>>10>"Persepolis … was also nominated for the Academy Award for Best Animated Feature, but lost to Ratatouille."Why does anyone care about the Oscars when they're clearly a complete joke?
I recently watched Unfriended, I… don't recommend it. It's like someone thought "What if we crossed The Blair Witch Project with Cyberbu//y?" and decided to make it real.
>>24If the Oscars are still relevant is worth discussing but yeah that animation category is totally off.
>>26While i liked this movie, it was really a massive slog. It was quite interesting, but its just so fucking long, and seemingly without much development. I could definitely see the parallels with 1984, and it was an interesting take on those ideas.
Well, I just finished 71', which is a fucking good movie.
It can be hard to hear at times (might just be my TV), but its superb.
It's on Hulu Plus if anyone has that.
I'm thinking I'm going to start getting into some older japanese films, seeing as Hulu has so many available in their catalog.
>>59You actually liked that movie?
For me it was the slowest, most boring, unstructured and lacking any definite story I have ever seen.
I mean, sure, about half of the movie was these kids doing kids things and having some conflicts, but overall I perceived mostly random life scenes that everybody else on this planet goes through. And the rest was just scenes from nature or the big bang, and Sean Penn putting a sad face in an office building. What I mean is no narrative whatsoever
"it's Brahms you fucking idiot, what you don't like Brahms?"
>>10I love Dr. Strangelove, and most Kubrick films. Is eyes wide shut any good? It's one of the few i havent seen
>>68I remember not liking the movie that much. But I saw it ages ago on tv, I should rewatch it.
*is the only movie where I like Tom Cruise, tho :^)*
>>74Is there a new one?
Also the guy is hot
And Falken doesmlook like your usual nerd
Sunset Limited, maybe. I'm not much into live action.
>>389I just watched this for the first time a few days ago, I had no idea what I was in for. Croenenberg's more than just the body horror he's known for.
>>59Tree of Life is good. The Thin Red Line is also very good.
My favourite Malick film though is Knight Of Cups, which probably says more about where I am in life than anything else.
Spring, Summer, Autumn, Winter… and Spring. Quiet, contemplative, beautifully shot.
Terry Gilliams' The Adventures of Baron Munchausen. The top of the heap of nostalgia films from my childhood including but not limited to The Gods Must Be Crazy, Willow, The Princess Bride, The Goonies, and The Adventures of Milo and Otis.
Three films will do.
>>68As a piece of cinematography, it is good. The story is nothing amazing. Cruise is bearable, Kidman is unbearable. Barry Lyndon is definitely underrated.
I used to really love 2001 but the "big picture" storyline has lost it charm on me over the years, contrast this with the very personal Knight Of Cups. I still own a segment of Kubrick's personal cut of 2001 that came with the first print run of The Stanley Kubrick Archives.
>>394I also watched it without having any idea about the plot, it really blew my mind.
>>406>Three films will do.or not. forgot Jim Jarmuschs' Broken Flowers
Electric Dragon 80,000v is a really great japanese indie film with a really great soundtrack. Would recomend to fans of tetsuo the iron man, noise guitar music or japanese pro wresting anouncers
Pretty much anything Mamoru Oshii. Particularly Talking Head.
>>444I recommand watching „a snake of June“.
It my favorite Shin’ya Tsukamoto film.
"Into the wild" is a great movie, based on a true story of Christopher McCandless who abandoned society and completely isolated himself from people. There are lessons to take from his life, especially for some hikkikomori sushi rolls.
One of my favourite movies was also Borat. It's probably the best comedy movie on this universe.
If you like plot twist mindfuck movies, Shutter Island was also amazing. Probably one of the sharpest plot twist.
>>11agree, based sushi roll.
>>26was on my watchlist,now i'm sure watching it today. thank you sushi roll :3
>related imgFound it on /pol/ long time ago, watched the ones with pepper icon i put.
"Lord of war" was an amazing movie, even only opening scene was enough for getting me.
I hated "Come and see","Apocalypse now" and "The wave", snoozefest shit. I don't recommend.
Watched downfall yesterday, fairly well movie.
Stalker. I didn't like any of the other Tarkovsky films I saw, but there's something about this one that's just enchanting. Every time I watch it I notice something new or find a new way to relate to it.
My favourite thing about it is that it doesn't have any 'real' meaning; it is what you make of it. Maybe its about faith. Maybe its about life under the communist regime. Maybe its just three men searching for a room.
oh yeah the soundtrack is beautiful as well: No.738
>>26Movie was all boring. Visuals were good and enjoying but for a 1980s person. Ending was good tho
I honestly don't think I have one.
>>737Is that so? Tbh I watched this film some years ago and I found it to be really boring, which is a shame, it has always got my attention
It even made me skeptic to watch another movie from him (Ivan's Childhood, that one I really liked), but now that I see you mentioning it again I'd like to give it another shot
Not sure if I could pick a favorite. I like Blade Runner and the sequel a lot, as well as some silly stuff like the Princess Bride. But as you can probably tell I'm not really a movie person, most of the classics I have not seen, let alone all the well regarded artsy stuff everyone talks about online.
I've always been a sucker for a sweeping adventure like The Great Race (1965) or Jason and the Argonauts (1963). I think my favorite movie would be Gladiator. It's a bit formulaic, but that doesn't matter to me if the formula is done well. I personally can't wait for the comic book genre to become less dominant so that we can get back to butchering ancient history and myths.
I've also been watching a lot of Japanese horror recently, and just watched the first Ring film. I can definitely see why it became a classic, but it's fame raises the question of why Pulse (2001) had less staying power, despite being in my opinion superior. Is it simply that the message of the film, how the internet can erode social relationships and mental health, hadn't yet come to pass for the general populace?
>>749Princess Bride is a fine specimen of comfy.
>>737I watched this recently and while it didn't blow me away, I think it was good. It's tense all the way through in a way that's hard to describe. The only scene I didn't really like was that like 7 minute one where the main character sleeps next to a river and a camera pans through objects submerged in the water. Everything else was cool
>>882> I feel like a grumpy old man who doesn't understand the new world from time to time and Gran Torino, aside from just generally being good, pleases that part of meThe Mule.
Unsurprisingly also Clint Eastwood.
not really the right thread for this but i watched 120 days of sodomy recently and it was a huge redpill
Also I tried watching The Blackcoat's Daughter and Irreversible (2002) but they were super boring . Also thinking of rewatching Nosso Lar and Sausage Party (Super Satanic Movie)…

I just finished "Tintin and the Mystery of the Golden Fleece" (Tintin et le mystère de la toison d'or), which I believe was the first original Tintin story not written by Hergé. This is not an objective review because the last time I read a full Tintin adventure was in 2014 and I had a few drinks when I watched the film, so bear with me.
I went in expecting to hate this film because I never liked the Tintin animated series and I was outright disgusted by Spielberg's 3D Tintin. The idea of Tintin with real actors sounded even worse than these animated versions, but I enjoyed it much more than I thought I would. I noticed that the IMDB score was 6,0 and if I had read more Tintin in the past seven years or so I might be more negative, but it was so nice to see Tintin, Captain Hadock, Dupont et Dupond (Thomson and Thompson in English, I believe), and Professor Tournesol again that I thoroughly enjoyed the film. It felt like a classic Tintin adventure. There is something about the Mediterranean that works very well with Tintin, in my opinion, so it was nice to see an adventure that was limited to Istanbul and Greece.
I kind of lost the plot near the end, but in terms of gags the film was fantastic. The highlight for me was Dupont having a watch that was 90 minutes behind Dupond and both of them deciding to 'fix' their watches so that Dupond was 90 minutes ahead of Dupont instead. The musical theme for the film was honestly perfect and really captured the spirit of a good Tintin adventure. All in all a very enjoyable film, but not quite the same as just reading one of the original comics.
>>389If you liked "Naked Lunch" you'll also like "Barfly".
Of all time, though? It's easily "Cats Don't Dance."
>>1027yet again reminding me to rewatch it…
The last episode of Power Corrupts was great and was a n excellent exploration of Christianity and the issues with heaven. No.1142
Talk Radio by Oliver Stone
Platoon by Oliver Stone
Natural Born Killers by Oliver Stone
Nixon by Oliver Stone
>>1192I completely get what you mean. It’s just… something about it. The way movies like this “feel” are special.
>>1192You gotta watch the longer cut of the film, they left out a lot of good stuff out of the shorter cut, but also the longer cut as-swell, someone needs to make a new cut.
No.1414 Leopard by Visconti
call me pseud all you like i don't care, it's a masterpiece
>>10I absolutely hate Persepolis. Its propagandistic and full of exaggerations.