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Japanese and Otaku Culture, Anime, and Outlying Samachan Topics

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whats the best place online to buy licensed merch?

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To not clutter the OP thread with unrelated stuff, I make a new thread to clutter the /otaku/ board!
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absolutely crushed


I love this so much


Seeing this again as summer hits feels exquisite.

Absolute classic. Honestly, I can't watch stein's gate without thinking about this.


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Check it out guys I found a tutorial on how to perform the kuzu ryuu sen from the hit anime Rurouni Kenshin (1996).

Next anime con I'm guaranteed to SCORE


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You forgot sex voice 1.
I put up with one season of tate no yuusha because of this sexy mature lady.

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good anime


and good game! what you like about it?

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Mushroom girls!
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I own the first one they did. She's the only figure I own that isn't based on an existing character.
It came with a cute booklet with illustrated assembly instructions and mushroom information.

The two little mushroom figures next to her are unrelated mushroom figures, but they fit nicely.

Ended up passing on this one, even though it was tempting.
Now she is tempting me too!

I'd have to get them all.


Wow! Very cute! I like the bonus mushrooms with her.


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the other mushroom girl


is it too late to buy them? I love this one especially


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The image you replied to sold in December of last year, so you are a tad late and you likely won't be able to get her for retail. But the second hand market exists. There is a preowned one on amiami for a little under double the retail price.

The black one in the initial post releases in November, but most preorders are sold out. If you want her you can probably pay attention to store fronts around when she releases to see if they get any extra stock. Same story for the attached image, preorder sold out on most stores. But this one releases in January 2025.

It's a set of figures I really love the appearance of, but I don't own any of them myself.

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Showing Wednesday 9:30 p.m. CST at AMC Northpark 15 in Dallas, TX!
Anyone nearby interested in seeing Koyomi Vamp?
See review if you’re not familiar with the Monogatari series.

Again, AMC Northpark 15 in Dallas! One day only! The cost is ≈$18, and runtime is 2 hrs 24 mins (184 mins). Only comfy sushi guys, gals, and anybody in between are welcome. Preorder tickets or get them there, be respectful, and know the code word: Seisatsu!
See you there!


Not from Dallas, so can't come unfortunately. But I heard this is fairly similar to the original Kizu trilogy with content cut out? Though it must be nice to view it in a theater.


Yes, there’s some content cut, and some content added, helping the compiled trilogy appeal to a greater audience. It’s Monogatari regardless, but I’d also like to say I saw this in a theater.


PSA to comfy sushi folk nearby Dallas: About a day remains to get tickets! Order online here https://www.fandango.com/kizumonogatari-koyomi-vamp-2024-237358/movie-overview

In theaters one day only. Be there!


One hour left!

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 No.6230[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Anything caught your eye sushi?
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Tensei Shitara Dai Nana Ouji Datta no de, Kimamani Majutsu o Kiwamemasu


It's Tensei shitara dainana ouji dattanode, kimamani majutsu wo kiwamemasu. It's a local isekai (not to be confused with native isekai), which is enough to earn the ire of 9 in 10 saturday anime streamers. But once I saw the OP I knew there was something more to this anime than what first appeared (confirmed by the ED) and once again I was right and vindicated as usual.

Do NOT let her appearance deceive you, she's a huge exhibitionist dork.

>also why did that lady stab her thigh



Okay now what the heck is a local isekai


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i want to be isekai'd onto nina's lap


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i still do not know what is a local isekai…

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The world of Pachinko/Slots is vast and complex. Does sushi have any rolls who play pachislot?


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Oh I played a GTO one once that kept going into a QTE game where I had to jump Onizuka's motorcycle but I never got it
I can't read japanese so I really had no idea what I was doing but it was fun and the pachinko balls have a satisfying sound
Pic maybe related but I don't remember what it looked like exactly


Also my understanding is that it's illegal to gamble for money in japan so you have to exchange your pachinko ball winnings for tickets which you then take to ANOTHER "separate" business that will trade the tickets for cash? Is that real?


Omg the 90s
Didn't dislike the show but I found it a bit boring
>Also my understanding is that it's illegal to gamble for money in japan so you have to exchange your pachinko ball winnings for tickets which you then take to ANOTHER "separate" business that will trade the tickets for cash? Is that real?
Don't know it myself but it is my understanding as well
The gacha thing is also of the same nature
People love to gamble but irresponsible gambling can ruin your life, hence the prohibitions I guess


Yes but those other businesses are right outside or sometimes even attached to the pachinko parlour, so no one is fooling anyone.
You can also get prizes instead of tickets if you want.

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Who is stronger?


Jomon has the power, but Yayoi has the brains.




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Do you have some evidence to back those claims up?
But how, and why? Those claims need to be substanciated

More interestingly, if Yayoi originate from Korea, where does Jomon originate from?

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i'll be in 日本 for a few weeks, what are your favorite things to do and places to go in Japan? do you have any fun stories from your trips or daily life here?

i've been having a blast so far! i love the food and the atmosphere and everyone is very kind. pic related is the entrance to the Meiji shrine in Harajuku. Takeshita street was packed shoulder to shoulder which was not as fun but nonetheless an interesting experience.
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OP, do not miss out!


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I just returned from a trip!
Went to Tokyo and Kyoto, and some other places nearby. My Japanese definitely leveled up while I was there and I got to do a lot. I agree with the other roll, would definitely prefer countryside stuff to these big cities usually, but they have some wonderful things to offer too!

Went to the National Art Center Tokyo, which was doing a CLAMP exhibit. They had framed originals from manga where you could see the small marks from edits, the text cut out and glued on separate, etc. Gave a better impression of how their manga is made and overall just impressed me. Lots of people were taking pictures so I'm sure you can find good stuff if you search through Japanese twitter, if you're curious.

Went to Mt. Takao, which is usually an easy family-friendly walk, but I took a back way there which made it a proper nature hike. Takao is featured in Yama no Susume and it was great seeing the same things they showcase in the show.

Went to Tobu Zoo and saw the place Grape-kun once stood. Surprisingly there was still a bit of Kemofure merchandise in the gift shop, and even a bit of specific grape-kun stuff. Also lots of other cute animals of course! I never get sick of zoos.

I went with someone whos a big cooking nerd. We took a little cooking class, if any sushis visit me I'll make good tempura!
We also went to get some professional (and stylish) old fashion knives. I really enjoyed seeing the small family multi-generation blacksmith, they showed us their forge and were very hospitable. That was in Osaka, not exactly rural, but it definitely gave me a taste of an older lifestyle.

Aside from those particular things, I got to experience some good cultural things I hadn't yet. Internet cafes are very cozy, yukatas are wonderful in the summer, and of course- there was tons of wonderful sights and food. Saw monkeys, bamboo forests, shrines, even festival floats, all the nice Japanese things. For food, it was my first time having Hitsumabushi, first time having Torisashi, first time dumping matcha on random foods (thanks, Uji). Spent most of the trip exploring places and eating. And of course I bought lots of cute things, it was really great seeing cute 2d girl cut outs and posters so often.
My favorite part of the trip was a particular hidden place where it was very intimate with the chef/owner, he was surprised I even found the place. He made whatever he wanted, drank sake with us, chatted anPost too long. Click here to view the full text.


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Welcome back to the land of the free (hoping you're American as only americans are allowed epic trips to the Japan)!

>CLAMP exhibit. They had framed originals from manga where you could see the small marks from edits, the text cut out and glued on separate

Was there like different text from what was originally published? I can see them messing around and adding text that didn't make it to publication.

>Takao is featured in Yama no Susume and it was great seeing the same things they showcase in the show.

Should have gone for Mt. Fuji for the unique altitude sickness experience. Remember the more climbing experience you get the more likely you are of missing out on that!


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I don't know about the text, I doubt it though, I assume they were the final versions that got scanned. Unless there were last minute changes I think the text would be the same.
I will return to climb Fuji-san one day. I wonder how to train for dealing with altitude? just cardio?


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Spend a month in Bolivia's capital before going to Japan, and you'll be just fine.

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For the games, anime, girls, etc. of both old and new Pokemon.
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Lorelei <> Erika >> Misty > Sabrinna

You (and anyone really) can also comment on the aftermath of bigger events (quests, gyms) on what I could have done to save myself some trouble I might have gone through or even your own experiences during that part of your run.

And if anyone else is doing runs, I'd love to hear about them.
I'm grateful you guys are enjoying the read and encouraging me to post more, but it'd be nice if this thread didn't become all about my run.

>Torterra is the one you saw in the intro, you still have a little Turtwig!

Oh, okay. Torterra does sound too badass for a stage 1 pokemon, but he's learning razor leaf at Lvl13 so I don't know anymore. What happened to vine whip?

>Sinnoh is Hokkaido, interesting vocab!

Hokkaido… No wonder everyone is so tall!
I often bump into this region when I come across anything japan-related. I've become curious to visit it more than any other place in japan.


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Looks like my platinum adventure log killed the thread.



Nooooo, we love you Platinum-kun…



no particular order


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For me, nothing in video games will ever come close to the feeling of max comfiness I got while playing gen 4, gen 2, and Pikmin 2
Top tier games

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