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/culture/ - arts & literature

"Man cannot remake himself without suffering, for he is both the marble and the sculptor." - Alexis Carrel

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File: 1466766105662.png (16.72 KB, 300x533, istkultflyer.png)




…Wanna say something about it?


Well I guess I am writing about growing up in the 90's, the culture of then and now ~ how I love acid tech from '93 now yet I was only 2 then… Exploring the next 1000 years through characters :3 2K is that we now live in the 2000's \"0.0"/


eeeh… I don't get it, sorry. Is it a book? An essay? From what you're saying it sounds like something I could be interested in reading


it is a banner reference to a collection of writings


File: 1466938303281.png (49.48 KB, 894x315, Schermata 2016-06-26 alle ….png)

This is the single only result I get on Google


File: 1473509375278.pdf (1.06 MB, Acid Ceremony.pdf)


It's being released as installations so as not to limit the text's potential contents.


To my mind, a zine of brilliant impressionistic pieces, a series of miniature anarchist manifestos, and a treatise on chaos magic.

But, "Don’t show this to anyone; I wrote it for you."


I appreciate that - thanks for taking the time… I submitted this as an assignment the other week in my "drugs and alcohol in literature" class, the lecturer had some interesting responses also!


Something I've been wanting to add to this project, though is taking time to draft out so I will do a rough edit here;

Gaj Treaty

Between the people that serve God, Gnod and the place where the garden grows - Gaj is perhaps a human form of entity; techgnod is the culmination of all decaying substances and will eventually consume life as a whole, while the treaty details that all three are in balance and exist according to one another. A fourth entity may be included once it is named.


I was going through my downloads to backup and found I had saved this.


saved what? you never attached anything.

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