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Heya, sushinons, what's your opinion on Homestuck? And the ship Johnkat in particular?


Who ARE you?


I don't know anything about homestuck except that one year at ACEN something like 10% of the people there were wearing greyface and orange horns and I was really confused at the time because I'd never heard of it before.


It was something I would consider good from acts 1-4 and then once act 5 peaked it lost it's way and became terrible
Also Johnkat is not a good ship


Hey, newroll, we say "sushirollymous" or just "sushi", not "sushinon". Hope you enjoy your stay!


I will say sushinon from now on.


Any suggestions how to get into Homestuck? I've started it a few times, but I haven't been immediately captured since I had no clue where the story was going


Just read acts 1-4 as normal
Or you can just put on a YouTube video that has voice actors dub it


I dropped Homestuck during the part where Calliope and Roxy were talking to each other and this part lasted maybe a year+ because the comic's update schedule was so slow. Also, because I dislike Calliope as a character. I like HS though, as a setting. The skaians/exiles were my favorite characters.

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