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Let's have a thread about dreams and anything pertaining to dreams. I don't really think my post plays well with comfy vibe of this imageboard, so I decided to make this thread here.

I usually don't remember my dreams, and in a rare occasion that I do, I tend to quickly write them down and reflect on what I've seen throughout the dream. Below, I'll be talking about one of those rare occasions, the dream I had this morning right before I woke up.

I was wandering around all by myself in a cold, foreign country far, far away. As I was passing through an empty street, accompanied only by the humming wind, I stopped in front of big, run-down building that seemed like it was abandoned at least 50 years ago. It looked like it was made to hold conferences and exhibitions, but since then only it’s gray walls could stand to the test of time. There were graffitis in the entrance that were made really recently in my native language, inviting me inside. So I walked in, the interior was as old as it seemed it would look like from the outside, and there was this tunnel that went straight to the underground. I didn’t think twice about jumping in.

As I was falling down, the forces that was pulling me down started shifting around. Each tunnel had its own unique gravitational field with differing direction and strength. Some were powerful enough to slam me into a wall, others were so weak that I could float around. And as I was navigating these narrow tunnels, I ‘fell’ back up one more time and smashed through a transparent forcefield to enter a fancy, giant hall full of people partying around. There were this really big ship next to a wall, surrounded by people having a great time. I could see them laughing, but I couldn’t hear anything.

In that moment, I didn’t really know why, instinctively, without a specific goal in mind, I ran up some stairs, look a turn right to land on the ship deck, quickly jumped around the fence as I screamed to everyone below to get away. I was going to jump. I was going to jump but I didn’t want to see any of them get hurt.

Except for a small group of people, everyone ran away. As I was looking at the nearly empty floor from up above, holding the fence with only one hand, I thought I was too close to the ground and I would just cripple myself if I fell from that height. So I changed my mind, and decided to get off of the ship. As I was walking away, I heard someone behind me asking, ‘should we go after him?’ and his friend replied ‘no, just let him go away’. At that moment I started running, jumped through the forcefield and found myself in that maze of tunnels once again.

I wasn’t really thinking about where I was heading, and honestly, I didn’t really care at that moment. All I wanted was to get away from there. For a while, I wandered around the maze, and found myself right back in front of that first tunnel. I turned around, and as I was walking away through the mossy garden, I wanted to take a look at the building once more. Certainly, this place looked like nobody has stepped a foot in there for a really long time.


I have a lot of dreams where people are trying to kill me. Most recently I was forced by violence to take a test I didn't understand with all sorts of weird questions on it, along with others. I got the feeling we would be hurt in form based off our answers to the test.


I tend to have pretty vivid dreams and always enjoy it. It's a nice break from the monotony of waking life.

Recently I had one that focused on this large structure seemingly built over a massive body of water, perhaps the ocean, though the water was shallow, only two or so feet deep. The structure was elevated several meters above the water; a large plane of marble, decorated with black and white checks like an old fashioned ballroom or something, supported by pillars that went down into the water. Think of a floor above the water held in place by the pillars. The pillars continued through the marble floor to the roof which was hundreds of feet overhead. There were no walls and one could see the water extend to the horizon on all sides. Every so often the floor would give way to these openings that led down into the water with stairs.

The structure was occupied by a small group of young children, between maybe 7 and 12 years old. For food they would send the oldest among them down the stairs to the water where they would fish. Though I never saw it in my dream, there was a suggestion of some force or being that would hunt these kids as they tried to fish at the water's surface, making it difficult for them to survive. The children spent their time trying to figure out what this thing was and how they could avoid it.

Nothing much happened in the dream. I just got a snapshot of this world and then woke up.


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my dream world is a moonless place that blooms under a full moon and a sound that I can only hear at the back of my throat. the parade of my cultural learnedness is wrent quizzical in this contaminated virtually real rythmn hell's ladder. up the lower wrung I heave towards a heaven that hence has been had. I dream of how magical the flight of birds is.


last night I dreamed about a girl I hooked up with in the past and going on a trip with her only to wake up feeling extremely lonely. this is becoming a regular occurence where I dream about relationships/dates/general fun things with exes and old hookups


I hate those dreams
I've never had a gf and it usually doesn't bother me except when I wake up from a dream about having a partner.

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