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/otaku/ - Japan / Otaku / Anime

Japanese and Otaku Culture, Anime, and Outlying Samachan Topics

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 No.6517[Last 50 Posts]

Another thread at bump limit!

Stream starts every Saturday at 20:00 UTC (16:00 EST/13:00 PST) @ https://cytu.be/r/SushiStream

We usually watch one older show as a "main feature" as well as keep up with several currently airing shows as voted on by the community. We'd love for you to drop by!

Things we've watched before: https://pastebin.com/pgK1NFDJ


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Stream today! 20:00 UTC @ https://cytu.be/r/SushiStream (That's in about 2 hours!)

We're gonna start a new show today: Outlaw Star! I'm going in pretty blind but expect spaceships, lasers, and sexy brown alien girls. Hope to see you there!
We will of course also watch this week's Girls Band Cry and etc :>


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now with new emotes


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we're live!!!


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required emote


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Stream today! 20:00 UTC @ https://cytu.be/r/SushiStream (That's in about 2 hours and 20 minutes from this post!)

We'll continue Outlaw Star with episodes 05-08, then catch up on this week's seasonals with Shuumatsu Train, Girls Band Cry, Totokami, Yoru no Kurage, and that one sentai show

hope to see you there!


HEY where'd those emotes go they were nice…


live in 15 minutes!


apologies for the slight delay but we're live now!


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Stream today! 20:00 UTC @ https://cytu.be/r/SushiStream (That's in about 4 hours from this post!)

We'll continue Outlaw Star with episodes 09-12, then catch up on this week's seasonals.

hope to see you there!


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some sushis will also be watching alien 9 before the stream if anyone wants to join that for some saturday morning suffering


live in 30 minutes with some Sketchbook in the meantime to heal from Alien 9


live now!


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Stream today! 20:00 UTC @ https://cytu.be/r/SushiStream (That's in about 2 and a half hours from this post!)

We'll continue Outlaw Star with episodes 13-16, then catch up on this week's seasonals including some finales!

hope to see you there!


we're live get in here!!!


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Stream today! In one and a half hours from this post, that's 20:00 UTC @ https://cytu.be/r/SushiStream

It's the start of a new season so we'll be putting Outlaw Star on hold for a week and checking out the new season's offerings (to be voted on next week), as well as finishing off last seasons shows. Hope to see you there!


oh and if there's anything in particular from this season you want me to encode, now's your chance!


senpai wa otokonoko pls?


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Tokidoki Bosotto Roshiago de Dereru Tonari no Ārya-san please


got it!
this as well


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we're live!!!!


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it has been half a year since Sora no Woto streams… they were special for me and I will cherish the memory forever - thanks to everyone that participated :)


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We're still checking out seasonals this saturday, right? I suggest Tsue to Tsurugi no Wistoria. I think it would be a good fit for our stream. It tells a relatively fresh story from a novel perspective.


yea not everything had aired its first episode last week so we'll watch more this time


i made that screenshot :)


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Stream today! 20:00 UTC @ https://cytu.be/r/SushiStream as always

In the interest of time we're just gonna do seasonals again today, as there's too many shows that didn't air last week, but Outlaw Star will resume next week! Promise!


we're live!!!


Poll where


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Poll here!!!
Vote for which airing anime we'll follow along with this season



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I will break my non-voting streak because something must be done against this lingering evil.

I voted for:
>Bye Bye earth
Because it appeases a certain demographic. Totally political vote although the main chick is hot and that's good enough a reason I can be at peace with my conscience.

>Mayonaka Punch

If we're watching any FOTS that's about modern trends, it might as well be this. The chicks are pretty hot and lesbians also so the bad balances out the good.

>Giji Harem

Actually a novel concept and the chemistry between the characters is a joy to watch. Very interested in figuring out how (or if) they're gonna keep it fresh for 12 episodes.


Everything about it felt unique and there was a very summery feel to it

>Grendizer U

It's mecha, we gotta have mecha, specially if it involves mazinger somehow (strong traditional values vote)

Wish I could have also voted for Russiadere (KAWAII KAWAII KAWAII), Boku no tsuma wa kanjou ga nai (healing), Shikanoko (pleasantly surprised), Dungeon no naka no hito (so soothing) and Shinmai Ossan Boukensha (uplifting story of the decade) but there is an enemy at the gate that must be defeated no matter what. Yes. I speak of Make Heroine ga Oosugiru!. This is the self-aware herbivore anime of the season and its very presence will make the sushi rolls insipid. It's an INSULT that this anime is airing in the same season as Russiadere and Giji Harem, two actually compelling romance anime with unique concepts behind them. It CANNOT be part of the sushistream's rotation and NO PRICE IS TOO HIGH to prevent it.

I ask for EVERY sushi to JOIN ME in this CRUSADE against bad taste.

Also very weird that comments have been disabled in the polls recently. There used to be some rather interesting exchanges happening there that really helped paint a better picture of the sushistream demographic.


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Just saw the results and I want to extend a heartfelt handshake to the HEROES who voted for Tsui to Tsurugi no Wistoria (unique anime focusing on the perspective of the antagonist) and Shinmai Ossan Bouken-sha.

Also that I forgot about Tensui no Sakuna-hime and Na-Nare Hana-Nare, the cheerleader anime by the good people over at PA Works…


The AOTS has zero votes, again.


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no love for the quirky fotm


NOOOOOOOOO not fucking Wistoria oh well


kinda surprised no votes for Shoushimin Series
>Because it appeases a certain demographic
fans of somewhat generic fantasy with oversized weapons?


Bye Bye Earth is apparently based on a Novel from 2000, I'm kinda surprised the source is so old


Shoushimin seems like a show I'd enjoy on my own rather on stream. I'll definitely be following it.


>fans of somewhat generic fantasy with oversized weapons?



Just voted for Make Heroine thanks to this post


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I'm not sure which demographic you mean…


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Please understand you don't know what kind of dark forces you are trifling with PLEASE understand there is no going back also streamer-san absolutely hated that anime (said out loud) so there's no way it's gonna be on rotation so it's like a wasted vote if you think about it.


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Stream today! 20:00 UTC @ https://cytu.be/r/SushiStream

We're going to continue where we left off with Outlaw Star and watch the summer seasonals. Hope to see you there!


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Stream today! 20:00 UTC @ https://cytu.be/r/SushiStream (That's in about 1 hour from this post!)

As we close in on the finale of Outlaw Star I'll be breaking up the final six episodes into sets of three, so today we'll just be watching 21, 22, and 23. Next we'll continue our voted seasonal anime and after that who knows! Hope to see you there



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Stream today! 20:00 UTC @ https://cytu.be/r/SushiStream

It's the finale of Outlaw Star! We'll also be watching summer seasonals of course
See you there!


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The sushistream used to stand for something………………..


I used to run Japanophobia on F.S.G. in the late 2010s. I'm going to tune into Sushi Stream this Saturday if I can remember :3


streamer here, never mind I had the date wrong >_<


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Stream today! 20:00 UTC @ https://cytu.be/r/SushiStream (That's in about 3 hours from this post)

Seeing as I didn't actually plan on being here this weekend I've not actually got anything planned aside from the usual seasonals, but I don't wanna start another long series because NEXT week I won't be here for real. If any sushis want to recommend something like a movie or OVA that would make a good watch for a single stream lemme know, otherwise I'll find something fun
Hope you can make it!


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Since that means we're starting Gun Gale Online two weeks from now, we could start with something to set up the mood like "Bishoujo Senshi Sailor Moon R: Make Up! Sailor Senshi", "Bishoujo Senshi Sailor Moon SuperS Gaiden: Ami-chan no Hatsukoi" and finally "Bishoujo Senshi Sailor Moon SuperS Special (episode 2)".

Yes, I know. You're welcome.


ehhh I'd rather watch something more standalone


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Streamer here, I've decided let's watch Project A-Ko! It looks fun and has been recommended before.


we're live!


Hi sushis, streamer here

I'm on vacation and out of state this weekend, so no stream from me, sorry!

If anyone would like to stream something else in my absence (and keep up with our seasonals), please post it here! Otherwise I'll see you sushis next weekend for probably more A-ko cuz that was a lotta fun


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HELL YEAH finally Kinsou no Vermeil continuation, gun gale online and hyakka ryouran samurai girls specials, it's gonna be sex workers and blackjack on a makeheroine-FREE sushistream COMING THIS SATURDAY!


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Stream will occur as usual!

Baka streamer
Obviously one of us can fill in, no need to make such an announcement. We'll miss you though.


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Stream today! 20:00 UTC @ https://cytu.be/r/SushiStream
Today we're going to watch Omoide Poroporo!
Hope to see you there!


this cant be happening


Starting in 10 minutes!


My electricity went out during a thunderstorm in the middle of SushiStream. That's why I disappeared.


Also I really wanted to stay and watch more anime with y'all. This always seems to happen when I'm having the most fun.


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Stream today! 20:00 UTC @ https://cytu.be/r/SushiStream
As promised we'll be watching Project A-Ko part 2, hope to see you there!


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starting in 30 minutes!


do you guys ever watch movies or anime only?


we've watched a couple live action movies over the years, off the top of my head: Rashomon, Tetsuo the Iron Man, Woman in the Dunes, and Battles Without Honor or Humanity


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one of the users played Postman Blues recently, it was awesome


Hi sushis, streamer here

I'm not feeling well and am just not up to it, so no stream from me this weekend either, sorry
I'll feel better soon enough and hopefully see you all next week


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I'd like to speak to your MANAGER though!?




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This whole event has made me realize that, no matter how much we criticize Streamer's brutal dictatorship, we are nevertheless worthless without him. Truly, he is the Philosopher-King, the Son of Heaven, the blessed Fuhrer, without whom we find ourselves lost in the wilderness, blind to the error of our ways. Verily, without a Great Helmsman the people have nothing and a years of righteous tyranny is preferable to a single night of anarchy.


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I disagree! We managed to organize stream on the fly and watch two cool movies. The quality was so much higher than usual and the crowd even more exqusite.

We showed our strength and persistence, so I don't understand your fawning over the indisposed-kun.


are we going to be catching up on the seasonals next stream streamer-san?


Yeah I'm gonna have to disagree with this. Sorry. Its just not true.


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A stream was competently improvised in about 20 minutes based on compromising what the people in it at the time wanted to watch, with what was possible to find available online. Equating that with the usual streams is like comparing apples and oranges, which I don't believe is a productive conversation to have. It was fun and essentially that's what matters.


Its not about that though! Sure it was fun but less fun. That's not the issue here. What is? That we've been taking Streamer for granted. We mock his tyranny, disregard for his own rules, poor taste and penchant for pederasty but that night we realized we are nothing without him.


Would sushis be interested in a catch up stream this Thursday or Friday same time as the normal stream?


Yes friday do it :D


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Sure count me in


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Can't join on a Friday even though the episodes are real good.


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It's settled.
Stream tomorrow 20:00 UTC @ https://cytu.be/r/SushiStream
We're going to catch up on last week's seasonals
Hope to see you there!


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Starting in about an hour


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Stream today! 20:00 UTC @ https://cytu.be/r/SushiStream as always (that's in 1 hour from this post)

Today we'll be watching the final two Project A-Ko OVAs and continuing the seasonals we caught up on yesterday. See you there!


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Awesome spider dude


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Looks like SOMEONE doesn't know spider anatomy!


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That's a dung beetle on a tree stump dude


Stream status?


dead, gomen


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Improv stream!
We're watching the first three episodes of Break Blade and we're going to watch seasonals after (perhaps some Aria post-stream too?)
Get in here! https://cytu.be/r/SushiStream


(we already watched the first episode of Break Blade btw)


Streamer here, it's 30 minutes before I usually start and I just woke up after being sick all night so I'm calling it quits for today and probably for until next season starts or something
Have fun with Break Blade friends


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No worries
We hope we get to see you soon!

As for everyone else stream starts in about 15 minutes
We're watching the rest of Break Blade


What's on the menu this week?


Finishing seasonals and then watch next season's trailers


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call me when its time for trailers


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Stream today! 20:00 UTC @ https://cytu.be/r/SushiStream
We're just finishing seasonals today. Hope to see you there!


That's not how it usually goes, they get played along the stream most of the time. You'll have to be there for the entirety of it in order to watch the trailers.


We're starting trailers in ~20 minutes from this post


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these look cool!


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Stream today! 20:00 UTC @ https://cytu.be/r/SushiStream
We're going to watch Monday, a film directed by Sabu, finish ATRI and watch first episodes from seasonals
Hope to see you there


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Vote your preferred Fall seasonal anime to follow on stream here


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I don’t think menheras should be allowed to vote, but she probably picked Mahoutsukai, so I will allow it this one time.


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Stream today! 20:00 UTC @ https://cytu.be/r/SushiStream
We're going to start UN-GO, watch the voted seasonals and maybe check out ones that aired this week.
Hope to see you then!


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Second and final round of voting.
This includes the winners of the previous round and will determine the shows we'll follow for the rest of the season


I vote #1 Working!!!


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Friendship ended with Mahoutsukai. Now Acro Trip is my best friend.


I can't vote. I am morally opposed to voting.


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This was a very difficult vote because I liked most of these shows equally. I had to think about which ones gave me the most joy.


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Stream today! 20:00 UTC @ https://cytu.be/r/SushiStream

We're continuing UN-GO with episodes 4-6 and the seasonals that won the last poll.
Hope to see you then!


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do mighty stream caretakers take recommendations for off-season shows?


We do at times, although I think streamer-san might have already watched that one


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isn't streamer-dono dead


Awaiting reincarnation


streamer-san is dumb and smells and has new hobbies and doesn't like sushigirl anymore.


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that's not true! Sushi daisuki <3
I was just getting really stressed out trying to handle all the stuff the stream came to encompass, when it was originally just "once in a while let's watch a show together". Not that I don't love keeping up with seasonals and hanging out all night with you guys, I wouldn't trade group watching Akiba Maid War or Shishou Shippo or Bravern for anything. I'll return when I feel like it because that's when it will be the most fun, and until then I appreciate everyone keeping the tradition going in my absence


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Stream today! 20:00 UTC @ https://cytu.be/r/SushiStream

We're watching UN-GO episode 0 and 7 today + seasonals
Hope to see you then!

We love you streamer-dono! Feel free to drop by to say hi anytime <3


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loli inside ;)


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Stream today! 20:00 UTC @ https://cytu.be/r/SushiStream

We're watching the last 4 episodes of UN-GO and we're going to catch up completely on seasonals
Hope to see you then!


No halloween stream and now this? At least stream something horror related even if its just a short.


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Houkago Teibou Nisshi


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I would watch some CGDCT tbh.


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Due to US daylight savings, streams are now scheduled for 21 UTC
Tomorrow we're starting Vividred Operation

We usually follow on a CGDCT show during post-stream. This time we're watching Aria!

We've had a thread about that show! Feel free to check it out >>153


I won't forgive you for denying us a halloween horror stream!


The only thing denied here is service to non-attendants…


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Stream today! 21:00 UTC @ https://cytu.be/r/SushiStream (that's in about 5 hours from this post)

Today we're going to start Vividred Operation and follow along the usual seasonal programme.
Hope to see you then!




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Stream today! 21:00 UTC @ https://cytu.be/r/SushiStream (that's in about 5 hours from this post)

We'll watch Vividred Operation episodes 4-6 and seasonals
See you there!


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Stream today! 21:00 UTC @ https://cytu.be/r/SushiStream (that's in about 5 hours from this post)

We'll watch Vividred Operation episodes 7-9 and seasonals
See you there!


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Stream today! 21:00 UTC @ https://cytu.be/r/SushiStream

Today we're finishing Vividred Operation
Hope to see you there!


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Stream today! 21:00 UTC @ https://cytu.be/r/SushiStream (that's in about 7 hours and 20 minutes from this post)

Today we're watching Uma Musume: Pretty Derby - Beginning of a New Era
Hope to see you there!


i hope that my himes will soon be koi'd. Musou


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Stream today! 21:00 UTC (that's around 5 hours from this post) @ https://cytu.be/r/SushiStream
Today we're starting another comedy anime called Joshikousei no Mudazukai! We're also finishing Acro Trip
Hope to see you there!


I won't be able to watch the stream this Saturday. I have a Christmas party to attend ;_;


Traitor! Unforgivable!


I hope you get to have lots of fun there!


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Stream today! 21:00 UTC (that's around 8 hours from this post) @ https://cytu.be/r/SushiStream
We're continuing Joshimuda, seasonals, Koihime Musou (we started episode 1 last week) and Aria
Hope to see you then!


Don't be mad. Christmas is a busy season for sex workers like Daeda. Traps are in high demand. Gotta pay the bills somehow.


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Christmas stream in ~15 minutes from this post
I'm going to watch Ksushi roll, if anyone wants to watch along feel free to join!


Dang word filter!
We're watching K/a/non RIGHT NOW


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Stream today! 21:00 UTC (that's around 8 hours from this post) @ https://cytu.be/r/SushiStream
We're continuing Joshimuda episodes 7-9, and since we've finished seasonals we have more free space for other stuff, like Koihime Musou from episode 4 onwards, Aria and more!
Hope to see you then!


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Happy new year sushi!
New Year's stream today 21:00 UTC (around 14 hours from this post) @ https://cytu.be/r/SushiStream
Last year we watched Sora no Woto, so this year we're watching Sora no Woto done right, Haibane Renmei!
Hope to see you there!


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Aw nice I love Haibane! If any sushis have never seen it, please do come watch with us if you'd like, it's a great show!


( ゚ -゚) there is no good anime left in the world


I don't know, I'm enjoying catching up on my backlog
I just watched Edomae Elf for the new years and it was pretty good to be honest


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Thanks to Juuti and Onigiri for finding the original ED to the last episode!


I really liked this show. It was a masterpiece.

What a day of flight really is or what's beyond the wall isn't important. It has a loose theological pattern that you can read your own foolish beliefs into. If you are Buddhist or a Christian you'll see the specifics differently. Despite the visuals, I don't think its very Christian though. Reki and Rakka are sin bound because they despair, are self-loathing, and are afraid of loss which breeds suffering and there is the meat and potatoes. Liberation from attachment. Its funny because Nemu thinks God is very tolerant of mistakes and that's where Reki really messes up.

Still Abe should burn at the stake for recycling the same character designs.


I love that Rakka comes up with the part of God being "ever tolerant of mistakes" (and the haibane themselves being mistakes) because it shows how she thinks of herself even before she realizes her "sin"


True but Nemu already describes God's creation as an accident full of mistakes before Rakka finishes with her part of the story. I think this view of God is cute and wholesome. Like God is one of the kids just doodling away and trying to improvise his mistakes.
Its one of those anime where you read more depth into it than the creators intended but its nice and warm.


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Stream today! 21:00 UTC (that's about 2 and a half hours from this post) @ https://cytu.be/r/SushiStream
Today we're finishing Joshimuda and are checking out trailers of the new winter seasonals (and first episodes if any are out yet)
Hope to see you then!


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Turns out there's plenty seasonals out already
Tonight's seasonal setlist is:
- Medalist 01
- Ameku Takao ni Suiri Karte 01
- OKITSURA Fell in Love with an Okinawan Girl 01
- Bang Dream! Ave Mujica 01
- Momentary Lily 01
- NEET Kunoichi to Nazeka Dousei Hajimemashita 01
- Class no Daikirai na Joshi to Kekkon suru Koto ni Natta 01
- Grisaia - Phantom Trigger 01
- Sorairo Utility 01


Be prepared that Ameku Takao ends on a cliffhanger and the second episode is up already as well.


Nice, I have the 2nd episode encoded already


all slop btw


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First round of Winter 2025 seasonal anime poll for Sushistream is up!


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Stream today, 21:00 UTC (that's 4 and a half hours from this post) @ https://cytu.be/r/SushiStream
We're just going to be checking seasonals today and maybe continue Koihime Musou and Re:Zero S2
Hope to see you then!


I learned that this is going to be a thing: https://shirohiyo.com/ O_o

I guess we'll see the first episode this summer before Sushis probably vote it out lawl.


>Even Though I've Got Memories of a Previous Life as a White Pig Species, I'm Raising a Baby Chicken Brother
100:1 this is adapted from an LN based on the title alone.


It's a funny trend that emerged from a light novel website not having a place for a synopsis so some people started making the title the synopsis.


Second round of Winter 2025 seasonal anime poll for Sushistream is up!
The results of this poll will determine the shows we're going to follow this season


There is nothing worth watching this season. I am actually going insane. Let’s watch something old and gold. Please. Seasonal anime is a lost cause. I can’t take this anymore.


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I think you're on to something here, we should change the stream to a Cowboy Bebop stream where we only watch Cowboy Bebop every week, then when we finish it we restart at the beginning. That way we'll always be watching good anime. MAYBE we can run Outlaw Star, Trigun, and Samurai Champloo once a year for a little variety, but I'm concerned that they might not be gold enough.


Cowboy Bebop is trash


care to explain why?


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I wonder how many sushis haven't seen Bebop, it might actually be a fun stream. Assuming other rolls can contain their disdain for it that is


What >>7552 said but with Lain, Azumanga and Lucky Star


moe comedies yes!


We could just cease streaming?


I got an even better idea, we can queue up EVERYTHING that's airing this season, voteskip it all, then pat ourselves on the back for having superior taste and log off.


can we really say we have superior taste if we use the internet? maybe we should throw the PCs out of the window and go back to telling mukashibanashi around the family hearth?


streamer here I will definitely do a Nanoha marathon leading up to the new anime


You've opened my eyes. I'm unplugging my modem, powering down the PC, and spending next weekend downtown handing out flyers extolling the wonders of Mongolian cave paintings!


Sushistream should be a place for people to hang out. If you're enjoying the company you should be able to get some enjoyment even from bad shows, otherwise if you're here just for the shows and you are expecting masterpieces, then I'm afraid that watching them through the stream is only going to be a distract you from fully appreciating them and worsen your experience.
You don't have to force yourself to participate if you don't think there's anything in the stream worth staying for.


Without streamer we are nothing.

We should just commit suicide and be free from this fake conformist world and the normals spawn of yaldobaoth. The angry demon god of genital scar tissue +1 jar.

Half of the joy of sushi stream is not being able to watch any of the shows due to the sheer uncontrolled chaos unfolding in the chat. To truly enjoy this, we either need to watch great anime or bad anime or really terrible anime. Mediocre dull generic anime just doesn’t cut it.





so are we dropping everything and watching lucky star?


how about we watch "people react to Lucky Star" videos on Click Clock instead? It's important to support content creators after all!


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No jokes allowed


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Stream today! 21:00 UTC (around 7 hours and 22 minutes from this post) @ https://cytu.be/r/SushiStream
Today we're watching Blue Giant, hope to see you there!


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>Total votes: 3

Everybody too busy pottyposting and forgot to actually vote on stuff


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putting these together so they're easier to find


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all must get on stream to praise my impressive muscles and substantive male anatomy while I denigrate yuor favorite anime


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who is this


The most sane idol otaku you will ever meet.


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Stream today! 21:00 UTC (that's about 5 hours and 20 minutes from this post) @ https://cytu.be/r/SushiStream
Today we're starting Bannou Bunka Neko-Musume OVA, hope to see you there!


aka All-Purpose Cultural Catgirl Nuku Nuku, the story of the cat-brained androbot


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Stream today! 21:00 UTC (that's about 3 hours and 26 minutes) @ https://cytu.be/r/SushiStream
We're watching the last 3 episodes of the Nuku Nuku OVA, hope to see you there!


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Forgot to mention that today we also started watching the second Aria season!


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sushistream meetup (me on the top right)


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Stream today! 21:00 UTC (that's about 3 hours from this post) @ https://cytu.be/r/SushiStream
Tonight's stream we're starting Sora wo Miageru Shoujo no Hitomi ni Utsuru Sekai also known as Munto
We're also keeping up with the usual seasonals
Hope to see you there!


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this is great wwww


kusa posting is my thing, go back to guca with your "flens" grrrr!! >:(


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Special Valentine's stream tonight 21:00 UTC (about 4 hours from this post) over @ https://cytu.be/r/SushiStream !
We're going to watch Doukyuusei, Liz to Aoi Tori and Josee to Tora to Sakana-tachi
Hope to see you there!


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wwwwwwww maji ukeru wwwwwww yaba


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Stream today! 21:00 UTC (that's about 5 hours and 30 minutes from this post) @ https://cytu.be/r/SushiStream
We're continuing watching Munto episodes 4-6 and seasonals
Hope to see you there!


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My face when I found out there was a Valentine's Day stream that I missed.


…except you know, not as pretty or cute.


Most trans post ITT


false, its: >>6734


Impromptu bonus stream, come by!


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Stream today! 21:00 UTC (about 3 hours from this post) @ https://cytu.be/r/SushiStream
We're continuing watching Munto episodes 7-9 and seasonals
Hope to see you there!


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If only this had been the golf anime, stream would love it!


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Stream today! 21:00 UTC (that's about 9 hours and 30 minutes from this post) @ https://cytu.be/r/SushiStream
Tonight we're watching Cossette no Shouzou
Hope to see you there!


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I'll be streaming HxH on March 13th, at 20:00 UTC. Feel free to come sushis!



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Stream today! 21:00 UTC (that's about 6 hours and 30 minutes from this post) @ https://cytu.be/r/SushiStream
Tonight we're watching Kimi no Iro
Hope to see you there!


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more movie nights on sushistream!


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Stream today! 20:00 UTC (that's about 7 hours and 30 minutes from this post) due to US daylight savings @ https://cytu.be/r/SushiStream
Tonight we're starting Key the Metal Idol
Hope to see you there


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Man i'll have to grab screencaps from the next 4 eps of Key…


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HxH stream starting in 10 minutes! Feel free to come and join us!



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gomen for missing this one, keep it up you're doing good work though


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stream's ideal girl


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Stream today! 20:00 UTC (that's about 3 hours and 20 minutes from this post) @ https://cytu.be/r/SushiStream
We're watching more Key and the usual seasonals
Hope to see you there!


Can't wait to be there!!

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