>>35can i ask what the original gif (the touhou thing) is?
>>38Not sure of the artist, but I usually keep the original filenames from where I get them. That one I probably got from a reddit imgur post.>>39The first one is nice.
>>36It looks really nice, sushi :3
>>52Your pics inspired me to make a script
pls work code tags
col=$(tput co)
lines=$(tput li)
for i in $(seq 1 1000); do
tput cm $(( $RANDOM % $col )) $(( $RANDOM % $lines ))
echo $RANDOM | xxd -p -r
tput cm $col $lines
I know this is not glitch but since I introduced my script here first, I'll leave this one too message is supplied as first argument, eg
./ "You're dead, kiddo"
>>114Slightly better version, now takes a message for each argument, I'm such at script kiddy
>>117Oh wait, I gimped all over them as well. Ah, who cares.
does Audacity just accept any format, or do you have to trick it into thinking that you're giving it an audio file?
>>119You have to use uncompressed bitmap files and import them as raw input. Some manipulations can fuck up the header of the file or something, so it won't be recognized as an image after export.
How would one go about making a glitch art movie? I haven't done any glitch art, nor do I have an idea for a movie, but I think that would be really cool and it's something that not many people have done.
>>165What do you mean by 'movie'?
There are tons of videos like those in
>>37. The adult swim one isn't fully glitch art, but uses it a lot with other trippy clips. It has a really nice flow which could distinguish it as a 'movie' from other video glitch art.
>>167I'm thinking something with continuity, yes, but probably not longer than 10 or 15 minutes. Maybe I should come back when I have some actual ideas, but I was wondering what kind of film would be best for it and what kind of effects I could do with it.