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"Man cannot remake himself without suffering, for he is both the marble and the sculptor." - Alexis Carrel

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File: 1596491666847.jpg (152.75 KB, 1024x512, 1f7bcc91f4f5cd60d4fdb29524….jpg)


been trying to watch cyberpunk stuff that i used to like, but im realizing i just dont enjoy it as much as i did as a teenager. feeling like ive just become jaded to stuff about the internet in a way i didnt used to be. changing is weird


internet's gay, boss. Get life. Become wizard. I say witch but negative/retarded connotation. You get?


Try being yourself, actually doing this that you enjoy rather than interneting..

You right. Real Wizarding is being a complete eccentric unique person


>Try being yourself, actually doing this that you enjoy rather than interneting..

Best advice. Life's too short to be bothered with media you dislike. No point in consuming something out of a false sense of nostalgia or because others talk about it.


Breaking news: Matt Walsh and the conservatives are afraid of anime and think its Satanic.



I like your construction of phrasification dude where'd u learn to speak such a way?


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For me it is the other way around lately. I have rediscovered some of the stuff I used to like 10 to 15 years ago and was surprised how much I'm able to enjoy them.

Changing is painful, if you try to fight it and cling to your treasured memories of the times, when you actually enjoyed the things, that have lost their meaning to you.

It's like trying to rescue a plant, that has nurtured the soil. You have to repot it for further growth and to repot it, you need new soil and a new pot. The soil is the experiences you made since back in the day, the new stuff you found, new people you met. The pot is your mind, expanded by your experience to comprehend and cherish new and old things alike.


Anime becoming mainstream has been the biggest mistake.

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