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R: 129 / I: 61

What are you reading?

Let's talk about the books/manga/etc that you are reading.

I'm halfway through After Dark by Haruki Murakami and I'm loving it, already bought another 3 books from him to read after this one
R: 21 / I: 3


I've heard both good and bad things about this show, should i watch it? what is your opinion on it sushi roll?
R: 83 / I: 210

General art thread

I couldn't find anything like this in the catalog, so I'll be making a general art thread! Post art you like in this thread. No other rules or genres. Just art you like.
R: 1 / I: 1

Just write something

Wound the Earth to make a house.
Heal the Earth to make a home.
R: 6 / I: 4

Sushi Poetry

Gaze longingly upon Perfideous Simone, Chicken Manfred. Your duck-billed chicken beak will never sample its fleshy fruit cheeks. Yes, yes - I am smiling to spite the shame you must feel in this, your darkest moment. Curse you, Perfideous Simone!

Though my hands are socks, I shall hold your feathered body in a gesture of consolation.
R: 16 / I: 34


Do any of you Sushis like fashion?
Are there any designers you like?
I think my favorit desingner is Iris van Herpen.
Her dresses look so other-earthy and natural :D
R: 30 / I: 13

Moe Comfy Manga Recs

Hello, sushi! Lately I've been craving some really cute moe SOL manga. Can I get some recommendations? (bonus points for 4koma, shoujo-ai, yuri)

Examples: Komi-san, Watamote, Comic Girls, Senryuu Shoujo.
R: 8 / I: 0
Heya, sushinons, what's your opinion on Homestuck? And the ship Johnkat in particular?
R: 11 / I: 2


Im starting my korean language learning journey, its only been a few days but I'm feeling good. i cant wait to see how much I've learned in the next few months
R: 52 / I: 22
What're your favorite books?

I could perhaps be called an artsy snob for this, but one of my absolute favorite novels is House of Leaves by Mark Danielewski. I've always found the concept of labyrinths to be fascinating, as well as that of the inherent uncertainty in the image of reality presented to us by our sensory perception. This book features those two themes quite prominently, and explores them to a depth I've not seen in any other books I've yet read.

This next one might also reflect questionably on my character, but nonetheless I greatly enjoyed American Psycho by Bret Easton Ellis. I've struggled a lot with recurrent depersonalization, feelings of dread, and a general impression of isolation from those around me. Since the book addresses all of that, it resonated with me in that regard–though, not so much with some of the other stuff it describes.

I also love tons of H. P. Lovecraft's and Jorge Luis Borges's work, but those are predominantly short stories, not novels.
R: 18 / I: 41

Album Art Thread

I don't know if this would fit better with /tunes/ but artwork for albums could fit here.

But anyways, here's a thread for album artwork you really like.

These were used for the inner sleeve artwork for Talk Talk's 1986 album "The Colour of Spring, of which James Marsh did the artwork for.
R: 4 / I: 2

Senpai no Kohai

Finally some relatable wholesome yuri, now seeking funding on Kickstarter. In English even!

Campaign link, with links to buy previous volumes: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/senpainokohai/senpai-no-kohai-0
R: 6 / I: 3
Some probably still remember my zine thread here almost 2 years ago. Good things, issue #2 just got released at https://blackfogzine.org/, I hope you enjoy! We have almost 100 members on discord, come say hi if you feel like
R: 20 / I: 8

cultivating the body

As with any other medium the body can be shaped in various ways. However it being linked to the one wielding it and having direct influence on their mind, it can be more difficult to work with.

If you are working on transforming your physical shell, feel free to report in.

1) Where are you at?
2) What is your goal?
3) What have you archived so far?
4) How do you plan to progress from there?
R: 3 / I: 2
Bookshelf ASL?


Does it look like a fire hazard to you?
R: 201 / I: 137

Oekaki Thread

Lets draw stuff sushi's! It doesn't matter how bad u think it is, any drawing is good for you! (I hope this is on the right board…)
R: 27 / I: 4

turds make girls hop


when I was a young child, I loved youtube. I subscribed to many channels. Most were comedy, some were news. smosh, fred, a lot of the big guys. some more esoteric people who I can't entirely remember, like this woman who sat at her desk and worked for a media company as a youtuber. eventually the company shut her channel down.

I stumbled upon one creator who I remember a great deal. her name was allofthetrash. I enjoyed her bizzare, low-res letsplays of unheard of cartridge games from the 70s and 80s. at some point I stopped watching the videos, and she eventually deleted her channel.

I still look for those videos, but have yet to find any.

as I grew older, I would find my way into internet communities. a chatroom in kingdom of loathing. the official forum for a web-based video game about forum trolls.

my favorite was the /r9k/ room in a mouse-themed multiplayer platforming game. edbye, oldliquids. lexie. funny people and a funny game.

but I always ended up getting banned or exiled from these communities. always eschewed. this pattern held strong through my teens. I don't think I was in control. It was autonomous.

I didn't go to high school. I went to community college. I had friends, and that let me think I was socially well-adjusted. But eventually I would use extreme political views would as a way of pushing them away.

at 20, I begin to attend a real university. one of my first nights there, I end up in a room full of freshmen. I think that maybe I am making friends, but retrospectively, I was a weird gay neckbeard. one mentions he's going to make pancakes in the morning and everyone in the room is invited. I give my number to him and I never hear from him again.

I do make some friends. what's worse, I begin to mean things to people and I don't even catch it. I assume I am unlovable, that people don't pay me much mind. This has an effect on my behavior. I am not mindful of my behavior because I assume no one thinks about me.

This isn't true.

I rush a fraternity, and get a bid. I am a pledge. I'm dropped two weeks later.

I move to another city and transfer to a different university. I rush the local chapter of the same fraternity. This time, I make it in.

I am happier, but I still don't understand that people actually want to get close to me. I do not let them in, because I am afraid to do so, and I assume they don't care anyway.

I fall in love. kind of. I'm hooking up with a guy in my fraternity. It is a bad idea. I develop romantic attachments to him, and I see this as a reason that we have to stop. because I assume he doesn't reciprocate them. but he does.

It was still a mistake. our relationship transitions from friends to something beyond friends. but we are never a thing. never official.

I search for allofthetrash. She's gone. She had a much wider body of work than I was ever aware of. I post on reddit looking for her. she sends me a message and tells me she is trying to stay gone. I delete my posts.

he says he loves me.

he wants to take me to a rave. He loves raves. I am very poor, and I get no help from my parents. he helps pay for the expenses for a new year's rave. days before the rave, I travel to his family home. he picks me up from the train stop and takes me to an outdoor mall. he holds my hand. kisses me, and he looks very happy with himself for doing so.

I enjoyed the rave.

A few months later, I push him away. I cannot handle my feelings, and I am constantly plagued with feelings of inadequacy.

Things get messy. He pulls me back in, and then he pushes me away. Things get messy.
R: 21 / I: 15
What are some good slice of life anime to watch? I liked Nichijou, Non Non Biyori and Azumanga Daioh.
R: 27 / I: 10

Nuggets of knowledge

Post things you've learnt recently!

From 'Brewer's Dictionary of Phrase and Fable':
Cornstalks. In Australia, especially in New South Wales, from colonial times a name for youths, perhaps from their being taller and more slender than their parents.

That made me laugh, especially because it reminded me of myself.
R: 0 / I: 0
how to render translucency more realitically, in theory
especailly when refractions and reflections included.

feel free to explain
R: 12 / I: 8


Is anyone else fascinated with the superintelligence trope in books and movies? I've been looking for different stories with similar ideas.
R: 1 / I: 0
Found this movie and I liked it enough to share it I just don't have anyone to share it with but you guys. It's quite cheesy, the actings are bad, but the dancing is p gud and the aesthetics are also pretty cool. Entertaining if you're into that 80's shit like I am.
also a very young Ice-T sings in that movie and he absolutely sucks. One more reason to see it maybe?
R: 65 / I: 33

Favourite Movie Thread

Let's post our favourite movie of all time or a great movie you recently watched.

I'll start.

My favourite movie is Kubrick's Dr. Strangelove. The movie is amazing, very funny while maintaining the seriousness of the topic. [spoiler]The Coca-Cola part is fantastic[/spoiler].

Another movie that also really like is Persepolis (yeah, I'm reposting from the .tokyo thread). It's an animation film that tells the story of the author during and after the Islamic revolution. The art is quite unique and the main character is lovely!
R: 7 / I: 1

Cartoons and Animation

I made a cartoon, something I'd put off for months, since it was about a dream I had months prior and couldn't remember very well.
It was about gas station pizza and long hours in the studio bumbling around.
R: 63 / I: 64
I sometimes draw maids for fun. Since I think this place is nice and relaxing, I wanted to set up shop and have a fun little Maid thread.
R: 66 / I: 42

Weekly Drawing Thread

Thought this would be a fun idea. Each week there will be a theme or prompt. Draw something relating to that idea and post it here. You can put as much or as little effort into the drawing, this is all just for fun. New topics will be posted some time on Sunday.
R: 7 / I: 1

stuff i used to like

been trying to watch cyberpunk stuff that i used to like, but im realizing i just dont enjoy it as much as i did as a teenager. feeling like ive just become jaded to stuff about the internet in a way i didnt used to be. changing is weird
R: 7 / I: 9


more pics like this? also any idea where this came from?
R: 50 / I: 24
Favorite Japanese movies?

pic related is mine
R: 1 / I: 0

Beautiful TV shows?

I've watched a good bit of anime in the past, and a lot of what makes one appealing to me is when it's both pretty, and on the spectrum from comfy to melancholy that sushichan is sort of about. But I've never watched much other TV, except for whatever trash was on to kill time when I was younger, and it would be good to branch out more.

Does anyone have recommendations for shows that have that kind of vibe? From how people talk about movies it seems like that's more common in them, but sitting down for a whole film is a commitment while a shorter episode format is easier to just relax and watch some of.
R: 90 / I: 56
What're some comfy anime series?

I'm relatively new to anime and am looking for something slow paced in story line, and atmospheric in terms of soundtrack/sound design or animation. Only ones I can think of are Mushishi and House of Five Leaves.
R: 16 / I: 7

Changes in Daily Life due to Coronavirus

My office sent all of my stuff home with me yesterday, and I'm working from home until further notice. So that's actually kind of neat. This is happening all over California right now. Is anyone else working from home or having their social lives or work culture change in notable ways due to coronavirus fears?

I'm going to be doing tech support calls and customer trainings in my underwear; it's kind of surreal.
R: 15 / I: 27

Pixel thread

Who likes pixel art?
R: 12 / I: 2

Flyer Buy Guide

R: 5 / I: 1

Nausicaa and others.

Any manga/anime/VN with an atmosphere or story like nausicaa of the wind valley?
I would kill for something like it, as i am tired of the usual anime and manga tropes.
R: 4 / I: 4


Do sushi have their favourite magazines?
I thought that reading them may be good way to "deboor*" myself.
So what are you reading? Do you have a ritual that accompanies the act?
Maybe you found something extremely interesting in a publication and
want to share?

*deboor - no idea if this makes sense in english, but it is literal
translation of my country's saying "when a boor tastes some culture".
R: 18 / I: 12

sci-fi Literature

I finished reading The Three-body Problem from Liu Cixin and I really like it. If you like scifi you sushis should give it a try.

Let's talk about sci-fi books!
R: 23 / I: 8

Animation movies

Been watching any animation movies (japanese or otherwise) recently?
I didn't find a suitable thread so I figured I'd start one. It's strange that we don't have this thread yet anyway.
I recently watched "The boy and the beast" and "The girl who leaped through time", really good stuff. The same director of Summer Wars.
What have you been watching lately rolls?
R: 8 / I: 1

What would Sushichan make?

Hi sushi rolls. I got thinking about Katawa Shoujo recently - say what you will about the game (personally I'm very fond of it) but I think it's really impressive that a group from 4chan came together to make something like it. It got me wondering - what would Sushichan make? Would it be a visual novel, or maybe an OVA of sorts? Whatever it would be, I imagine it would be something you could fit into the iyashikei genre. I'm not like outright suggesting we start something, I don't know enough about how many people browse this site or how many creative types we have. I just wonder if anyone else has had the thought.
R: 20 / I: 2

Bad economy and art

When the economy tanks, more people go to trade schools or study STEM as opposed to art. Studying art is seen as a bad financial decision. What kinds of cultural effects do you think this has, when art and literature are seen as frivolous?

My mom studied art because it's supposed to be enriching, even though it's not all about career goals. I was basically forced into a STEM major for economic reasons. It has a very clear career path, but that's about it.

Or do you think some good things can come of it?
R: 0 / I: 0

Lord Dunsany

If you like fantasy (specially Tolkien and early 20th century fantasy books) I recommend you to read Lord Dunsany. I'll be nice and share this with you (from the gutenberg project)
R: 2 / I: 0

Materialistic Character Progression

Has anyone heard of a book or short story about a man who creates or acquires tools or artifacts that make him stronger as the story progresses?
R: 4 / I: 1
Here I will drop my anchor in fertile ground.

Here we really know what we are talking about, because we have experienced the trembling and the awakening.

Drunk with energy, we are revenants thrusting the trident into heedless flesh. We are streams of curses in the tropical abundance of vertiginous vegetation, resin and rain is our sweat, we bleed and burn with thirst, our blood is strength.

The work of creative writers, written out of the author's real necessity, and for his own benefit. The awareness of a supreme egoism, wherein laws become significant. Every page should explode, either because of its profound gravity, or its vortex, vertigo, newness, eternity, or because of its staggering absurdity, the enthusiasm of its principles, or its typography.
R: 7 / I: 6

Comic/Manga creation

So I noticed recently that while a lot of people here do some realy great art, no-one seems to be writing stories with it. Creating comics is one of the best ways to improve because it forces you to look at all areas of art, it keeps you motivated since you have a task with a foreseeable endgoal, and it poses lots of creative challenges. Don't just think of it as a means to be gooder at artisting though.

Don't think you have to nail regular drawing before you can start doing comics. If you think that, you will never do anything. You don't have to be good, you just have to be creative. Try not to just do moeblobs standing still and talking about how their mangaka is such a qt, make your images dynamic and try to communicate something like a story or a feeling.

There's a great series of blogposts called '18 tips for comic book artists'. http://www.williamstout.com/news/journal/?p=3806
(All those images are there for a reason, study them!)
R: 22 / I: 4
not sure where to post this but lets try here in /culture/

ok so anyone here familiar with term digital nomad?
>Digital nomads are a type of people who use telecommunications technologies to earn a living and, more generally, conduct their life in a nomadic manner.
so what do you sushis think about it? honestly i think it's just right lifestyle for me
would you do something like that and where would you go?

i want to move and travel through south america (imagine all that beauty… jungle, rivers, mountains, cities……)
R: 8 / I: 15

Post Fantasy Artwork

Pick up your sword 'n rucksack and lets go adventuring!
R: 14 / I: 26

The Darkness

I recently figured out that I absolutely love dark, Gothic stuff, be it art, TV or music.

The exact name of this peculiar genre I don't know, but when I find examples of it I lap it up. It's solemn in tone and touches frequently on death, darkness and the Unknown. The kind of thing that makes you feel alone, desperately alone. Wandering alone through a deserted field in the cold and rain towards the light, the single, lone house on the hill containing the single, lone farmer. There's something comfy in that for me.

Anyway, here are some examples/recommendations:
Over the Garden Wall is the best example in TV or cartoons. I've watched it at least three times.
This album I picked up - Stuck on a Sunday. Webm related.
This kind of art: https://art.vniz.net/en/ - including some by Zdzislaw Beksiński, which has been posted here.

Does anyone else like this macabre art? Does anyone have any recommendations?
R: 3 / I: 1
Does anyone know where i can get an organized collection of Jean Giraud's art?

I've been searching for a good torrent for a while now.
R: 14 / I: 1

Unique stuff

Hey rolls, do you know any "technically" unique or really unusual animus or mangos? Unique in the way that it contains (almost) no text, or maybe consists purely of text (inb4 books), or is a webcomic with moving images and sounds.

Also works with a rare concept, do you know any? Like written in reverse chronological order or even disregarding time, or on a whole different plane of comprehension.