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/culture/ - arts & literature

"Man cannot remake himself without suffering, for he is both the marble and the sculptor." - Alexis Carrel

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• Embeds Supported: youtube, vimeo, dailymotion, metacafe, & vocaroo.
• Max. post size is 10MB / 4 files.

Remember to keep it cozy!

We are taking submissions for original "file deleted" thumbnail art in this thread.

File: 1480393127221-0.gif (997.27 KB, 500x475, 1456023636571-0.gif)

File: 1480393127221-1.gif (1.16 MB, 540x540, 1456022729527.gif)

File: 1480393127222-2.gif (1.54 MB, 500x400, oOUG9sr.gif)


Who likes pixel art?


File: 1480393309960-0.gif (2.23 MB, 817x537, 4e81512698b63caf0311f0d914….gif)

File: 1480393309960-1.gif (2.62 MB, 463x230, 1452335317883.gif)

File: 1480393309960-2.gif (352.7 KB, 266x242, e2ddf5b39c1d123707ff7e9043….gif)

I find pixel art much more charming than just 3d or animation. Maybe it's because there's a degree of abstraction to it?


File: 1480393606218-0.jpg (873.36 KB, 1920x1357, cKsCURQ.jpg)

File: 1480393606218-1.gif (25.8 KB, 592x430, tumblr_o2k9geP7ah1r2mz7po1….gif)

File: 1480393606218-2.png (391.19 KB, 1728x960, 1456024216522-1.png)

Some of the pixels in these works are so small that they don't look pixelated at all!


File: 1480393679221-0.jpg (93.42 KB, 1024x622, wFiHrAeyMfkXeP2J4yEIlFrprI….jpg)

File: 1480393679221-1.gif (141.16 KB, 384x384, tumblr_o5f6xlEzcV1r2mz7po1….gif)

File: 1480393679221-2.gif (3.84 MB, 690x467, t3_51fxgo.gif)

File: 1480393679221-3.gif (290.8 KB, 700x480, l41Ym6vkNNtC1HcBy.gif)


File: 1480393814340-0.gif (4.2 MB, 760x512, giphy.gif)

File: 1480393814340-1.png (46.08 KB, 1536x864, t3_30qwti.png)

File: 1480393814340-2.gif (38.29 KB, 640x400, FDNHzsY.gif)

File: 1480393814340-3.gif (30.2 KB, 640x910, 1456032790381-1.gif)


>pixel dark souls

I never knew how much I needed this.


Why is the one with the sea life cut off on the edges?


File: 1580996554187-0.png (1.27 MB, 1620x3192, beautiful_genesis.png)

File: 1580996554187-1.png (279.17 KB, 1300x2524, beautiful_nes.png)

File: 1580996554187-2.png (1.75 MB, 1301x3876, beautiful_snes.png)



seeing games cut up like this really makes you appreciate the art a lot more than playing them somehow. anymore like this?


File: 1639509883713-0.gif (2.57 MB, 300x300, 72h laced vidya session.gif)

File: 1639509883721-1.gif (3.78 MB, 600x600, future gallery heh.gif)

Its nice there's a pixel thread here
I have been putting my pixels on tezos


You made these? Sugoi


File: 1639594377015.png (21.56 KB, 747x486, red_moon.png)

Here's one I made a few years ago. And yeah >>1023 these look amazing!


File: 1639665604389.png (23.55 KB, 524x224, guts thumbs up.png)

I really really like the second one.
That's fugging great


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File: 1641028036769-1.gif (1.45 MB, 800x650, coom guy.gif)

File: 1641028036769-2.png (118.02 KB, 900x700, breeding something.png)

my pixel art has gotten weird over the past year.
Beginning/Middle/End of year in order.


Seen your posts on black fog. Very nice


File: 1641253739043-0.gif (564.91 KB, 300x300, eri.gif)

File: 1641253739043-1.gif (98.76 KB, 300x300, signal.gif)

File: 1641253739043-2.gif (2.56 MB, 300x300, ghosttttttt.gif)

Finished those since last time, hope im not overposting hah

Thank you!

Its pretty cute, sushi

lol soy and bog, nice works, reminds me of world of horror

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