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/culture/ - arts & literature

"Man cannot remake himself without suffering, for he is both the marble and the sculptor." - Alexis Carrel

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Gaze longingly upon Perfideous Simone, Chicken Manfred. Your duck-billed chicken beak will never sample its fleshy fruit cheeks. Yes, yes - I am smiling to spite the shame you must feel in this, your darkest moment. Curse you, Perfideous Simone!

Though my hands are socks, I shall hold your feathered body in a gesture of consolation.


>see how even now Perfideous Simone perversely quivers


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That night, cradled by socks, Chicken Manfred dreamt.


He didn't bother to remove his surprisingly tiny yellow boots. Nor did he wonder how his chicken feet fit within them. No - he dreamt of Perfideous Simone!


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…and a little bit about the time he caught a glimpse of Gertrude's cloaca…


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…but mainly he dreamt of Perfideous Simone!


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And He dreamt of Clouds, which are the portent of many things.
Most moist above sea,
Breaker of stone,
Irrigator of mulberry bushes,
Dwelling of the Flappybara.

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