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/culture/ - arts & literature

"Man cannot remake himself without suffering, for he is both the marble and the sculptor." - Alexis Carrel

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File: 1742929079487.png (1.09 MB, 922x1240, Akyuu_FS4.png)


I think it's an interesting way to express out enjoyment of out favorite series, whether it could be from a TV show, comic book, animation, video game, etc. etc…

I'm making a fanfic for Alien 9, though it's not complete and I think it's an interesting way for fans to express their take of the original source material, and that's why I like to make stories one day (though my procrastination might put me in trouble in the future…).


I like the porn ones if they are good but sometimes I hate sexualizing certain chracters. Like I wouldn't wanna see Yotsuba turned into porn, but other times I think it can be fun.


Adding amateur art makes it into a unique picture book and increases viewer interest by a lot!

Whats the A9 fanfic about?

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