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/culture/ - arts & literature

"Man cannot remake himself without suffering, for he is both the marble and the sculptor." - Alexis Carrel

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• Files Supported: webm, swf, flv, mkv, mp4, torrent, 7z, zip, pdf, epub, & mobi.
• Embeds Supported: youtube, vimeo, dailymotion, metacafe, & vocaroo.
• Max. post size is 10MB / 4 files.

Remember to keep it cozy!

We are taking submissions for original "file deleted" thumbnail art in this thread.

File: 1583339054367-0.jpg (63 KB, 500x600, 6c27cba2a57c4c8422eb7b06c0….jpg)

File: 1583339054367-1.jpg (72.82 KB, 564x492, 9e05f54fa8c8a6f3b1e6de4a73….jpg)

File: 1583339054367-2.jpg (110.72 KB, 563x706, f688fd03f8bbddfccf322ca3f5….jpg)


I couldn't find anything like this in the catalog, so I'll be making a general art thread! Post art you like in this thread. No other rules or genres. Just art you like.


File: 1583366007368-0.jpg (886.75 KB, 1200x2405, Symphony in White, No. 1: ….jpg)

File: 1583366007368-1.jpg (1.56 MB, 1597x1247, L'Ange du Foyer.jpg)

File: 1583366007368-2.png (39.36 KB, 720x576, Sailor_S_T00006_1561027772.png)

File: 1583366007368-3.jpg (118.93 KB, 750x587, 1.jpg)

tried to show some variety


File: 1583377567788-0.jpg (46.89 KB, 537x351, 2.jpg)

File: 1583377567788-1.jpg (200.96 KB, 3000x1897, 1.jpg)

File: 1583377567788-2.png (2.91 MB, 2500x1842, 3.png)

File: 1583377567788-3.png (1.87 MB, 2075x1284, 2012_by_sharpieboss_d9m9cp….png)

I know bronies are made fun of but this person has got to be one of my favourite artist. In only a few years they went from the that first picture to these other ones. I don't think I've seen anyone else improve so much so quickly.


File: 1586886155055-0.jpg (59.08 KB, 342x456, Laputa_Grandville.jpg)

File: 1586886155055-1.png (566.5 KB, 1280x875, 64d53wopni741.png)

File: 1586886155055-2.jpg (1.79 MB, 1866x2343, La_grande_Epidemie_de_PORN….jpg)

i'm a sucker for early 20th century stuff like picrel


File: 1587354390371-0.jpg (4.89 MB, 4000x3507, Christ_in_the_Wilderness_-….jpg)

File: 1587354390371-1.jpg (1.52 MB, 2000x1485, J._Ferrer_y_Pallejà_(1846-….jpg)

File: 1587354390371-2.jpg (2.35 MB, 1005x2048, Nikolai_Alexandrovich_Yaro….jpg)

File: 1587354390372-3.jpg (279.49 KB, 1139x1600, Nikolay_Bogdanov-Belsky_(1….jpg)

I really dig that second pic of yours.


File: 1587446759022-0.jpg (226.91 KB, 2000x1407, Untitled7.jpg)

File: 1587446759022-1.jpg (293.85 KB, 689x995, Herbstsonate.jpg)

File: 1587446759022-2.jpg (354.89 KB, 1000x1409, Death_and_the_Gravedigger.jpg)

File: 1587446759022-3.jpg (2.36 MB, 3000x2438, Nymphs Bathing.jpg)


File: 1587801402243.png (399.39 KB, 825x1400, tumblr_nxytgu2yWD1s6irjao1….png)


File: 1588964447297.jpg (131.01 KB, 500x400, 1135861i.jpg)


File: 1589787656347-0.jpg (473.72 KB, 850x1200, 70798214_p0.jpg)

File: 1589787656347-1.jpg (433.62 KB, 689x1200, 70953601_p0.jpg)

File: 1589787656347-2.jpg (418.72 KB, 858x1200, 70986895_p0.jpg)

File: 1589787656347-3.jpg (364.31 KB, 850x1200, 71505129_p0.jpg)

I am a man of tastele man. I like the cute sporty girls this artist draws.


File: 1589794987844-0.jpg (1.01 MB, 1600x1436, EXzxdnBVAAIC5i5.jpg)

File: 1589794987844-1.jpg (1.76 MB, 1789x2048, EX9XXqQUEAEGh9t.jpg)


File: 1589795346613-0.png (615.98 KB, 805x1684, 73315941_p0.png)

File: 1589795346613-1.png (1.28 MB, 1191x1684, 77153621_p0.png)

File: 1589795346613-2.png (1.99 MB, 1191x1684, 79665414_p1.png)


File: 1589835524600.jpg (492.29 KB, 1071x1815, cd5580b192b842af9cc5db8fbe….jpg)

This picture of a cute adventurer girl eating bread makes me smile
I adore these, thanks for sharing.
I like these too but for, uh, different reasons…


File: 1589944352727-0.jpg (248.21 KB, 1357x1913, vab.jpg)

File: 1589944352727-1.jpg (424.88 KB, 1370x2048, ywyw.jpg)

File: 1589944352727-2.jpg (381.69 KB, 4096x2829, soni.jpg)

File: 1589944352727-3.jpg (539.3 KB, 3120x4096, sonia.jpg)


File: 1589947093937-0.jpg (374.06 KB, 743x1100, 1545524308034.jpg)

File: 1589947093937-1.jpg (137.69 KB, 543x767, 18bhx7ne3ds31.jpg)

File: 1589947093937-2.jpg (997.39 KB, 700x1134, 57534432_p4_master1200.jpg)

File: 1589947093937-3.jpg (224.69 KB, 1091x770, 1572752261047.jpg)


File: 1590147088392-0.png (68.54 KB, 500x500, 0be4eee5a2af91e0d4669cdfcb….png)

File: 1590147088392-1.jpg (60.95 KB, 529x680, Diw1x2wUwAAvDDW.jpg)

File: 1590147088392-2.png (242.8 KB, 500x500, 34581a22f7e893421587efa274….png)

File: 1590147088392-3.jpg (73.12 KB, 500x600, Diw2OgaVsAACZxU.jpg)

god i miss tosh :( i used to have entire folders of his art from around 2009-2016, he was hugely influential to me, sadly i lost those files

i mean he's still on social media and somewhat active but after the tumblr drama and lolcow threads its not the same


I dunno who you're talking of, but those are cute pokemons


File: 1590148247711-0.jpg (43.12 KB, 500x600, Diw19T7UYAAgB6r.jpg)

File: 1590148247711-1.jpg (29 KB, 500x500, DisUXsCVQAEWYpJ.jpg)

File: 1590148247711-2.jpg (119.31 KB, 800x800, DiseoLsVAAETVB4.jpg)

File: 1590148247711-3.jpg (36.41 KB, 500x500, DisfQ9qUEAAOfzx.jpg)

just an artist who draws cute animals, furries, pokemon, etc. in a childlike style also occasionally loli/shota and guro


I see I see, their art is pretty cute, I like the style.
Well I'm not a fan of guro but I don't mind the other thing. It's interesting that those sorts of tastes tend to go together, along with the furry stuff.


File: 1598017365800-0.png (1.47 MB, 1000x1387, tumblr_pi9mndfR5C1qmi960o3….png)

File: 1598017365800-1.png (768.6 KB, 1000x688, tumblr_owodkoGcNV1qmi960o1….png)

File: 1598017365800-2.png (1.57 MB, 1000x1427, tumblr_ppa9ar20Gv1qmi960o2….png)

File: 1598017365800-3.png (955.64 KB, 1000x1351, tumblr_ppfn3zS3Gt1qmi960o2….png)


Nice pics
#4 sure looks like a handy girl to have around


What I'd give to have that many arms…


I would give an arm and a leg!


I like these very much. Do you know the artist perhaps?


File: 1598111963877.png (263.67 KB, 950x700, 55055193_p2.png)

Saucenao says that's asoi on pixiv.


Odd, saucenao for the first picture gave me nothing. Thanks sushi roll!


File: 1598133868962-0.jpg (36.84 KB, 654x643, 1554981964892.jpg)

File: 1598133868962-1.png (23.21 KB, 128x128, anta_baka.png)

File: 1598133868963-2.png (495.65 KB, 1262x964, 1588515109_Annotation 2020….png)

Nice thread


File: 1598475527947-0.jpg (138.74 KB, 563x797, art1.jpg)

File: 1598475527947-1.jpg (92.35 KB, 500x567, art2.jpg)

File: 1598475527947-2.jpg (100.91 KB, 696x1000, art3.jpg)

File: 1598475527947-3.jpg (81.03 KB, 451x609, art4.jpg)


File: 1598475939111-0.jpg (106.84 KB, 500x691, art11.jpg)

File: 1598475939111-1.jpg (90.52 KB, 500x656, art10.jpg)

File: 1598475939111-2.jpg (88.6 KB, 448x650, art9.jpg)

File: 1598475939111-3.jpg (35.02 KB, 292x432, art8.jpg)


File: 1598476343554-0.jpg (104.57 KB, 564x782, art4.jpg)

File: 1598476343554-1.jpg (73.82 KB, 564x564, art6.jpg)

File: 1598476343554-2.jpg (64.92 KB, 564x564, art2.jpg)

File: 1598476343554-3.jpg (53.69 KB, 564x564, art3.jpg)


File: 1598476735832-0.jpg (61.38 KB, 420x585, collage1.jpg)

File: 1598476735832-1.jpg (166.04 KB, 564x743, collage3.jpg)

File: 1598476735832-2.jpg (89.02 KB, 485x750, collage4.jpg)

File: 1598476735832-3.jpg (58.58 KB, 315x750, collage5.jpg)

can posters/collages like pic rel be posted here, or should a new thread be made for this sorta thing?


I suppose I can't answer your question; if it were me to decide, I'd say it's the right place.
I like the last one in particular.


I really like these aesthetics


File: 1598591830021-0.jpg (1.73 MB, 1280x1919, 3.jpg)

File: 1598591830021-1.jpeg (556.14 KB, 1109x1000, 1.jpeg)

File: 1598591830021-2.png (418.01 KB, 1404x1966, 1.png)

File: 1598591830021-3.jpeg (548.51 KB, 2048x1388, 2.jpeg)


File: 1599245309566-0.jpg (785.13 KB, 2000x3000, fJDQDmJDiEzRROph0T1ace8oyN….jpg)

File: 1599245309566-1.jpg (1.57 MB, 3900x3900, 24898848961806493.jpg)

File: 1599245309566-2.jpg (411.21 KB, 1050x1575, heinz-hajek-halke-german-e….jpg)

File: 1599245309566-3.jpg (382.54 KB, 850x1204, __original_drawn_by_turiga….jpg)


File: 1599246271623-0.jpg (239.01 KB, 757x1063, ken-takakura-11.jpg)

File: 1599246271623-1.jpg (43.4 KB, 651x459, MV5BNGQyYmJlZWQtZjU5ZS00Nz….jpg)

File: 1599246271623-2.jpg (874.5 KB, 1460x1900, 1394312611101.jpg)


is the character from your first pic from some anime or manga? i really like it


File: 1688164899665-0.jpg (243.81 KB, 1181x1623, __original_drawn_by_cosgas….jpg)

File: 1688164899665-1.png (820.54 KB, 612x617, __original_drawn_by_coco_g….png)

File: 1688164899665-2.jpg (668.92 KB, 647x1000, __flandre_scarlet_touhou_d….jpg)


File: 1698396737808-0.jpg (727.07 KB, 1549x1914, 44797.jpg)

File: 1698396737808-1.jpg (1.5 MB, 1560x2089, __original_drawn_by_jnt__0….jpg)

File: 1698396737808-2.jpg (72.96 KB, 628x700, __original_drawn_by_ikeda_….jpg)


File: 1698449877496-0.jpg (974.99 KB, 840x1200, 3d1035d064a252614ddf7253d8….jpg)

File: 1698449877496-1.jpg (1.06 MB, 2400x1850, 96556c0b996467e1f4de551f18….jpg)


File: 1698525140109.jpg (625.98 KB, 1576x2048, __original_drawn_by_explos….jpg)


File: 1708458527449.jpg (356.23 KB, 1560x2048, GGs9kJ8aQAA28x6.jpg)


isn't his stuff privated and hard to find now?




File: 1718855810999-0.png (574.11 KB, 800x450, 48880376_p3.png)

File: 1718855810999-1.png (1.4 MB, 1280x719, 49995206_p0.png)

File: 1718855810999-2.png (521.8 KB, 840x473, 53483006_p1.png)


love the second one


File: 1723441090747.jpg (51.92 KB, 584x960, 6daf64dbba4d95565ac89258a5….jpg)

Agostino Arrivabene


File: 1723473641275.jpg (61.8 KB, 736x742, d69b6a9cd7fda98bf15abe28f4….jpg)

Elena Rotenberg, airbrush


File: 1723498500619.jpg (38.99 KB, 526x526, 026ce519be0945806874468d60….jpg)

Robert Valley, one of my faves


This art style is very cozy, thanks sushi.


File: 1723614890235.jpg (103.75 KB, 735x937, ba0bd1f748bf9e20f4125be7d2….jpg)

Phil Hale, one of the GOAT imo


File: 1725080960145.png (52.19 KB, 408x600, ClipboardImage.png)

The Great Metaphysician, Giorgio de Chirico (1971).


File: 1730937380418.png (930.11 KB, 1280x875, literally_vs_figuratively_….png)


gonna dump some artistic video edits I like




File: 1737289617730-0.jpeg (959.8 KB, 1280x1535, 1674253540444.jpeg)

File: 1737289617730-1.png (510.58 KB, 564x846, 1697713659233735.png)

File: 1737289617730-2.jpg (264.23 KB, 1183x700, 141635199415.jpg)

File: 1737289617730-3.jpg (868.22 KB, 1280x1548, 1689173418772.jpg)


File: 1737289694686-0.png (2.62 MB, 1661x775, 1675366211540.png)

File: 1737289694686-1.jpg (971.2 KB, 1500x1500, 1663144714278.jpg)

File: 1737289694686-2.jpeg (942.59 KB, 1125x1099, 1646302677101.jpeg)

File: 1737289694686-3.jpg (220.4 KB, 484x750, 1638535410380.jpg)


File: 1737289767209-0.jpg (299.33 KB, 1377x1126, 1597097732546.jpg)

File: 1737289767209-1.jpg (3.59 MB, 2168x2944, bok1.jpg)

File: 1737289767209-2.jpg (3.71 MB, 2272x2954, bok2.jpg)

File: 1737289767209-3.jpg (3.63 MB, 2192x2958, bok3.jpg)


File: 1737289817690-0.jpg (384.41 KB, 1400x1087, 1595217382105.jpg)

File: 1737289817690-1.jpg (336.51 KB, 751x1534, 1584572476647-3.jpg)

File: 1737289817690-2.jpg (391.03 KB, 1259x1600, what is a man.jpg)

File: 1737289817690-3.jpg (515.48 KB, 1173x2000, Albert Joseph Pénot - La F….jpg)


File: 1737289875256-0.jpg (182.22 KB, 743x1226, 74165264231014698.jpg)

File: 1737289875256-1.jpg (1.24 MB, 2527x1714, 1594934129924.jpg)

File: 1737289875256-2.jpg (3.49 MB, 6756x4276, 4196362364726.jpg)

File: 1737289875256-3.png (97.73 KB, 300x300, Easy Tempo.PNG)


File: 1737289938442-0.jpg (1.05 MB, 1293x900, 682658134616.jpg)

File: 1737289938442-1.png (30.12 KB, 230x230, 9824984297865.png)

File: 1737289938442-2.jpg (60.57 KB, 524x684, elgreco2.JPG)

File: 1737289938442-3.jpg (703.71 KB, 2736x1869, 1443785509545-0.jpg)


File: 1737290143279-0.jpg (44.04 KB, 800x446, Maslowski Stanislaw Wschod….jpg)

File: 1737290143279-1.jpg (95.82 KB, 797x767, 3871765430.jpg)

File: 1737290143279-2.jpg (2.5 MB, 2345x3200, Josef Theodor Hansen 1848 ….jpg)

File: 1737290143279-3.jpg (263.85 KB, 800x710, 66276467.jpg)


File: 1737290211241-0.jpg (157.94 KB, 1074x690, 98614527395742.jpg)

File: 1737290211241-1.jpg (618.55 KB, 2000x1285, 689565340101.jpg)

File: 1737290211241-2.jpg (1.88 MB, 4001x2692, 041909401871.jpg)

File: 1737290211241-3.jpg (110.8 KB, 854x687, 1446594366712-2.jpg)


File: 1737290269721-0.png (810.59 KB, 1092x610, 711357617.png)

File: 1737290269721-1.jpg (557.62 KB, 1352x1080, yes.jpg)

File: 1737290269721-2.jpg (382.51 KB, 1024x1024, tumnun.jpg)

File: 1737290269721-3.jpg (354.49 KB, 1280x827, winternightpalace.jpg)


File: 1737290342480-0.jpg (1.89 MB, 5084x3408, 1449668502440.jpg)

File: 1737290342480-1.jpg (406.92 KB, 1024x1024, 41107_2580149xl.jpg)

File: 1737290342480-2.jpg (17.59 KB, 500x220, Og2YlZV.jpg)

File: 1737290342480-3.jpg (162 KB, 1280x893, EVagJCQ.jpg)


File: 1737290412040-0.jpg (76.98 KB, 574x620, thumbup.jpg)

File: 1737290412040-1.jpg (457.64 KB, 700x992, Dracula.jpg)

File: 1737290412040-2.jpg (346.9 KB, 728x1045, u009.jpg)

File: 1737290412040-3.jpg (271.84 KB, 731x926, 1481366240502.jpg)


File: 1737290475519-0.jpg (45.9 KB, 575x361, 1479827795275.jpg)

File: 1737290475519-1.gif (31.12 KB, 716x716, 1478551829458.gif)

File: 1737290475519-2.jpg (92.76 KB, 406x599, raven0010.jpg)

File: 1737290475519-3.jpg (179.07 KB, 1194x750, 1466317146505-0.jpg)


File: 1737290535509-0.jpg (122.86 KB, 458x900, 5hqwjc.jpg)

File: 1737290535509-1.jpg (146.11 KB, 814x610, qjo3.jpg)

File: 1737290535509-2.jpg (422.58 KB, 662x830, M0vO5Kb.jpg)

File: 1737290535509-3.jpg (316.79 KB, 2048x1524, 1458265542627.jpg)


File: 1737290617135-0.jpg (132.38 KB, 482x600, 1455765164466-1.jpg)

File: 1737290617135-1.jpg (1.1 MB, 1280x1280, 1455602854004-2.jpg)

File: 1737290617135-2.jpg (333.76 KB, 1200x1722, 1454457984473.jpg)

File: 1737290617135-3.jpg (237.75 KB, 702x935, 1454376211546.jpg)


File: 1737290672964-0.jpg (2.51 MB, 1280x1280, 1452666662019.jpg)

File: 1737290672964-1.jpg (376.97 KB, 1024x1385, 1451341673679-1.jpg)

File: 1737290672964-2.jpg (55.17 KB, 560x560, 8938634272.jpg)

File: 1737290672964-3.jpg (221.43 KB, 785x1097, 0344568585912552220.jpg)


File: 1737290861321-0.png (1.07 MB, 1423x800, 1431229134799-0.png)

File: 1737290861321-1.jpg (148.31 KB, 785x1834, 09h09.jpg)

File: 1737290861321-2.jpg (224 KB, 1280x664, 1422804256205-2.jpg)

File: 1737290861321-3.jpg (205.78 KB, 900x600, ZKO8dQN.jpg)


File: 1737290913294-0.jpg (1.13 MB, 736x2311, MCzmW.jpg)

File: 1737290913294-1.png (315.74 KB, 500x689, aa086b.png)

File: 1737290913294-2.jpg (197.01 KB, 1213x700, 1411559365805.jpg)

File: 1737290913294-3.jpg (208.38 KB, 1000x1000, 1407218629117.jpg)


File: 1737290964204-0.jpg (417.37 KB, 1920x1080, space neet 2.jpg)

File: 1737290964204-1.jpg (184.46 KB, 998x801, 1397466789123.jpg)

File: 1737290964204-2.jpg (127.62 KB, 500x610, 1422804623804-0.jpg)

File: 1737290964204-3.jpg (955.26 KB, 2444x1716, 1393608519419.jpg)


File: 1737291016407-0.jpg (2.8 MB, 2560x1920, 1381048711251.jpg)

File: 1737291016407-1.jpg (1.06 MB, 1155x900, 4135034026-1.jpg)

File: 1737291016407-2.jpg (47.53 KB, 310x470, litho04.jpg)

File: 1737291016407-3.jpg (835.78 KB, 1024x1121, zzaa097.jpg)


File: 1737291211532-0.jpg (87.29 KB, 800x609, 6769.jpg)

File: 1737291211532-1.jpg (191.33 KB, 500x736, 8482905.jpg)

File: 1737291211532-2.jpg (383.23 KB, 1920x1080, space neet.jpg)

File: 1737291211532-3.jpg (76.27 KB, 447x599, lightyearsaway.jpg)


File: 1737291360963-0.jpg (38.74 KB, 236x323, projets_06.jpg)

File: 1737291360963-1.gif (81.29 KB, 438x585, gatonomor_p_4.gif)

File: 1737291360963-2.jpg (111.86 KB, 773x530, 1379768945050.jpg)

File: 1737291360963-3.jpg (678.21 KB, 1240x827, 603743.jpg)


File: 1737291437660-0.jpg (105.23 KB, 650x487, woe.jpg)

File: 1737291437660-1.jpg (46.47 KB, 324x560, v10.jpg)

File: 1737291437660-2.jpg (130.64 KB, 660x686, b76d8hjdci.jpg)

File: 1737291437660-3.jpg (133.75 KB, 680x506, dailysketch1.jpg)


File: 1737291553198-0.jpg (1.51 MB, 1000x1277, 1459384565937-1.jpg)

File: 1737291553198-1.jpg (95.46 KB, 480x1200, con02.jpg)

File: 1737291553198-2.jpg (64.69 KB, 624x570, Def0538.JPG)

File: 1737291553198-3.jpg (74.92 KB, 800x600, sr2wallp1_800.jpg)


File: 1737291638249-0.jpg (39.96 KB, 436x600, raz_.jpg)

File: 1737291638249-1.gif (605.47 KB, 1024x700, yuttyuu-sekirei.gif)

File: 1737291638249-2.jpg (62.97 KB, 699x599, Rembrandt Harmensz van Rij….jpg)

File: 1737291638249-3.jpg (96.57 KB, 495x768, amazingfantasy_02.jpg)


File: 1737291698020-0.jpg (102.21 KB, 514x674, unknown satyr's head.jpg)

File: 1737291698020-1.jpg (64.13 KB, 538x340, priestess.jpg)

File: 1737291698020-2.jpg (192.49 KB, 700x1051, 1417887801299-2.jpg)

File: 1737291698020-3.jpg (223.07 KB, 1600x1200, 1336701447946.jpg)


File: 1737293987700-0.jpg (91.37 KB, 640x640, 1601358288834.jpg)

File: 1737293987700-1.jpg (116.51 KB, 550x886, don.jpg)

File: 1737293987700-2.jpg (67.37 KB, 718x1034, reckless sleeper.jpg)

File: 1737293987700-3.jpg (146.34 KB, 852x1320, doorofperceptionmagritte.jpg)


File: 1737404531151-0.jpg (395.75 KB, 753x833, roof cat.jpg)

File: 1737404531151-1.jpg (78.63 KB, 800x569, 1597097483683.jpg)

File: 1737404531151-2.jpg (354.61 KB, 1280x1175, 84096568624158.jpg)

File: 1737404531151-3.jpeg (1.25 MB, 1600x1273, 1670216883950.jpeg)


wwww cat look like jan!


File: 1737483781244.jpg (516.73 KB, 538x770, lanternman_by_yanadhyana_d….jpg)


File: 1739255585634-0.jpg (456.72 KB, 1600x1195, alchemyofbreathing.jpg)

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Paul Laffoley. It's hard to explain why I find his stuff so interesting but I always enjoy looking at the random details and trying to unpack what was going on in his brain.


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Symphony of the Sixth Blast Furnace, by Evgeny Sedukhin, 1979

I'm really fascinated by massive works of industry and I really really love this piece.


This is Soviet right? There's something hauntingly beautiful about it. Industry is the god that failed.


Very Warhammer 40000


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So much beautiful art in this thread. If I may be so bold, can some of you post the name of the artist for us plebs that want to look it up?
Attached are pieces by Amazio Komeko and Zakirsiz.


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