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"Man cannot remake himself without suffering, for he is both the marble and the sculptor." - Alexis Carrel

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Do any of you Sushis like fashion?
Are there any designers you like?
I think my favorit desingner is Iris van Herpen.
Her dresses look so other-earthy and natural :D


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Wow, those are incredible.
I am interested in fashion but in a more…pragmatic way. As in, I'm interested in clothes that I could conceivably own and would probably wear (basically high street brands. Probably a little boring if you're into bespoke designers). I have a couple of items that I own because I think they look amazing but very rarely wear (pic related) either because I don't want to damage them or they are difficult to pull off.

I'm a big fan of Evisu clothes too, I think the daicock motif is a really stylish piece of branding. Some of there more outlandish clothes can be a bit much, but it's cool to see a high street brand that is willing to make such bold designs


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love lolita<3


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I love fashion. it's something I fade in and out of, going from being all consumed to casually interested in.
>favourite designers
bit of a boring choice, but Martin Margiela. just a fascinating reinterpretation of clothes while still remaining both functional and somewhat conventionally beautiful
Uma Wang and Ziggy Chen are also great for very different reasons than ^
Yohji Yamamoto, of course (Our Legacy too)
I have a soft spot for Song for the Mute because they're the only good Australian brand I know of
endless love for endless designers

post more of your favourite Iris van Herpen, sushi


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months later, some Maison (Martin) Margiela and others


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I'm interested in fashion but don't dive much into it; the main reason is living somewhere where quality is very expensive and not diverse, the second is that i never really found a 'style'.
I do collect inspo though and try to think about how a piece may go with the rest of the wardrobe.>>1037



god what a cutie….


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dive in, sushi! even if you don't have the clothes or a style, it doesn't mean you shouldn't explore the field. most famous designers dress very boringly/plainly - outward appearance isn't a required part of the interest (but it is quite a fun part).
where you live can feel quite restrictive though, sadly


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Yeah, he's forbiddenly beautiful, with, imo, a perfect hair too…
One thing i love about his fit is the pullover. It's kinda loose and goes straight down as opposed to folding upward in the bottom and creating a bulge around your waist/hips.

True, i can still search around for stuff i like.


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Love fashion. Does anyone here watch Bliss Foster on YT? Nensi Dojaka (picrel) is my favorite designer currently.

But I also like Alexander McQueen, Rokh, and Ann Demuelemeester


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I kind of like fashion but haven't really gotten into it because I don't know where to get the quality I want. I like how academia stuff looks, it's not too flashy but not too plain, and jojo suits are also cool. I think another difficult aspect is finding the right places to wear things that aren't casual.


I hate fashion and have no sense of dress. I'm trying to abandon my hikineet ways and live an ordinary life. So I got a formal outfit for occasions but I don't know how to dress besides that. I just wear whatever and have no idea of dress sense. I just wear oversized hoodies and shorts because thats whats comfy.


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Speaking as a casual enjoyer of fashion, I find myself having a lot of difficulty with finding clothes that have Good Fit on me as well as Good Designs. Often it is one or the other and it really stresses me out since I believe I do have cool tee shirts, it's just that their fit on me is kinda lame and not all that interesting.

I also find it even harder to find well-fitting clothes as a transushi. If anyone has advice, I'd like to know how to dress more femininely or androgynously whilst having a male build. I have a difficult time finding clothes that are comfortable, feminine, and still look good on my male body. I plan to start medical transition soon, so my needs are likely to change but some parts of my body will still remain very male for a while before I achieve a girlier shape. So advice would be appreciated whether that be buying guides, blog links, or even certain brands that can help with achieving androgyny.

Is that Connor?

If you're looking to get into fashion (albeit casually), I'd heavily suggest hovering around fashion magazine websites, fashion youtube, and others to find out what sort of looks and aesthetic proclivities you find yourself getting into. From there, you can use sites that have major focus on aesthetics like Pinterest or Tumblr (though they're both kinda shit for different reasons) to create inspiration boards that'll help greatly in dressing nicer.


>I think another difficult aspect is finding the right places to wear things that aren't casual.
Imo, dressing for the occasion is overrated if you're dressing up. If you like dressing in a formal way, there's nothing wrong with going out like that.
If you still don't feel comfortable with it, then try to coordinate your outfit by using more casual pieces with the formal pieces being the main focus. Chapter 8 of If You're Gonna Dress Up, Do It Like This talks about it a bit, i mention this manga because a lot of what's in it may match your preferred aesthetics.

Nothing wrong with that, but it still may be worth to take a look into some introductory fashion concepts like color coordination and silhouette just to wear what you find comfy but in a way that's more visually appealing.

Since you like a baggier and androgynous look, you may like Garcia Ventus (The Rosen Rot) as a designer, fashion writer and inspo collector (her pinterest and twitter). Unfortunately she doesn't focus much on femininity which is what you want the most.


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> you may like Gracia Ventus (The Rosen Rot)
> she doesn't focus much on femininity
I took a look at her own personal blog and her instagram and she does have a style that I really fuck with, though it's often a little too monochrome and simple for my own personal sense of fashion, I prefer to wear complex textures in earth tones almost all of the time. Though I used to know someone who dressed almost exactly like her that (fittingly) was far more focused on androgyny than I was. Still finding great inspiration in her stuff though, thanks for the recommendation.


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this is so adorable i kinda been a passive enjoyer of the fashion since a friend of mine ranted about it since they hate furries apparently, cool aesthetic, delicious drama and cat fighting, its def something i love seeing it from the far, pic unrelated


1st one is ita…

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