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frieren season 2 has been announced


nice did they ever get out of the chuunin exams tournament thing in the first season?


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they sure did


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Yeah they did and the show immediately got better the moment it ended. The tournament arc was the weakest point in the manga too in my opinion but it was at least an expedient way to introduce a bunch of characters in one place that can be used later on in the story. A bunch of very very cute characters.


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This anime would greatly improve in quality if the focus switches to following the journeys of all the first-class mages (or whatever rank it is they got) through the north lands and getting to hear about Frieren's party by second-hand accounts, each of these guys eventually crossing paths with the group. The "tournament arc" may have been weak by everyone else's estimation and it made every other class (because as much as they try to disguise it, this is still a by-the-numbers RPG anime) seem worthless, but Frieren and her apprentice turn everything in a ten mile radius into a boring slog. Introducing so many interesting characters was the godsend that carried this show for the better part of its second cour. It really needs to rid itself of the nihilistic apathetic stink and a shift in characters would be a good way to kickstart a shift in tone. Then once everyone forgets Frieren has no emotions and her apprentice has negative charisma, the atmosphere around the main party can be attuned to the new normal and the warrior's antics will finally land, just in time to start the journey to the northernmost point of the map, where they can't possibly run across any of the other first-class mages anymore (unless there's a new demon king and they all band together to take him out).


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Wow I should have read this before posting, it sounds like I hated everything about the show…


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Do you read the manga? If that's the kind of thing you want you'll probably like the chapters that come after where the anime ends. Or I guess just the second season since it's a pretty close adaptation so far.


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i love freiren!!


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pleasantly excited

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