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/culture/ - arts & literature

"Man cannot remake himself without suffering, for he is both the marble and the sculptor." - Alexis Carrel

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Remember to keep it cozy!

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File: 1471643222738.webm (2.63 MB, 1000x637, shadows-on-the-wall.webm)


I recently figured out that I absolutely love dark, Gothic stuff, be it art, TV or music.

The exact name of this peculiar genre I don't know, but when I find examples of it I lap it up. It's solemn in tone and touches frequently on death, darkness and the Unknown. The kind of thing that makes you feel alone, desperately alone. Wandering alone through a deserted field in the cold and rain towards the light, the single, lone house on the hill containing the single, lone farmer. There's something comfy in that for me.

Anyway, here are some examples/recommendations:
Over the Garden Wall is the best example in TV or cartoons. I've watched it at least three times.
This album I picked up - Stuck on a Sunday. Webm related.
This kind of art: https://art.vniz.net/en/ - including some by Zdzislaw Beksiński, which has been posted here.

Does anyone else like this macabre art? Does anyone have any recommendations?


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Arthur Edmund Grimshaw


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Worth mentioning that his son did some similar work too.

I find anything they did with head high walls to really capture that claustrophobic alone in nowhere feel.

Unfortunately, unlike you, I absolutely loath that feeling.


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I have a couple images with the spooky and lonely feel to them, I don't know if it is exactly what you wanted, but I'll dump a couple. No clue who the artist is though, I'd have to image search


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>The kind of thing that makes you feel alone, desperately alone. Wandering alone through a deserted field in the cold and rain towards the light, the single, lone house on the hill containing the single, lone farmer.
>picture #3 from >>49

As much as I love this aesthetic, though, this is probably the only image I've saved that has a similar feeling to it.


That kind of art is definitely what I wanted. And I can gladly (or should that be sadly?) tell you that the third image is by the late Polish artist Zdzisław Beksiński.


Although Beksiński's art was often grim, he himself was known to be a pleasant person who took enjoyment from conversation and had a keen sense of humor. He was modest and somewhat shy, avoiding public events such as the openings of his own exhibitions.


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Just discovered this photographer: Frederick H. Evans.


His stuff has a very haunting quality to it - I love it.


I posted some in the nifty pics thread shortly before this one was created. Go look for them


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I forget the exact name of the artist for these but if I recall correctly he was a Southern photographer in the 20s or 30s who was trying to capture the Old South before it disappeared. He took a bunch of photos of old plantations and such and then would layer different parts of different photos into a single photo.


Just did some quick research. The photographer is Clarence John Laughlin


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Check out Gustav Dore!


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He even made album artworks. lol


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Zbigniew M. Bielak is another good artist in this genre. Does lots of metal artwork.


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Zdzislaw Beksinski is my favorite
gone too soon

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