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/culture/ - arts & literature

"Man cannot remake himself without suffering, for he is both the marble and the sculptor." - Alexis Carrel

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Do sushi have their favourite magazines?
I thought that reading them may be good way to "deboor*" myself.
So what are you reading? Do you have a ritual that accompanies the act?
Maybe you found something extremely interesting in a publication and
want to share?

*deboor - no idea if this makes sense in english, but it is literal
translation of my country's saying "when a boor tastes some culture".



Lapham's Quarterly. It's a great way to get a wide survey of a lot of different writings that you'd normally have a very hard time finding in print. I used to read Cabinet, but it's not in print anymore, thinking about buying back issues and reading them as a supplement.


I've been thinking about buying random fashion magazines and making collages for fun


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