>>410That looks like a fun one! Question though, what makes the anime better ?
>Senryuu Shoujo
pretty hard to top these two really.
I like Gal Gohan. Cooking, gyaru, teacher MC, harem.
>>411The anime perfectly captures the almost dream-like nostalgia of being with school friends and idling away time with no particular purpose in mind.
I also enjoy the manga, but it doesn't build the same kind of mood.
It's the sort of series that's not broadly popular, but some people will absolutely love it.
I found that manga so distressing I had to drop it.
>>414kinda spoiler-ish: That kinda changes in the later chapters
>>417Oooo awesome thanks ! I need to check that out :3
>>417I didn't realize Gakkogurashi was in Kirara
Wonder Cat Kyuu-chan is really heartwarming, and a lot of the chapters are partially animated.
>>429>>430Both of these are really good! Ookami Shounen wa Kyou mo Uso o Kasaneru by the same author as Madoromi-chan is very cute at times, although it's definitely more of a drama. It's a rare romance story with two heroines that has a proper ending too.
Best girl wins! No.432
>>430This one's way too cute. I'm having to pace myself so I don't read it all in one night.
>>431Gonna give Ookami Shounen a try, too.
>>433I always try to pace myself with stuff that I find really cozy. Spread it out a little so I can feel good every night. :3
>>434I take this to the point where it becomes a problem.
It took me several months to finish watching Jinrui and I've still never finished YKK.
>>435I read YKK in 3 or 4 days while on at an out-of-town training course for work. It was snowing and cold out, so being inside reading is a good memory.
>>409I've made a few recs here but I'd like to add Shinmai Shimai Futari no Gohan, Shimeji Simulation, and if you like cars, zessyaka.
>>515Well, the mangaka calls it's a "fetish manga" and it's almost a foregone conclusion that an anime adaptation of a series will have more pandering. But I don't feel they've necessarily overdone it. Maybe the voice acting accentuates the effect but Sen makes some suggestive faces in the manga as well. It isn't wholly innocent at any rate.
>>517>anything I don't like is panderingThis is my favorite anime community meme.
does anyone have any deliberately uncomfortable SOL?
>>515it was always nojyaloli fetish manga.
>>430 I'm sad this has ended, thanks for recommending this all those years ago sushi. It was a fun ride.
does anysushi have moe boy manga recs?
>>521I wish there was something similar to Shoujo Shumatsu. Girls travelling the wasteland without much point to it just hits well for me.
I can see that no one else has recommended it yet so let me start by warmly recommending Ayakashiko!
It's a cute story about a serious girl who has youkai friends of many different kinds. Together they create all kinds of antics but also have comfy times together at home. There aren't any prevalent male characters but there isn't any real yuri either.
This manga will soothe you when you need it. -w-