Happy holidays
/hell/ seems quite slow nowadays and maybe this discussion could have been elsewhere.
I feel some desire to search about Lilith, but i think its quite annoying how internet treat Her with fear. I find it fun to mix some astrology with greek pantheon personal interpretation, since all planets have roman gods names and are associated with their characteristics. A planet just have been named Eris some years ago and Lilith has been on astrology for a while too, hell, if you do an extended chart theres even Juno.
>>3180Heyy tell about Kali, when i hear about Kali its usually quite abrupt change.
>>3182Other than her name echoing on my mind, nothing happened.
I met eris on acide, god is a dominatrix and she causes discord like steppng on you. I met hatman in a dream (he's not a god but he is something interesting i don't understand). I never met lain but she guided me for a while, like ratatouille she's in my hat pulling my hair. not so much any moore i think she has more important stuff to do .
>>3186I met Eris too once while meditating. She embraced me, not sure why. Guess she was just in a good mood that day.
>>3186Hatman seems like the same type of hollow archetype that lowly spiritual creatures dress up to inflict fear on victims. There are some archetypes like this, of course not discrediting how those archetypes keep coming back with appearances alike on different cultures at different times. I guess an example of those on older times would be the boogeyman, who is said to take the kids and blah blah, more recently would be the slenderman who does the same, but it's just from a photoshop competition, even then there was a case of two girls sacrificing another girl for slender on usa. Those archetypes are hollow, but vivid in children's mind who are afraid of them, lowly spiritual creatures use this opportunity against them.
>>3194>>3186It's pretty funny how Eris went from a disliked greek goddess to the Goddess by the discordians since principia discordia and then more and more influential over the years, even getting a dwarf planet named after her in 2003 and random pop culture representations lol
Yesterday I was meditating to enjoy some of the geometry from the comedown of a DXM trip and saw her slicing her throat and the cut morphed into an eye over the middle of her throat, don't know what it means, but it was pretty.
>>3198>>3194>>3186No way!
Eris sold me weed, I love that friendly lady
Yes I worship the Goddess, Kalisti desu
When she first came to me she was the most beautiful thing I had ever seen. She does have a nasty side though. But what can I say, I like sweet and spice
Eris has her own official ImageBoard btw, uses the Discordian calendar and everything.