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Japanese and Otaku Culture, Anime, and Outlying Samachan Topics

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Hibike! Euphonium is beautiful and S02E05 is best thing I experienced in my whole adventure with anime.
I can not find adequate words to describe the cruelty KyoAni encountered.
15 posts and 12 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


My genuine appreciation was immediately rewarded with a pool episode! Thank you, universe.


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I am devastated; I couldn’t remember a single note from the final performance. It hurt me terribly that Kumiko didn’t play the soli. And while it’s wonderful what career she chose, it can’t compensate for the bitterness. If there was a resolution, it wasn't meant for me.


I slept it off, gave it some more thought… I am so upset I could die.


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What are your hobbies besides browsing the web? What do you spend your spare time with?

Mine are
- cooking
- playing the guitar / making music
- drawing
- home gardening
- gaming
- sorting and tagging images
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cute flag, looks like a cat


Do which? Make a language or make a flag? Either way, it will require a few attempts to get it right!




Start with a concept then work towards the details.


I like androids. Alive or otherwise.

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Can I get a recommendation for an anime or manga that includes plenty of lolis, shotas too if possible, is absolutely overflowing with fanservice, is unimaginably fucked up, trauma, gore, etc, and ideally has vibrant and complex world-building.

I've already seen made in abyss, elfen lied, and a certain series.

the loli fanservice part is nonnegotiable I want absolutely gratuitous fanservice.
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I think they mean a certain index/railgun.


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Doku doku mori mori


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any more recs?


>loli fanservice
that's a rare pokemon tbqh
that's also pretty rare just by itself

with your demands you could just start looking up loli ecchi anime and then dismiss whatever you seem unfit
you would be done in no time i think
there have been good recommendations in the thread
if you don't need loli ecchi but just loli-themed anime, you could try mitsuboshi colors
vividred operation would be more ecchi but neither are particularly fucked up


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Dennou Coil and Gunslinger GIrls might be up your alley. I haven't watched them yet, but what I've seen so far at least partly fits your description.

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whats the best place online to buy licensed merch?

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To not clutter the OP thread with unrelated stuff, I make a new thread to clutter the /otaku/ board!
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absolutely crushed


I love this so much


Seeing this again as summer hits feels exquisite.

Absolute classic. Honestly, I can't watch stein's gate without thinking about this.


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Check it out guys I found a tutorial on how to perform the kuzu ryuu sen from the hit anime Rurouni Kenshin (1996).

Next anime con I'm guaranteed to SCORE


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You forgot sex voice 1.
I put up with one season of tate no yuusha because of this sexy mature lady.

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good anime


and good game! what you like about it?

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Mushroom girls!
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I own the first one they did. She's the only figure I own that isn't based on an existing character.
It came with a cute booklet with illustrated assembly instructions and mushroom information.

The two little mushroom figures next to her are unrelated mushroom figures, but they fit nicely.

Ended up passing on this one, even though it was tempting.
Now she is tempting me too!

I'd have to get them all.


Wow! Very cute! I like the bonus mushrooms with her.


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the other mushroom girl


is it too late to buy them? I love this one especially


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The image you replied to sold in December of last year, so you are a tad late and you likely won't be able to get her for retail. But the second hand market exists. There is a preowned one on amiami for a little under double the retail price.

The black one in the initial post releases in November, but most preorders are sold out. If you want her you can probably pay attention to store fronts around when she releases to see if they get any extra stock. Same story for the attached image, preorder sold out on most stores. But this one releases in January 2025.

It's a set of figures I really love the appearance of, but I don't own any of them myself.

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Showing Wednesday 9:30 p.m. CST at AMC Northpark 15 in Dallas, TX!
Anyone nearby interested in seeing Koyomi Vamp?
See review if you’re not familiar with the Monogatari series.

Again, AMC Northpark 15 in Dallas! One day only! The cost is ≈$18, and runtime is 2 hrs 24 mins (184 mins). Only comfy sushi guys, gals, and anybody in between are welcome. Preorder tickets or get them there, be respectful, and know the code word: Seisatsu!
See you there!


Not from Dallas, so can't come unfortunately. But I heard this is fairly similar to the original Kizu trilogy with content cut out? Though it must be nice to view it in a theater.


Yes, there’s some content cut, and some content added, helping the compiled trilogy appeal to a greater audience. It’s Monogatari regardless, but I’d also like to say I saw this in a theater.


PSA to comfy sushi folk nearby Dallas: About a day remains to get tickets! Order online here https://www.fandango.com/kizumonogatari-koyomi-vamp-2024-237358/movie-overview

In theaters one day only. Be there!


One hour left!

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 No.6230[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Anything caught your eye sushi?
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Tensei Shitara Dai Nana Ouji Datta no de, Kimamani Majutsu o Kiwamemasu


It's Tensei shitara dainana ouji dattanode, kimamani majutsu wo kiwamemasu. It's a local isekai (not to be confused with native isekai), which is enough to earn the ire of 9 in 10 saturday anime streamers. But once I saw the OP I knew there was something more to this anime than what first appeared (confirmed by the ED) and once again I was right and vindicated as usual.

Do NOT let her appearance deceive you, she's a huge exhibitionist dork.

>also why did that lady stab her thigh



Okay now what the heck is a local isekai


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i want to be isekai'd onto nina's lap


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i still do not know what is a local isekai…

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The world of Pachinko/Slots is vast and complex. Does sushi have any rolls who play pachislot?


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Oh I played a GTO one once that kept going into a QTE game where I had to jump Onizuka's motorcycle but I never got it
I can't read japanese so I really had no idea what I was doing but it was fun and the pachinko balls have a satisfying sound
Pic maybe related but I don't remember what it looked like exactly


Also my understanding is that it's illegal to gamble for money in japan so you have to exchange your pachinko ball winnings for tickets which you then take to ANOTHER "separate" business that will trade the tickets for cash? Is that real?


Omg the 90s
Didn't dislike the show but I found it a bit boring
>Also my understanding is that it's illegal to gamble for money in japan so you have to exchange your pachinko ball winnings for tickets which you then take to ANOTHER "separate" business that will trade the tickets for cash? Is that real?
Don't know it myself but it is my understanding as well
The gacha thing is also of the same nature
People love to gamble but irresponsible gambling can ruin your life, hence the prohibitions I guess


Yes but those other businesses are right outside or sometimes even attached to the pachinko parlour, so no one is fooling anyone.
You can also get prizes instead of tickets if you want.

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