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/culture/ - arts & literature

"Man cannot remake himself without suffering, for he is both the marble and the sculptor." - Alexis Carrel
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I don't know if this would fit better with /tunes/ but artwork for albums could fit here.

But anyways, here's a thread for album artwork you really like.

These were used for the inner sleeve artwork for Talk Talk's 1986 album "The Colour of Spring, of which James Marsh did the artwork for.
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Autechre - Quaristice (Versions)


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tekvision - Mobile Suit Ecco


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album is sorg by Afsky. the painting that they used is the Death of Chatterton. Its a beautiful painting on its own but i also like the black and white version here.

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I couldn't find anything like this in the catalog, so I'll be making a general art thread! Post art you like in this thread. No other rules or genres. Just art you like.
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isn't his stuff privated and hard to find now?




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love the second one

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Do any of you Sushis like fashion?
Are there any designers you like?
I think my favorit desingner is Iris van Herpen.
Her dresses look so other-earthy and natural :D
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I'm interested in fashion but don't dive much into it; the main reason is living somewhere where quality is very expensive and not diverse, the second is that i never really found a 'style'.
I do collect inspo though and try to think about how a piece may go with the rest of the wardrobe.>>1037



god what a cutie….


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dive in, sushi! even if you don't have the clothes or a style, it doesn't mean you shouldn't explore the field. most famous designers dress very boringly/plainly - outward appearance isn't a required part of the interest (but it is quite a fun part).
where you live can feel quite restrictive though, sadly


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Yeah, he's forbiddenly beautiful, with, imo, a perfect hair too…
One thing i love about his fit is the pullover. It's kinda loose and goes straight down as opposed to folding upward in the bottom and creating a bulge around your waist/hips.

True, i can still search around for stuff i like.


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Love fashion. Does anyone here watch Bliss Foster on YT? Nensi Dojaka (picrel) is my favorite designer currently.

But I also like Alexander McQueen, Rokh, and Ann Demuelemeester

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I've heard both good and bad things about this show, should i watch it? what is your opinion on it sushi roll?
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If you decide to watch it follow along with the archived episode discussion threads on the /r/mrrobot subreddit. Sam Esmail and the writers regularly lurked in there and would throw shit in to later seasons to troll the redditors. Following along with some of the crazier theories week to week was a pretty integral part of my experience with it (especially the rantings of the user lost_tsol), and it's hard to imagine the whole thing being half as fun if you just did the normal binge.

As for the show itself it's a pretty great exercise in style, and has a lot of fun surreal moments, and arguably ends on a pretty solid note for the main character, but I do think it wastes a lot of time trying to play sleight of hand with the audience and introduces plenty of ideas and characters that basically go nowhere or add very little when everything shakes out plotwise.

Overall give it a watch for something that feels like nostalgia for the paranoid 2015/16 zeitgeist and is above average for tv in terms of cinematography and presentation. The plot is great as something to ride along to and experience, but ultimately the story of the show is pretty simple and straightforward and much of what feels complex about it is smoke and mirrors.


>end that came up out of nowhere
It was a long time ago but there were clues throughout the show that lots of people noticed but they were very subtle.


What forced romance? I remember there was only one scene… Other than that I liked how they didn't force it at all when other shows would've used her character for a "romantic interest" character.


wasn't this just an ad for kali linux and psyop people into the "ethical" "hacking" cybersecurity profession?


I'mma say what everyone is saying: Season one was amazing - I didn't watch it after the second season

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Im starting my korean language learning journey, its only been a few days but I'm feeling good. i cant wait to see how much I've learned in the next few months


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Good luck, sushi roll!
Please come back and show us in the next few months.





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Kimchi juseyo!

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Finally some relatable wholesome yuri, now seeking funding on Kickstarter. In English even!

Campaign link, with links to buy previous volumes: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/senpainokohai/senpai-no-kohai-0


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I'd like to see yuri without these weird senior/junior, tall/short, genki/serious dynamics. Just two black haired japanese maidens gradually falling in love…


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why is their hair color important enough to state specifically?
are hair color dynamics weird to you too??


I wanted to say "two totally average black haired japanese maidens"… maybe that sounds less colorphobic.


could just be a preference. also, black hair is a pretty common hair color so it makes sense I guess lol

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Some probably still remember my zine thread here almost 2 years ago. Good things, issue #2 just got released at https://blackfogzine.org/, I hope you enjoy! We have almost 100 members on discord, come say hi if you feel like
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It surprises me I still check this place on a weekly basis. I DO wish I would post more, I am really grateful to the few rolls who keep this place alive, I really do. I have this feeling that whenever I have to forget about this sanctuary to sort a mess out, I dont have to fear to come back to a cemetery.
luvu rolls


A great issue. It's a shame it lacked the comics, but the Infornography entries were amazing and so was all else.


true, hopefully #3 will be richer in content


Haven't heard of this before, but I'm really glad I found this. Thanks


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Ok heh, I did not expect this thread to be still up, but that's cute. I'll just bump it then.

So as an update, issue #3 is out, and submissions for #4 are open, feel free to check it out, and if you want to submit a comic, art, haiku or something, contact me through email or discord (both are listed on the website)

#3 is T H I C K
Though that was probably just a one time thing.

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As with any other medium the body can be shaped in various ways. However it being linked to the one wielding it and having direct influence on their mind, it can be more difficult to work with.

If you are working on transforming your physical shell, feel free to report in.

1) Where are you at?
2) What is your goal?
3) What have you archived so far?
4) How do you plan to progress from there?
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nah, florida


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Today I went for a brief run and some power walking. 30 minutes of cardio. It's not much, but it is a start.


30 mins is pretty good if you can keep it up every day! That's about what my doctor recommends at least.


35 lbs now…


London! (not him)

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Heya, sushinons, what's your opinion on Homestuck? And the ship Johnkat in particular?


Who ARE you?


I don't know anything about homestuck except that one year at ACEN something like 10% of the people there were wearing greyface and orange horns and I was really confused at the time because I'd never heard of it before.

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Bookshelf ASL?


Does it look like a fire hazard to you?


My bookshelf doesn't have a sex but it is about 2 years old and located in my apartment


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Ahh, this thread is making me wonder if I should start buying physical books. They might be nicer and easier to add notes to, but reading all the stuff I want to might put a serious strain on my budget in addition to all the other treats I wanna enjoy

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