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/otaku/ - Japan / Otaku / Anime

Japanese and Otaku Culture, Anime, and Outlying Samachan Topics

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 No.4806[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

I'm planning to host a weekly Raildex stream at:
Starting May 2nd 22:00 UTC (18:00 EST/15:00 PST) with Toaru Kagaku no Railgun.
Hope to see you there!
245 posts and 264 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


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Daylight savings. Stream is scheduled for 22:00 UTC, that's about 4 hours and 20 minutes from this post.


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Stream starts in 2 hours and 30 minutes


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Happy birthday Atsushi Abe!


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Bump limit reached
Any new stream announcements will be done in the new thread >>6208

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Namu amida butsu! Oh my Buddha!


I am so buying this website.


Recite your death haiku, sushiroll-san.


my only regret
born with a giant wee-wee
but i never scored

now tell me yours



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Fancy Miku




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If only I didn't have giant feet ;_;


the aroma…


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3x3 thread?
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because it's my favorite genre.


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significant 00s bias


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 No.5145[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Asano Yagura's exposure dollars HERE:

Don't forget the form at the end of the chapter!

Chapter 3 - outstanding compatibility


●Powerhouse schools clash in a blazing city tournament. (Koyori and her friends') Suzumegahara's first opponent, Mejirosaka middle school - what is the extent of their power!?

City tournament, group stage

Similarly to the district prelims, matches are arranged in 4 contests of singles and one contest of doubles play.
Post too long. Click here to view the full text.
263 posts and 185 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


That pic is just cruel…

>Seriously, even Ichimonji didn't end up like that.



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What did Asano mean by this?

Vol 1 and 2 are out soon


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Scorching Cave Bonk Girls


>Since Kuroba's RPB is her trump card, I'm assuming she went for her secret technique that made her win the match (the one we haven't seen yet, alluded in >>5777 )
RPB is not her trump card, it's her regular card. She uses it on opponents weak enough to have fun against, it's full of love and dokidoki.
Even her merciless and "dull" style of play, the reveal of which is being built up right now, is not her trump card as she's been using it in every match after chapter 0.
Her trump card is her "Driver of the South" playstyle that Mogami says she won't ever show (but narrative convention dictates that we WILL see it eventually, probably in the rematch after they both pass to the next stage of the competition)


New thread:

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Which Chinese bug waitress would you want to wait on you?
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They are so adorable!


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happy to report that one of my 'pods who lost her antenna has regrown it after a molt!


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>They are so adorable!
Thank you! I am new to keeping invertebrates but it's been really fun and interesting keeping these guys. I find them so fun to watch


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Fall season is near and there's plenty of shows I'm excited about!
What about you sushi?
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Nice ODEKO Catch!!


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Despite the graphic content, there's something kind of comforting about Goblin Slayer. Maybe it's okay if you can't be the hero. Maybe it's okay to just do a little bit at a time to make the world a better place.


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homu is going to waffle house at 3am! Wish her luck!


cheese inside a cheese melt inside a cheese melt

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yar har deedalee-dee


being a megu is alright to be!

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I like my women like I like my batteries.

AA and full of energy!
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"You safely dispose of them and get new batteries that are built from a more reliable source of course!", says MISAKA as MISAKA subtly tries to promote her own line of products


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Your flat chested lolis will become busty okasans one day.
Will you embrace her when that time comes?


not necessarily!
but if it were to happen, of course I would

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