I started reading this today the trashy premise it's actually pretty heartwarming and interesting. The relationship triangles/squares/whatever that are forming really make me want to know how everything will turn out. I like the art too.
>>100I just hope it ends with them getting to be together again against all odds, instead of the more likely ending of having the dad move on and get with the OL who is crushing on him.
>>275Holy cute, I like her.
>>275I just finished catching up to this, it was very good.
>>277I think the funny thing is that since we see the series from Ponko's point of view, she's clearly conscious. It starts begging the question of how ethical it is for people to 'decommission' her considering she passes the Turing test and also is a conscious being.
Reminds me of that one doujin series that ends with 'the happiest robot in the world' or something.
>>580I heard there's an anime so I'm definitely checking it out, then jump to the manga. It looks really damn promising.
I'm a volume into Gunsmith Cats Burst. So far it's been a let down compared to the original series, but not horrible. I just don't enjoy Bean's character and his constant ass pulls and plot armor.
>>640>>641Not him, but her hand has movement lines on, but the slide is fully forward. You never ride the slide home on an autoloading pistol, you can end up will all sorts of issues.
>>641 pic related is fairly accurate for a Beretta 92D, but looks inaccurate for a 92FS.
Finished Chio's School Road the other day, some of the later parts felt kinda rough but all in all I enjoyed it.
Currently getting back into Fist of the North Star, enjoy the manga much more than the anime, much more to the point. Just got through the part where Raoh and Toki have their faceoff.
Planning to switch it up with GTO which I haven't read since I was a teen, and that was just some one-off chapters in one of those manga mix mags I subscribed to a while.
>>619While we're nitpicking, there's this panel…
It's a dumb campy manga though, who cares. Girl also has no trigger discipline.
>>647I've never read Burst, or the original Gunsmith Cats for that matter, but I love the OVAs
> I just don't enjoy Bean's character and his constant ass pulls and plot armor.I thought he was great in Riding Bean in a silly sort of way, but I like the really stupid things like his
bulletproof headband. I gotta admit to liking Rally better though. I think I've read that Sonoda wanted Bean to be the focus of his series at first but ended up with the girls as main characters instead.
>>653This is really cool and I like it, thanks for sharing.
>>652I guess my gripe is that when most people get shot in the series, they tend to not get back up and are, at the very least, hurt enough to not really put up a fight. Rally's shooting and stuff isn't exactly realistic, but it's not super unbelievable and she still gets trumped by some of the villains. Bean just doesn't. It would be neat to see him pull his stuff out every so often, but even when his plot armor "breaks" he doesn't go down.
>I've never read Burst, or the original Gunsmith Cats for that matter, but I love the OVAsThen you should read the first series! If you can find it, read the official revised edition in english. The original version was completely mirrored (for left to right flow) and censored to appeal to the American market better. It has some really nice arcs and the art is fantastic. The OVAs are kind of spread out throughout the manga.
>>656That's definitely a fair gripe. Bean is pretty superhuman, and in a world where most people aren't (at least to that degree) it does feel odd.
>Then you should read the first series!Once I'm caught up to all the things I've picked up recently…
just finished rereading Jojo Part 4… I love the Josuke/Okuyasu friendship so much
>>275This is amazing
Mind reading is so fun when it's not being played for drama or perversion
>>708Whatever happened to the one in Bokuben anyway? I seem to remember she was the only one with even a chance against the two main girls, Sensei was by far the best girl but she has less than a snowball's chance in hell.
>>708Why are you in a hotel?
Gonna try to catch up to some of the manga I fell off from following. Namely the one in the OP because it totally slipped my mind.
>>714I was on a mini-vacation.
My favorite manga right now are Joshikousei no Mudazukai and Isyuzoku Joshi ni ○○ Suru Hanashi. Really funny stuff.
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>>747The dumb gag about her "barrier" made me smile.
Seems things are getting more serious in this case than the other ones though. I wonder if there is going to be some action next time judging by how this one ended.
>>724Dude post your mail.
>>751Keep in contact yuyu
No.792 do people have such shit taste and 3 out of the 6 winners are published by Jump, how is that fair?
>>792My top 3
1. Slow Loop
2. Ponko
3. Kimi wa Houkago Insomnia
1. Heterogeneous Linguistics
2. Kono Healer Mendokusai
3. Looking up to Magical Girls
Does anyone of any place to get manga raws?
>>792The fact that the author of takagi-san is somewhere in that list is proof enough this is more a matter of these polls being rigged to hell and back and less a problem of shit taste.
>>810>these polls being rigged to hell and back and less a problem of shit tasteWhat do you mean by this?
>>816Is Takagi-san not popular? It wouldn't surprise me if it was up near the top.
>>816>>817There is absolutely no way something as horrid as takagi-san is as popular as it's perceived to be. There's no way the manga publishing business is immune to backstage politics. I'd rather believe sales numbers can be faked to a degree and that these popularity polls are as legit as a weekly shounen jump's manga's popularity poll results, than accept the reality presented to me at face value. Call me crazy but it's my way to keep myself sane.
>>819Well Nisekoi exists so idk about that one
>>819Why do some people hate Takagi-san so much? I haven't read it in a few years but if it's still the same cute episodic gag manga I don't get it.
>>819To be honest i still don't understand why it wouldn't be popular, extremely repetitive episodic manga have been popular for such a long time.
What the fuck kissmanga is down
They're dropping like flies, what's going on?
Picked up kengan ashura, read up to ch35 and have been enjoying it so far. I like how they take scientific or real-world examples and stretch them to their limit of plausibility. Also like how the pro wrestler character is portrayed (at least so far).
>>880It's not really something too hard to comprehend
>What if we took someone clingy and cranked it up to eleven?There you have it
>>874That was pretty good. Any similar `shocking' doujins?
>>883The artist has also made a Kancolle themed one that I really liked because it involves Kiso being the cool thing she is, but I frankly don't know much, I just stumbled upon it.
I'd like some suggestions of this kind of material, I suppose sushi knows best
>>883Takotsuboya has a few doujin series like that. He's got an amazing way of turning existing series into something serious and gritty, with a little bit of smut sprinkled on top. Very good storytelling.
The ones I particularly liked are his K-On! and Girls und Panzer trilogies, but his most important work is Teitoku no Ketsudan, an epic (6 volumes and counting) retelling the story of the Japanese navy in WW2 through Kancolle.
Read them on the panda for the most updated versions.
>>888I love it when you can tell from the covers what a manga is all about and this definitely looks like seriously hot yuri ecchi. I'll give this a try.
>>888I tried reading this a while ago but I couldn't deal with the whiplash from it switching between that porno-looking style with fat shaded lips and the cutesy flat and simple style every panel.
Does anyone know the name of the manga where the main character is a girl working in a tulou. I think she worked as a food taster for some emperor or something.
>>1350There's a oneshot straight-up called Life in the Tulou but that's not about food tasting or emperors. I think you might be mixing it up with Kusuriya no Hitorigoto.
>>1352Yeah, I was looking for Kusuriya no Hitorigoto. Thank you.
>>1353It's an incredibly great manga. Wonder why you thought of a tulou though instead of the herbalist thing. Dunno how you even came across the word tulou.
Incidentally a new chapter was just released and an excellent one too.
>>1357Oh well maybe that would do it
I thought the oneshot was mostly interesting for its setting, which I suppose was probably what it was going for anyway so it's not a bad thing.
With that said, why long to be a eunuch? I can't remember any cool eunuches.
>>1363being close to mao > genitals
No.1414 single highest rated manga on mangadex and it's actually pretty good
>>1413Thank you for your enthusiasm comrade
Down with the global bourgeoisie
>>1415Varys was a loser, dunno what you're on about. His entire plan revolved around bringing some crazy dragon slut back just so she could burn everything down apparently
No.2191 is over. Last arc seemed a bit out of nowhere but the ending was nice and fluffy, if weirdly open-ended.
>>1761Disappointing as I quite liked Bokura no Hentai.
>>1761I tried reading this, couldn't get into it. The whole abuse secret society/scientist thing seemed gross to me instead of truly introspective or symbolic. It comes off as gratuitous and that's not a great thing when the subject matter is young girls navigating their abuse. It's not even particularly unique or intriguing. Maybe I just misunderstood what the author was going for, but… yeah.
No.2201's kicking up and as always the author's really good at making fucking horrors out of nothing
>>2208Admittedly I haven't read Kaguya, but that's surprising to see
>>2210It is a pretty good manga, specially now that it's fully translated. It had some pauses in translation and finished after years of no update so i lost a lot of information in the end.
Anyway i said that to tell you to read it continuously for the best experience.
>>2212>It had some pauses in translation and finished after years of no update so i lost a lot of information in the endAh yeah, the same thing happened to me with Oddman 11. I'll probably finish this one today or tomorrow so no worries there.
>>2217Do you care to actually name your objections? It's a rom-com about teenagers. Makes sense to me that they'd fuck, because that's what happens when teenagers actually get together.
Binged Yugami-kun ni wa Tomodachi ga Inai. Seriously one of the best manga I've ever read. Really funny stuff, it's hard not to get attached to the characters.
Having finally finished Oh! My Goddess I've been catching up on and finishing the big backlog of half read stuff.
I'm not sure where To You the Immortal is going but I can tell its going to end in some kind of tragedy.
Slow Motion wo Mou Ichido was great if you like Showa-era music, and the way they draw Yakushimaru really hits different.
>>2210Thanks for this one sushi roll, I checked out Voynich Hotel at the weekend and now reading Melancholia. Voynich Hotel hit a spot and now my heads gonna be in the clouds swimming with an ancient witch maid hotel all week.
Mangadex hacked and will be down for the next fortnight or so (estimated). It's batoto all over again.>>2251Nice, but will the anime do the monsters justice?
>>2300I really hope it comes back in the same capacity as before
It's all so tiresome…
>>2320I just don't know why people do this
Clearly they're not actually looking for money so…?
>>2300I've been told I'm silly and old fashioned for tracking down and downloading the release from the scanlators. People keep pouring all their eggs in the same basket, and it always fails after a while. With an RSS reader I can simply subscribe to whichever scanlator that's currently releasing the manga that I wish to read (or hoard).
>>2326This is super smart, I'm kicking myself for not doing this already now. Is there an easy way to find scanlators and where they upload their stuff? I feel like I'm missing something, because I always struggle with this.
>>2326Well it's not like I don't do that, but it's annoying because sometimes I really don't feel like downloading 5000 images for one manga. Sure it's easily sorted, but that doesn't make it less cumbersome - especially if I'm only reading it once. Once I have it downloaded I don't feel like deleting it, but then again the hell am I supposed to do with it otherwise?
>>2327mangaupdates sometimes have links to the scanlators websites. If they don't, you can often find it by searching their names on google.
>>2329Thank you! mangaupdates seems like it's exactly what I was looking for
>>2329>>2330Note that on the scanlation pages in mangaupdates there's no link to their websites, only social media.
For the links you have to search their names in the search bar and then, on the results, next to their names will be their websites.
There's also this list:>>2328Are you saying it's cumbersome to download the manga or that it's annoying to organize them?
If it's the former there are multiple ways to make it easier like Tachiyomi, Free Manga Downloader (FMD) (the fmd-project-team fork), HDoujin Downloader, mangadex-dl (there's multiple forks), gallery-dl, hakuneko and manga-py
>>2331It's just that I'm for some reason just psychologically opposed to having something on my hard drive that I'm unlikely to use much
I dunno man it's probably just the fact that manga is 4000 separate pictures while an anime of the same length is feasibly 40
Mangadex update, they need 2-3 more weeks
It's never going to come up again
>>2332Please don't store manga as image files. Zip them up, change the extension to .cbz, then use a reader. Boom, your 5,000 image folder is now 20 files. I'm honestly astonished that stuff like Tachiyomi doesn't do this automatically for each chapter.
If you are on Windows, CDisplayEX has a thumbnailer so you can see the covers in explorer. I prefer using Yacreader because it doesn't need to load the whole cbz to let you read (I keep everything on a NAS), but I keep CDisplayEX around for the thumbnails.
>>2739It's just giving me connection reset error, isn't it just a server issue? Or did they say they were shutting down?
>>2724The best thing that could come out of this is people learning to stop putting all their eggs in one basket. Setting up a website isn't hard and if you just want to post your group's projects, simple HTML works perfectly fine. No need for accounts, fancy web readers, IP logging, or anything.
The readers now have the tools at their disposal to setup their own one-stop-shop, like Tachiyomi.
>>2747It's hard to not have a frown for everything these days
>>2747Lol braindead what the fuck
100% guarenteed the people who run that thing are pedos
Also isn't Saucenao different from iqdb? I know they use essentially the same engine.
>>2749>Also isn't Saucenao different from iqdb?Yeah but the bot does the same thing on both and so if IQDBmin doesn't respond fast enough, their host gets all these terrifying messages about CSAM and with no response they just shut it down.
>>2750I suppose yeah
Does IDQB not have any outward-facing communication? I'd have expected some sort of communication about this but a quick google search returned nothing.
I guess if their literal only way of communicating was on the site itself they'd be fucked.
>>2751I mean shut down and the admin went poof so I wouldn't be surprised if IQDB admin did the same. Maybe one day both of them will turn up again but that is too unlikely. Like
>>2740 said, everything is collapsing.
>>2758> shut downAm I living under a rock
Since when
>>2767Since last month iirc.
Mangadex is sort of back up! They brought up some of the new api and the Tachiyomi extension works with it now. New content can't be uploaded, but you can read and download stuff again.
Mangadex update, the API's been mostly finished so I think the site will be back soon
>>2809>the Tachiyomi extension works with it now.Do I have to set it up? The extension still doesn't work on my end
>>2758>>2740Well it's back up now, though without an explanation on the page itself
With that being said, desuchan and aurorachan are down now, though I haven't checked either in a month or so. Wonder if they're down or just having server problems.
>>2835I decided to read it since you posted about it. I've seen the hoodie girl posted around the internet a lot too.
I agree that she's a bit much. Though I'm most amazed at how realistic the mangaka got at depicting crazy. I could easily imagine somebody like her existing in real life.
The little bro is great though.
>>2813You used to have to login via webview in Tachiyomi to get the site cookie. If you weren't logged in before, you probably can't get in until they fix everything.
>>2881sushi roll, that anticlimax is literally the whole point. It's a joke.
>>2882Is the author supposed to be f*cking with the audience then?
>>2881I liked Fire Punch because it's dumb fun.
The plot makes no sense and characters get killed off so quickly they don't even matter. (Like the naked underwear guy…? Huh…?) I can't even remember the main plot points besides: Agni eats himself, Agni gets lit on fire, Agni has a thing for his sister, Agni gets lit on fire, and then the end. I wouldn't read it for something to mentally chew on and the same goes for Chainsawman. The plot for Chainsawman is
more cohesive, but it still heavily meanders.There's probably a whole layer of satire and irony I'm missing, but I more or less got the same interpretation as you.
>>2895What are your thoughts about the anime? Did they really make a 20 pages story into a full episode?
>>2897 I didn't watch the entire anime, but that's definitely the same feeling i got from it. Trying to put in big reveals and deep thoughts, but never committing enough for them to have any emotional weight.
>>2895It's pretty close to being that Majo no Tabitabi show a few seasons ago. All the actual philosophy is pretty deep, I think, or at least the questions raised are certainly deep; the problem comes down to the fact that the medium like you said close to prohibits actually engaging with it. The LN is technically a bit better about it, but both of them would've been better as collections of actual prose short stories or a non–chonological novel.
>>2895I do actually feel quite similar about the anime version, but the aesthetic and atmosphere of the show still makes me enjoy it a lot despite the shallow philosophy
No.2914 is back
But holy balls is it ugly as sin
>>2914I think it *looks* fine, but it seems to be a bit broken right now. They were really pushing back on the frontend so that doesn't surprise me. It'll take some more time.
>>2916Yeah it looks like everyone is stuck on the mobile UI for now because the desktop UI isn't done
>>2997I haven't been following the latest chapters at all but I picked it up ages ago too.
I think the main thing is that at the time there was just too much fucking saturation of isekai, most of it low level bottom of the barrel trash, so anything with even a hint of creativity ends up looking like absolute genius. Look at Overlord, it's pretty much the exact same thing as any isekai except 1. the dude is a skeleton and kind of unrepentant Evil without being an edgy asshole and 2. he's got all his high-level friends with him instead of needing to find them. It's not good once you really start reading it, but it's better and that's all you really care about after a certain point.
I finally got around to reading Wolf Guy / 狼の紋章, the image the old meme picture from the NTR scale comes from.
It came out in 2007 which is actually around when I guessed it probably came out (2007-2012), less because of the artstyle and more because of the excessive grimdark that seems to be the hallmark of anything that came out around that time. I don't really mind the grittiness; the manga heavily features the yakuza and insane gangsters so stuff like drugs or whatnot seems par for the course, like Holyland, a 2000 manga. The main issue I had with it is the gratuitous amount of sex and rape. It almost reminds me of Game of Thrones, the TV series not the books; the books were always poorly conceived gibberish, but the TV shows took it a step further by pathologically removing as much fantasy from the world as possible in an attempt to be dark.
With that being said I think the basic premise of the manga is fine. Excessively violent outcomes aside it does a fairly good job at actually developing its characters in some way, though not all in good directions. Also, the author's artstyle and some of the dialogue, while certainly meant to be dark, intimidating, or enlightening, is impossible to take seriously just because of how he draws it - see the image.
All in all I'd still recommend the series, though it probably isn't for everyone.
>>2950I like it. It's more of a fantasy story than a straight-up isekai for me. Although I feel like the dark tones that made it interesting at first have been lacking in recent chapters. Not that I think edginess for edginess' sake is good…
>>3117I think it was never particularly dark? No more than e.g. FFXIV is a dark game. It's got a miserable backstory but the actual storyline wasn't particularly out of the ordinary. It's
grotesque but it isn't
dark, if you know what I mean? The
zombie brother under the fire was horrifying but the message was mostly upbeat.
>>3134>>3134Yeah maybe dark isn't the right word… But do feel like recent chapters have been too fluffy. I guess that was always an element of the story, but I miss the more serious vibe of decline that it had initially.
>>3143Was Bard Loen that one where he
and the princess/queen loved each other but she married someone else and he was too late to even see her when she died? No.3405
>>3402There's a danke release up to volume 11 on madokami, you can probably find them on nyaa.
>>3405Oh sweet, you've made my morning. Not sure why I didn't think to check either of those places.
Finished reading Yesterday Wo Uttate. Can recommend, it resonated with me.
Next up is 3-gatsu no Lion. I've watched the first season of the Anime back when it aired, haven't been keeping up with it since then.
Where do I read manga from now that MangaDex is gone?
>>3437mangadex still exists. The new site kinda sucks but it works
I read the Alien 9 manga, and really liked it! I think the OVA is better overall, especially in terms of pacing and certain scenes having MUCH more emotional impact in the OVA. However, it was great to see more of the characters I love, and the direction they went with the overarching story was interesting, as it's only ever teased at in the OVA. This series has a really cool (and quite dark) tone and aesthetic to it that is definitely shown off a lot in the later chapters of the manga. The alien designs, body horror, and action scenes are really striking in how unique and gory they are. That, along with the focus on the girls mental states, personalities, and upbringings really makes me empathize with these characters. I was consistently rooting for them the whole time, especially as things looked increasingly grim.
I also appreciate how invested I was able to get into the setting. It kept the lore dumps concise, but vague and interesting enough to make you want to keep reading. I never felt like I had to go out of my way to keep up my suspension of disbelief towards what is ultimately a very strange setting, and I think a lot of that is due to how little is explained. It keeps the focus on the girls, the changes and struggles they go through, and the aliens themselves.
I haven't read Emulators or Next yet, but will probably do so in the coming days.
>>3681Having slept on it I have a couple other, more spoiler related things to say:
I was slightly disappointed initially in how fast they cleared up
Kumi's death and resurrection. I felt like there was a lot of room there to explore Yuri and Kasumi's reaction to it that they never get into beyond just one or two panels. This kind of thing is what I mean when I say the manga is paced oddly at times. However the way in which
she comes back was more than interesting enough for me not to mind in the long run, and she actually became my favorite character after that arc. The stuff with her
struggling to cope with her new body and her desire to protect Yuri from the same fate was really interesting and emotional.
The themes of puberty and growing up and sexual stuff is less prevalent in this manga as compared to the OVA. It's there (at least to my eyes), but it feels like the idea is less pushed. It makes me wonder if the OVA staff saw that and decided to focus more on it. For example, in the OVA there is a dream sequence with
Yuri's stomach expanding into a borg while standing in front of a ruler to measure her growth. To me that reads as very blatant pregnancy or puberty-themed imagery. But this scene and probably others are absent from the manga. The manga does have some pretty serious plot points about
how drastically the girls bodies and feelings change though so I'd hesitate to say that my 2deep4u interpretation is only relegated to the OVA.
I found it interesting how the
teachers, who were initially framed as evil or nefarious, are revealed to be basically just as powerless as anyone else in being pawns to the aliens. They're just trying to make the best of the way the world works in this universe, which brings the interesting question of if
what they're doing to the girls is "right" or not. When the alternative is the
sunflower aliens, it seems very obviously like the lesser of two evils, but even so it's a very grim conclusion.
>>3822I've always preferred shorter anime and manga, they feel more impactful if they're done right.
>>3825I think it's more that a lot of the shorter shows are clearly more well-planned and since they're kept "tight" the mangaka is free to execute his vision.
>>3878Have you read Yokohama kaidashi kikou or kabu no isaki? Ykk is set in a comfy post apocalypse.
>>3879I've read some chapters of the first one, but I don't think it's what I'm looking for.
I think what I like the most about certain works of fiction and, even the real world, is the sense of journey someone can get. It's why I liked those previous manga I mentioned so much. It's also why I fantasize a lot about the idea of getting a motorbike and travelling all across the world as well.
I just read girls last tour and went on to read shimeji simulation… they are both really good! I'm super excited for more shimeji to come out now.
I think I'm going to read alien9 next.
>>3909So far I like yuri's gooey melty eyes they're so cute, but I'm kinda anxious about how much I identify with her.
>>3911Have you watched the OVA?
The series deals a lot with (very minor content spoilers:)
trauma on Yuri's part and there is some body horror stuff so fair warning No.3921
>>3912Well, I can sum up my thoughts on alien9:
kumi wants to merge with yuri lulzNo, actually, I feel like either about around the time the OVA ends the story started to make less sense to me. Like, the reveal of the broader world was good, but then the progression from that point in terms of what the characters were actually doing and what their motivations were… kinda lost me. I'll probably go back and read it again sometime and maybe be able to follow it a bit better. Though I do feel like being unable to follow it kinda works given the story being told.
I thought the concept of
their memories being in some way absorbed into the borg was really interesting and like either they should have done more with that, or they did do more with that and it flew over my head.
>>3682>fast they cleared up…I agree, but I feel like they couldn't have done it slower without having some extra explanation. Like, the superviser
is screwing with them to be sure, but for them to not find out about
weird gross cell gel healing until later would require some explanation. Like
"Hey your friend is actually fine, I can just heal her using alien magic bullshit, but I didn't tell you right away because reasons"… unless the supervisor didn't know
she could be healed so easily but I think that would have weird implications for the state of her knowledge and the rest of the world.
Really having read it I'm still fascinated with the world. It would be cool to read more stories set there, but as for the plot… I'm not sure exactly what I make of it. Maybe I'll comment again after dwelling on it some more.
I've been getting into reading manga more regularly, so far I caught up on shimeji simulation which was amazing, and i read kira kira study which was decent but the ending felt rushed and unsatisfying, then i started reading chotto ippai!, but then it got a little too melodrama heavy so i stopped reading it. Then i randomly started reading Onii-chan is done for, which i wasn't expecting to like but it's actually quite good fun. If anyone has any recomendations for good slice of life cgdct manga (for context on my taste my favourite anime are hidamari sketch and gochiusa and sketchbook) i would greatly appreciate it. I always thought reading manga is too much effort but it's actually quite calming. And i can read on the train or something that is nice.
>>3925>Then i randomly started reading Onii-chan is done for, which i wasn't expecting to like but it's actually quite good fun.good taste. did you know it's getting an anime adaptation?! I was really happy and surprised
>>3926I did not know that! I did not expect it to get an adaptation. It sure has some cute girls in it.
I really enjoy reading manga and I need to get back into it. I was reading the Wadanohara manga and it was pretty fun
>>3925I read shimeji simulation after I read all of girls last tour and needed more girls last tour and it fulfilled all of my hopes and more.
>>3892Oh I see. Kabu no isaki has more focus on travel. They fly an airplane in a world that is mysteriously 100 times larger than ours, so Mount Fuji, which they visit, actually goes up into space. They are making trips out to explore and trade. They are returning home though, not wandering without a home like in girls last tour.
Have you tried mushishi?
>>3981I've only seen the show, but if you vibe with it the comf levels are off the charts. I think I'll give the manga a go sometime.
I'm currently reading CITY! Starting with the second volume today.
>>3991how does it compare to Nichijou?
>>3995So far it's very similar. Fair to say that if you liked Nichijou you will also like city.
>>3997Oh, I guess only hitoshi ashinano's chapter of Mushishi Gaitanshuu got translated. It was pretty cool. Now I really have read all of hitoshi ashinano's work I think.
>>888I've been reading this recently, and it's honestly incredible the way they manage such a huge cast of characters and their various arcs. I love how the stories start to overlap too and you can see the vignettes take place alongside each other and how the interactions in one influence other ones.
It's surprisingly well written for something that started off as a cheesecake sort of "look at these girls messing around" kind of manga.
>>4029I love how they draw the lips, very sexy
>>4030Yeah, you don't see lips like that in anime/manga very often, they usually just blend into the mouth
>>4031And the noses too! I wish more anime girls had those
The artist knows how to draw very attractive girls :>
>>4132The manga gets so good later on, also thank you sharing the video, i needed it lol.
>>4149Ah… Uh… Oh, I know, right?! Isn't shimeji simulation awesome?
>>4219nice, I've never really lived in that kind of "downtown city" area
>>4242Mangadex isn’t the problem.
You’re reading the work of multiple translations or scanlation groups.
It’s because the original group didn’t finish or didn’t upload. Mangadex is trying to make your life easier. Your other option is to download directly from the groups.
Been reading Asper Girl, Shiori Experience, and Area 51, rather unfortunately Area 51's translation is incomplete and doesn't seem to have any active TL effort going on, seeing as the last translated chapter seems to have been done over a year ago. Pretty unfortunate, it's got some of my favorite art in any manga I've ever read with its use of stark black and white tones and how its pages often use only the silhouette or shadows of a character to show them. The mangaka's a master of this style.
>>2210Douman's one of my favorite mangaka, all of his stuff has this wonderfully unique feeling to it and his art style is up there as one of my favorites.
>>7024shame those guys never learned to duck
pretty sure someone recommended me yume tsukai lately. that one op image where she gets… disassembled? is so cool
>>7024ImoSae is pretty trashy but it's passably fun if you just accept it for what it is, which is trashy comedy based almost entirely around sex jokes. How did you like it in the end, did you drop it?
>>7296I caught up to it. Seems the english tl is still quite behind, though it still gets infrequent releases. Unfortunate considering I was hoping to see more of the romance aspect develop. As-it it just felt like a refresher of what happened in the anime.
>>99I ended up reading all of this in 2 days, it was really good.
I've been watching the Manhwa called "Survive as a Barbarian in the Game". The premise is simple and overused. A guy gets sucked into a video game and now must survive. It makes itself interesting by making the game world extra dangerous, has different "players", but no one knows whose a player, has players getting killed off for being found out as "players", etc. The MC has a disability/illness, but is literally regular in all other cases. He had a GF and was about to get a job. All that info's from the first few chapters, so no major spoilers.
I liked the Manhwa because it wasn't like a copypaste of other ideas, the art is really good, and it has its own little charm (being from Korea). The MC's a bit lucky with drops, but I think that's okay since it skips the grinding part out of it. Otherwise, the man's been pretty unlucky so far.
Definitely take a look at this one if you're interested. It's not too annoying in the story, and there's a lot I can forgive. It never becomes too unbelievable.
No.7516 of the best manga I've read recently, really cool twists, great paneling, cute characters with nice development even though the arcs are never particularly long. It's monthly but every chapter's like 60 pages long.
Shocking it hasn't gained any traction really, the Vinland Saga author recommended it but I dunno why it seems it has no momentum, it doesn't even get ranked. It's somehow got an official English translation though, so it must be making some kind of money.
>>7516Can confirm, that's a good one.