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/otaku/ - Japan / Otaku / Anime

Japanese and Otaku Culture, Anime, and Outlying Samachan Topics

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Torpedo tits and creative tail use. I like her veil too, very sexy.
18 posts and 5 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


Cannot understand the appeal of centaurs


Thinking about it from a lewd perspective, there are some logistical problems aren't there?


They usually have the hole on the horse side so not really, you just have to be behind them every single time with no real way to change positions
I just don't see why it's appealing, lewd or otherwise. I guess if you're a military autist and saw the potential in having literally everyone be a horse archer by default, but even then.


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So in the end the dragon ended up being best girl as always: pretty coloring, strong as hell, cute voice, is capable on commanding an entire city, scratch that…she built it herself, what's there not to like? Or so I would say but the mares give her some really strong competition, particularly THAT scene. Harpy the worst, if we're going for something younger the fish is better no matter if Ho-oh is a thing or not, or at least that's my opinion.

Honestly expected a subpar Monmusu no Nichijou but ended up being something completely different, really like it, and Sapphee is a top cutie there's no denying that. A snake is fine too I guess.

That last picture is for you, that's their appeal.


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Ah yeah, and it was on a fluke that I discovered one of the horsies was voiced by M.A.O. Guess she has more range than I anticipated, yabai desu ne?

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This is gonna be good.


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I didn't care much for the centaur woman but the lamia is a treat.


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There is only one thread for this anime and if you are seeing a different thread then you are hallucinating. The OP of this thread would certainly not have made a new thread by mistake.


That IS a gorgeous waist for sure


Torpedo tits are not attractive



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Won't forget Mya-nee
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Is the anime/manga she comes from normalfag unfriendly? I was reading through Uzaki-chan but dropped it at the moment the protagonist comes up with a "friend" that is an absolute normalfag


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>normalfag unfriendly
I don't really know what you mean by this. I haven't read the manga but the anime is about a college aged girl who is infatuated with her little sister's elementary-school-aged friend. So uh, I'd say the premise alone is probably likely to make certain types of people balk. As for the characters, Mya-nee is certainly not a normal person, and the lolis are, well, lolis. It's definitely worth watching though, I think it's quite funny and even heartwarming too when it isn't doing the humor. Just don't go in expecting anything other than a comedy with some sweet moments.


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>I don't really know what you mean by this
That it doesn't remind you of how to live your life, which tends to be to the normal standards (ie: manga indirectly says "have sex or your life is boring").
I had enough happen to me to know that way of thinking is just a lie.


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That is a really specific example I don't think I've ever seen in anime. Usually the advice is something like "clean your room" or "be nice to people". In any case, you won't find that in this anime. At most, Mya-nee comes out of her shell of her own volition and for her own interests.


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So we finally reached the turning point, I wonder what will happen to Haru from here on.


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What are you doing Rikuo?


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Finally caught up with this one. I usually really don't like it when the beginning of a relationship is the "happy ending" of a romance story, but for some reason this ending felt very satisfying to me. Maybe it's because Rikuo's relationship with Shinako got played out and reached closure before he got together with Haru. Anyway, I enjoyed it.

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This is a takkyuu musume thread.
Please watch takkyuu musume.
If you have already watched takkyuu musume, please read takkyuu musume.
If you have already read takkyuu musume, please post in this thread.
Please post in this thread anyway.
7 posts and 3 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


I would become the leader of a small island nation and funnel the whole military budget towards funding shakunetsu takkyuu musume.


Why haven't you yet?


These things take time.


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Oh wow, I just finished re-watching this show the other day, What a coincidence to stumble into a thread.
Really wish there was more of the show, It's such a fun watch.


Someone post the webms.

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I made a thread similar to this on lainchan but I figured I'd post it here as well. Post instances you can find of anime being referenced or mentioned outside of Japan, pre-toonami!

Here's some cool shit I found!
The first time Cartoon Network aired anime! This was in 1995, a few years before toonami!

Full recordings of when the Sci-fi channel used to air anime back in the 90s, complete with commercials in between and the aesthetic VHS quality!

Some anime commercials from the 90s

And of course pic related


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Does this count?

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For those interested, I tried out using Samachan's theme here and it looks very much 1:1 as it originally appeared back on Samachan, as long as you have Yotsuba B selected and use this to override that.

To use Samachan's theme, copy and paste miko.css contents in User CSS in [Options] to the top right of the page, and make sure you select Yotsuba B in the General tab.
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Just tried it and it's really nice but I agree with >>50, it feels a sorta weird to use it


Yeah I get what you mean, I just thought of giving it a spin just to see if it looked as expected is all


No, but also yes because for some reason people start not only not adding budget to shows but paring budget back. CGfests is what I'm thinking of in particular.


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How can it be wrong when it feels so good?


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This is pretty neat. Someday I'll learn to write my own CSS themes. Someday…

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