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/culture/ - arts & literature

"Man cannot remake himself without suffering, for he is both the marble and the sculptor." - Alexis Carrel

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Remember to keep it cozy!

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Pick up your sword 'n rucksack and lets go adventuring!


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This thread is quite a nice idea, I hope to see more of it.


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I always loved Vivec


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I keep a little rucksack with some hobbit-tier equipment for adventuring near my bed and routinely use it to go on tiny adventures in the woods… Am I autistic?


You're not.
I've seen forest only on pictures and in movies.
I hope to see a real forest sometime.


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That sounds like a fun thing to do actually. Got a small one I inherited from my grandfather. It is the kind that can fold out so you can sit on it.

A compact fishing rod, pans, a knife, and a tarp, and I pretty much have all that I need for a weekend in the woods. + some extra food rations in case I can't find any fish. My sleeping bag might be compact enough to fit in it too. Even just a day trip would be nice.

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