerned with social conformity even at the expense of correctness, who also talk about 'normies,' as if being overly-normal wasn't also a psycho-emotional disorder.


I'm gonna say #1


I feel the same way sushi. One of the reasons that I like the culture of Japan


Weird, Japanese hate their own society.


But I'm not Japanese, am I though?

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